Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: John Hollins to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 14 April 1820


John Hollins to Arthur S. Brockenbrough

Baltimore 14th April 1820


Mr Raggi delivered me this forenoon your favor of the 7th Inst, & have agreeably to your request, put him in the way to get his property from the Custom house.—

The remittance of ten dollars inclosed in your said letter is in full as ⅌ my statement of the 3d Septem last

I have lost no time in my enquiries respectg the letter addressed to Mr Thos Purking or Perkins, & flatter myself it will be found among the dead letters at the Genl Post Office, where I will this day write to make enquiry—it is recollected by one of the clerks in our Post offce, as he thinks franked by Mr Jefferson, but no person coud be found who claimed it, nor do I know of any who is likely to be the one, the letter was intended for, perhaps he lives in Boston—   the Dft however has not been paid by the Union Bank, & I have requested the Presidt & Cashier not to pay it until they hear again from me, in case it shd be presented.

In a few days it is probable you may hear from me again in the mean time believe me very respectfy

Yr obd St

Jno Hollins

RC (ViU: PP); between dateline and salutation: “Mr A: S: Brockenbrough”; endorsed by Brockenbrough, in part: “pd <July 5.> Augt 7. 1820 $10.”

Index Entries

  • Baltimore, Md.; banks in search
  • Baltimore, Md.; customhouse search
  • banks; in Baltimore search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; letters to, from J. Hollins search
  • Hollins, John; and stonecutters search
  • Hollins, John; letters from, to A. S. Brockenbrough search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; franking privilege search
  • Perkins, Thomas; correspondence of search
  • Raggi, Mr.; visits Baltimore customhouse search
  • Union Bank (Baltimore) search