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Results 146881-146910 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I could never be a day without thinking of you, were it only for my daily labors at the Polygraph for which I am indebted to you. it is indeed an excellent one, and after 12. or 14. years of hard service it has failed in nothing except the spiral springs of silver wire which suspend the pen-frame. these are all but disabled, and my fingers are too clumsy to venture to rectify them, were they...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to enclose for the information of the President a Letter of the 26th of Feby from our Bankers at Amsterdam which came to hand yesterday. LB , DLC:GW . In a letter to Hamilton of 26 Feb. 1793, the Dutch banking firm of Willink, Van Staphorst & Hubbard declined issuing a new loan to the United States, due to the recent French invasion of the...
I believe I have recieved no letter from you since I came from Monticello, but perhaps there is one on the road for me. hope is so much pleasanter than despair, that I always prefer looking into futurity through her glass. I send you some poetical gleanings. our newspapers have been rather barren in that ware for some time past. whether the muses have been taking a nap, or our news writers...
146884[February 1771] (Washington Papers)
Feby. 1st. At the Mill in the forenoon and afternoon. Doctr. Rumney came here before Dinner & stayd all Night. 2. At the Mill and where my People was at Work on the Race in the forenoon & afternoon. Mr. Rutherford & Price Posey came here in the Evening. Robert Rutherford (1728–1803) was a prominent landowner and burgess from Frederick County. During the French and Indian War he had served for...
This morning your favor of the 18th inst came to hand under cover from Genl J. Huntington at N London to whom it had been sent through a mistake—Inclosed you will find a plan for dividing this state into two districts & subdividing them into ten smaller ones & fixing on a plan for a rendezvous in each district—I have endeavored that each district should be as compact as possible, having...
26 yards of Dutch bed tick 2 Gray muffs and tippets 2 Bundles of english pins 2 sets of House Brushes 1 doz. of blew and white china tea cups and sausers half a doz. pint china Bowls half a doz. diaper table cloths 2, 5 Ells wide 2 four 2 three. one Scotch carpet 4 yards square or 6 Ells. half a doz. white gauze handerchifs the same size that the black were NB an Ell in Holland is but 3...
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 1 Aug. 1761. On 30 Oct. Fairfax wrote to GW : “Your favors of the . . . 27th of July and first of Augt came very safe to hand.”
The Secretary of State having received from the Secretary of the territory of the US. South of the Ohio a report of the proceedings of that government from Sep. 1. 1792. to the 16th. of Feb. 1793. Reports to the President of the US. That they do not contain any thing necessary for him to act on: unless, as it is suggested by Mr. Smith, it should be necessary to lay before Congress the act of...
AL : American Philosophical Society I recd last night your kind Note of July 7. with the inclosed. The principal kind thing is, that you will write in your humane way to the Pens. Govt. to take effectual Care to protect & save the Remainder of those unhappy People. These poor Indians were indeed most unlucky, they had been torn with violence & Plunder from those Habitations by the Indians...
In the Globe of the 23 July you will see that Mr. Erskine has been appointed to succeed Mr. Merry. As this notice is extracted from the London Gazette, no more doubt remains of Lord Selkirk having declined it. Respecting Jones’ case at New York the draft I have made proceeds upon a doctrine laid down in Jenkins in many places and repeated by Woodeson, that the Renvoy of offenders, except when...
By the post which arrivd from the Northward yesterday I had the honour to receive under Cover to myself the Letter I now do Myself the pleasure to inclose to you. As we have been for a Considerable time Without a post to or from the Southward I have preferred Sending this Letter to Mount Airy to be forwarded by any Conveyance that May offer from that place by a private hand and if none at...
I mentioned to you that I had been amusing myself in translating the Dialogue of Plato. I now send you the first sheet and shall continue to send one every week until I have completed the first—You will find it miserably done but your father says the sense is preserved and that is all that is necessary as I do not pique myself upon my translating powers—You I know can study them to more...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, September 21, 1778: I received yours of –– [August 31], and will answer on my return to Nantes where I have left the relevant papers. I have a very fine ship ready to sail immediately and will gladly take two or three hundred tons of the public goods now at Nantes. Since I am unfamiliar with the terms and conditions of shipment, write me your...
The two enclosed papers N. 1 & 2; written in New York, prove that the recent peace and the concomitant state of things are made from the Moment, subservient to antirepublican purposes by the leading influence among the federalists. They glance, significantly, at Louisiana & Florida. The ideas suggested in regard to the change of the owners of those countries have received from one source a...
Je vous fais bien des remercimens pour votre bonté en me faisant part de la déclaration du nommé Jean Schmit. J’y trouve pourtant une preuve assez [sûre] que cette personne n’est pas des etats-unis. Il se dit natif de Baltimore en Virginie . C’est comme si on se [nommait] natif de Paris en Espagne. La ville de Baltimore est en Maryland, et je le crois impossible qu’un natif put ignorer le nom...
Your Excellencys Letters of the 3d & 8th are received. The was gone on by my Directions, before the you gave me that of the 3d. It would seem there has been some capital neglect, or Miscarriage in the transmission of the Act of Congress of the 12th of May—I never had the least Intimation of it, until the 7th instant, when I received it from the War Office—Baron Steuben is furnished with my...
I am much indebted for the trouble you have been so good as to take in informing me of the arrival of the 2. cases of wine from mr Appleton , and I now inclose the amount of duties stated in your letter at 16. D 50 c in bank paper, such as I understand to be passable at Baltimore . and I return my thanks to m r Kalhenon for the his voluntary care of these things the value of which is in it’s...
I have the honor to transmit to you by Doctr. Bullus a copy of my correspondence with Mr Canning on the subject which was committed to my care by your letter of the 6th. July last. You will find by it that the pressure which has been made on this Government, in obedience to the instructions contained in that letter, has terminated in a decision to send a Minister to the U States, to adjust the...
I had—the honor to address myself to your Excellency under the 4th instant Since which your Letter of the 5th has reachd me. the exceeding heavy Snows had Stoppd up the roads in Such a manner as renderd it absolutely impossible for the 2d Regt to move on to Colchester or the 4th to Leave Walingford, untill the 14th inst. when they got as far as Durham. I expect them in from thence at this...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] March 11, 1779 . Returns Galvan’s plan of instruction for infantry. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Galvan was a captain of the First South Carolina Regiment.
M r Raggi delivered me this forenoon your favor of the 7 th Ins t , & have agreeably to your request, put him in the way to get his property from the Custom house .— The remittance of ten dollars inclosed in your said letter is in full as ⅌ my statement of the 3 d Septem last I have lost no time in my enquiries respect g the letter addressed to M r Tho
1469025th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Wolff’s and to Mr. Rimbert’s in the afternoon to carry letters to be sent to Holland. Mr. D. went after dinner to take a walk. Cloudy weather. In addition to his own letter of the 4th to his father, JQA probably carried Dana’s to JA of the same date ( Adams Papers ).
I am always unhappy, when by an Act of mine, I make others unhappy—but when I am conscious that it does not result from Design, or any Impropriety in my Conduct, I am consoled—I have ever esteemed you as a Gentleman, & an officer—I have ever held a disposition to oblige you, on every thing I could do with propriety. In proof of it, when I found you was uneasy at not being appointed to the...
Though not Known to you except by a letter from D r Mitchill of N. York which I enclosed to you five or six years since & to which I received a friendly answer, I take the liberty of asking your attention for a few moments to a Subject with which I am at present occupied. In an introductory lecture which I recently delivered at the opening of the Medical School in this city, I attempted to...
The enclosed abstract was founded on returns actually received in the office of the Adjutant General. From subsequent letters it appears that many recruits have been enlisted since the date of those returns. With the Highest respect I have the honor to be Sir your obt Set LS , DLC:GW ; Df , DLC : Hamilton Papers. Hamilton wrote GW again from Trenton on 17 Oct. before returning to New York on...
David Stone asks leave to present to Mr Jefferson the two enclosed Letters and to observe of the Writers that James Read was formerly Collector of the port of Wilmington North Carolina and removed by Mr Adams He was afterwards appointed a Col in the Army, for the Regiment raised in North Carolina. John Sibley is a Physician (of some respectability) he formerly lived, and edited a paper , at...
I was so much fatigued from my journey that I found it impossible to write by Whitcomb he will tell you how very much the poor baby suffered and I hope it will be an inducement for you to come and fetch us as I really feel that George will be almost too great a charge for me alone he has quite recovered his fatigue and looks as well as ever the meeting with my friends was almost too much for...
Letter not found: from Joshua Lewis, 3 Aug. 1757. On 4 Aug. 1757 GW wrote to Lewis: “I received yours of the 3d instant.”
M r Randolph has communicated to me your propositions of compromise which he committed to writing from memory. to some of these I accede, to some I cannot. 1. I consent to your retaining the open grounds between Shadwell & the road you described for 2. years. 2. to your having the crop of wheat you have sown in the belted lands. 3. to your tending in tob o this year the other belted lands...
Memorandum for Dr. Bache to communicate to mr Duane The post which branches off from Fredericksburg, & [carries the mail to] the counties of Louisa, Culpeper, Madison, Orange, Albemarle, [Bedford] & [Camp]bell leaves Fredericksburg Tuesday morning. Since the change of the establishment which brings the mail [from] Philadelphia to Fredericksburg in three days, the Phila[delphia] papers of...