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Results 14651-14700 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Received of Lot Hall, Esq. A Packet Certified by the Electors of Vermont to contain a List of their Votes for President and Vice President of the United States Catalog--RAAB Collection.
The inclosed letter from Mr Taylor one of the Senators from Virginia, as it contains Information which may become useful to the Agriculture of the Northern Parts of America I request the favour of you to communicate it to the American Accademy of Arts and Sciences. I am Sir with great / and Sincere Esteem, your most / obedient Servant MBAt : American Academy of Arts and Letters Collection.
I give you joy of the Season; and I sincerely congratulate you and our dear Country in the support of Government and the plans that have been pursuing for the honor and political Œconomy of it, witnessed by the late Election, not only of the President and Vice President, but of the Representatives and Senators of Congress. A few Persons may make the presses groan and sweat,—may dispense much...
Having imparted to our mutual Friends Messrs: W. & J. Willink of Amsterdam, my wish to procure the Appointment of American Consul at this Port, they very politely presented me with the enclosed Introduction, & recommendation to your Excellency, for that purpose, the Necessity of the Appointment, I make no doubt is well known to your Excellency, as well as the general Advantage and Conveniency,...
J’ai recu la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire, Le 8 du mois dernier, en réponse à la mienne du mois Précédent. Les objets dont je m’occupe, Sont liés à L’intéret public, et n’en Seront que plus dignes de fixer votre attention. J’espere me rendre à Philadelphie, La Semaine prochaine. Ma premiere affaire Sera de Vous présenter mon respect, aussitot que j’y Serai arrivé. Ensuite,...
The bearer of this Letter, Mr. D’Hauteval, is a french Gentleman from the Island of St. Domingo, where he had lately the misfortune to lose a plantation of great value, by the devastation of the insurgent negroes. He has been about two months in this town, where I have frequently had the pleasure of meeting him in Company, and where his amiable manners have entitled him to as much esteem, ás...
In obedience to the order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to submit to the Senate, a message of the Cornplanter, and New Arrow, to Major General Wayne of the 8th ultimo—The Subject of indian affairs being under the consideration of Congres, the President has conceived it proper, that they should be possessed of the message now submitted. I have the honor to be, / Sir, /...
I thought I had contracted with Mr. Frederick Bull to take my Horses & send them on to N York from your Stables where I expected to hear of their arrival in three or four days, and at an expense of four or five Dollars, or at most of seven or eight, for this was the amount of the conversation between him & Mr. Briesler who attended me. You may easily immagine, then, how much I was surprised,...
I thought I had agreed with you at Hartford that you would take my Horses from r David Bulls and send them on to N. York where I expected to hear of thier arrival in three or four days, and at an expence of four or five dollars, or at the utmost of seven or eight for this was the amount of the conversation between you and Mr. Buisler who attended me. You may judge then how much I was surprized...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, persuant to the order of the Senate, of yesterday, the following documents—viz Books, No 1 and 2 , containing the current Cash Account between the United States and the Bank of the United States from the commencement of the operations of that Institution until this day. Files A, B, C, D A containing a series of accounts beginning the 16th of June 1792 and...
The Memorial of the Officers in behalf of themselves and the Non–Commissioned Officers and Privates of the late Army of the United States now Residents in South Carolina,— Sheweth Your Memorialists happy in seeing their Country possessed of Peace, and flourishing under a respectable Constitution, presume to come forward and to lay before your Honorable House, such of their Grievances as can...
I have the honor respectfully to submit to the Senate, a report on the petition of Lewis Garanger I am Sir, / with great respect, / Your most obedt: Servt: DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
It is with particular Satisfaction that, in a Obedience to the Orders of the American Philosophical Society established at Philadelphia for promoting usefull Knowledge, We announce your Election to that Body, on the 18th Inst. Your Certificate of Membership will be presented as soon as it is can be compleated, in the mean time We hope to have the pleasure of seeing you at their meetings as...
I have received the Letter you did me the honour to write me on the twenty Second of this month and I pray you to present to the American Philosophical Society established at Philadelphia for promoting Useful Knowledge, my Thanks for the honour they have done me, by my Election into that Body on the Eighteenth instant. My best acknowledgements are also due to you, Gentlemen for the polite and...
An order of yesterday from the House of Representatives renders it necessary that I should have recourse to the Treasurers Bank Books and the Accounts of the several Offices of Discount and Deposit which were lately transmitted to the Senate. I request that the Senate will be pleased to cause them to be returned. After the purpose has been answered they will be sent again to the Senate for...
I having the honour to be personally acquainted With your Excellency precludes the neccessaty of troubling you With a letter of introduction from a particular Friend here therefore begs leave to take the liberty of requesting your good intervention on the subject of a Memorial of my Brother Robt, rescited this past to his Excelly Thomas Jefferson soliciting the American Consulship for the port...
I transmit you a copy of a Political rarity—which a very few men were degenerate enough to send for a day dedicated to the celebration of the progress of Liberty. You who are a Lawyer & Statesman, will make those comments in your own thoughts, which may perhaps awake a care for the liberty of the press—the honor of law, and safety of the citizen. As it came from a party, at first I intended to...
I have it, at length, in my Power to inform you that I have received the two Copies of your admirable Picture of The Death of The Earl of Chatham. The Copy designed for the President of the United States I had the honour to deliver to him in Person, who requested me to make you his Compliments and present you his Thanks for your obliging Attention. Soon afterwards he desired me to transmit you...
Mr. Gerry presents his respectful compliments to the President of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Massachusetts & incloses him a letter from Mr. Carmichael Chargé des Affairs at the Court of Madrid, part of which was by him intended to be communicated to the Academy. MHi : Adams Papers.
Are you acquainted with the natural History of Mother Careys Chickens ? I know not the Latin Name of these chattering Birds, having never consulted the Dictionaire D’Histoire naturelle, nor Buffon nor Tournefort for information concerning this important Subject: but as a Mariner I have had frequent Occasion to curse the rascally Species of Mischief makers. In the calmest Moments at Sea, they...
I beg leave to congratulate you on your reelection as Vice President of the United States; and to ask your acceptance of a specimen of a monthly publication in wch you will find that your name & those of other American worthies are in future to be inscribed on a map of the Globe Yesterday we had an Academy meeting When Mr Fisher Ames & Dr Barton were chosen members—I enclose to you a...
Vous trouverez sans doute surprenant que sans V ous connaitre & sans avoir l’honneur d’être connu de V ous, je me hazarde à mettre Votre complaisance à l’épreuve, en Vous priant de Vouloir bien me rendre un service. Ce service sans doute très faible relativement au peu qu’il en coutera à Vos talens, pourrait, je le Crains, vous causer quelqu’embarras, puis qu’il Vous dérobera quelques momens...
By order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to transmit herewith... I. Copies of a power given by him to the Secretary of the Treasury for the time being dated the 28th of August 1790, for the negotiation of the loans authorized by the laws of the 4th and 12th of August 1790 and of certain instructions relative thereto dated on the same day. II. Copies of an authority...
In pursuance of the first part of the order of the Senate of the 23d of January past, I have the honor to send herewith Sundry Statements marked A, AB, B, a, D, E, F, and I beg the permission of the Senate to add the Copy of a letter dated yesterday; which served to transmit duplicates of the same documents of the House of Representatives; and which contains some explanation of them; a...
You, who are acquainted with mÿ character, cannot favour the opinion, that I should have forgotten, the different and conspicuous marks of favour friendship and confidence, bestowed upon me since manÿ years, or be indifferent about it, how inconsiderable the sentiments of a forgotten farmer should seem to anÿ other man in your elevated station. I know, your Excellency is it not, and it is upon...
I have the honor to transmit herewith in further pursuance of the order of the Senate of the 23rd January past, three several statements marked A. B. C— A being a general account of Revenue and appropriation; exhibiting on one side all the Income of the United States, except from the proceeds of Loans foreign & domestic; to the end of the year 1792, on the other the respective amounts of all...
As there are few circumstances in life, which tend more forcibly to awaken the feelings of a divident mind, than an application for publick favours, it is with great reluctance I have prevaild on myself, so far, to trespass on your goodness, as to make the following representation, & request;—Henry Dearborn Esqr. the present Marshal for the district of Maine being now elected into Congress, and...
I have received your kind Letter of January 31, and thank you for your obliging Congratulations, as well as for the monthly Publication. Will you do me the favor of having my name Subscribed and the Magazine Sent to Quincy regularly as it comes out? I am no doubt obliged to Capt. Ingraham, and I Suppose also to Mr Barrel, my old Friend for the Compliment. The Time has been when such a feather...
I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of sundry communications lately made to the House of Representatives, containing further information on subjects which appear to have been objects of inquiry before the Senate. I add the copy of the Treasurer’s last quarterly account heretofore omitted. With perfect respect / I have the honor to be Sir / Your most Obedient / & humble St DNA : RG...
I am ashamed when I look at the date of your last letter but knowing how much you are engaged & the little entertainment I can avoid you by detailing the publick occurrences wch you have by the Frence papers, many of which are very good being wrote by men of the first talents who do not scorn to instruct & inform their fellow citizens , knowing that truth is always productive of good. but a...
The bearer of ths letter is the reverend Mr Toulmyn of Devonshire a worthy dissenting minister & an excellent and good man & of abilities loved & esteemed by his congregation in so much that many of them accompany him, in this banishment from his country, from attachment and regard to his principles & upright conduct. his Situation is render’d disagreeable inconvient & dangerous from the...
The Petition of the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia and of the Trustees of the Loganian Library Respectfully Sheweth That annual importations of Books are necessary for the use of the respective institutions committed to their care which by the present revenue Laws of the United States are subject to the same Duties as those imported for sale. That whatever promotes the...
Mr. Chew requests the Honor of Mr. The Vice Presdt. of the United States his Company to Dinner on Tuesday the 19th of February the at 4—o’clock. Apology. The favor of an answer is desired. MHi : Adams Papers.
The Secretary for the Department of War to whom were referred the petitions hereinafter enumerated, with instructions to examine the same, and report his opinion thereon. Respectfully reports, That from the evidence produced, it appears that Thomas Faulkner, Edward Faulkner and Simeon Chester, are refuges from the province of British Nova Scotia; & that Joseph Grein, Prisque Trepagine,...
Previous to my departure from Baltimore for this place, I address’d a few lines to you at Philada. but learn’d afterwards that you had not then come forward from the Eastward. From the knowledge I had acquired from the commerce of this Country during the late War, I was fully perswaded that a commercial intercourse, to a much greater extent than has been carried on since the peace, might have...
Such is the situation of this country, that I fear I shall be too troublesome in recommending to your notice dissenters that are disposed to emigrate and settle on your continent. This letter will be delivered to you by two young men of good character, and fine spirit, the sons of Mr. G. Humphreys, a fellow sufferer with me in the Riot in Birmingham. Many men will also find it necessary to...
In pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, bearing date the 19th day of this instant, we lay before them a copy of the journal of our Board, and a statement of the purchases made since our last report to Congress. We have the honor, sir, to be, your most obedient servants, internal address: “To the Speaker of the House of Representatives .” Printed Source--American State...
You will easily believe that none of your Friends rejoice more heartily than myself, in the Decided Majority, which has secured your Re-election. In spite of calumny, art & intrigue, you have the firm support of Ten States. I congratulate you on the event, but still more congratulate my Country. For nothing can be more favorable to our future prospects than to find, that one of the firmest...
I have the honor to transmit herewith at as early a period, as the possession of the necessary returns, have enabled me, sundry statements of the salaries, fees, emoluments, &c of persons holding civil offices under the United States, pursuant to an order of the Senate of the 7th of May last, and to be / with perfect Respect / & Esteem, / Sir / Your Obedt Servt DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S....
The Secy for the Dept of War, to whom was referred the resolution of the legislature of Massachusetts, on the Petition of Chas Knowles & others, late regimental pay masters & agents of the State’s quota of the Continental army Respectfully Reports, That the report hereunto annexed, was made the 25 day of May 1790, upon the application of some of the petitioners. But it now appears that it is...
I have the honor to transmit to you a return of the Exports of the United States for one Year ending on the 30th: day of September 1792, exhibiting the Quantity of the various Articles thereof exported to the home dominions, and to the Colonial Dominions of all the foreign Nations with whom the United States have commercial intercourse.— I have the honor to be, / With perfect Respect, / Sir— /...
Réferant Votre Excellce. á mes deux précedentes Lettres, écrites depuis ici, (le 10e. Decbre. 1791. par le Capite. Rose, de Georgetown; avec incluse au Génl. Washington; et le 15e. Fevrr. 1792. par la Chloé du Cape. Strang, sous le Couvert de Jn. Churchman, Geographe de Philadelphie;) et qui, j’espére, Vous seront parvenües en leur Tems: Je prends la Liberté de Vous addresser celleci par son...
The inclosed memoir has received no other publicity than a reading before the Philosophical Society and a few Copies I had Struck off for particular distribution: I shall think myself honoured by your acceptance of one Copy. Permit me also to avail myself of your Influence with the Academy of Arts and Sciences and Humane Society in Boston, to make one acceptable to each of these Institutions,...
je n’eusse pas attendu jusqu’à ce moment pour Vous remercier du service que Vous avez eu la bonté de me rendre, si je n’en eusse été empêché par les peines & les embarras que m’a occasionné une fluxion de poitrine dont ma femme est attaquée depuis quelques jours. je saisis le premier instant de tranquillité pour m’acquitter d’un devoir aussi pressant. recevez donc mes remercimens. je Vous les...
I have recd your favour of the 19th. of October 1792 informing me that my Number 1026 is entitled to the Premium of one Thousand Guilders. This Sum, together with the amount of all the Coupons inclosed I pray you to ship for me by the first good vessel for Boston, to the address of the Honorable Cotton Tufts Esqr of Weymouth near Boston, either in Spanish or Portugal Gold or in Spanish milled...
In consequence of the information I received from you on the first Wednesday in January that the list of votes for President & Vice President were received at the seat of government from all the states except that of Kentucky, I sent a special messenger to the District judge of Kentucky for the list of the votes of that state lodged in his custody, and by the return of the messenger received...
I received the letter you did me the honour to write me last summer, with your projects of a Natural History of Sheep, and a Survey of Scotland. You could not have made a wiser choice. The natural history of that animal, so useful to man, must be very useful as well as very curious: and a detail of particulars relative to your native country, must be interesting to all, but especially to the...
Permit me once more to ask your friendship on so probable a prospect of success, as I think I now have.—Genl. Dearborn is chosen a Representative to Congress from the District of Maine. The Office of Marshall of consequence becomes vacant. I should like to fill the Office; and I think the President would willingly nominate me, if he should think of me. Your friendship therefore in the case...
Vice President United States to Benjamin Russel, Dr. L.s.d. To the Columbian Centinel, from March 10, 1793 to 1. Jany. 1794 two Setts 1-0-8 Received Payment, MHi : Adams Papers.
Mr Adams’s regards to Mr Trumbull and asks the favour of his Company to Spend the Evening at Mr David Bulls. As Mr A. must go out in the Morning with the stage he cannot have any other opportunity of seeing Mr Trumbull and he should long regret the necessity of passing through Hartford without it. NjP : DeCoppet Collection.