Results 14651-14700 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Received of Lot Hall, Esq. A Packet Certified by the Electors of Vermont to contain a List of...
The inclosed letter from Mr Taylor one of the Senators from Virginia, as it contains Information...
I give you joy of the Season; and I sincerely congratulate you and our dear Country in the...
Having imparted to our mutual Friends Messrs: W. & J. Willink of Amsterdam, my wish to procure...
J’ai recu la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire, Le 8 du mois dernier, en réponse...
The bearer of this Letter, Mr. D’Hauteval, is a french Gentleman from the Island of St. Domingo,...
In obedience to the order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to submit to...
I thought I had contracted with Mr. Frederick Bull to take my Horses & send them on to N York...
I thought I had agreed with you at Hartford that you would take my Horses from r David Bulls and...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, persuant to the order of the Senate, of yesterday, the...
The Memorial of the Officers in behalf of themselves and the Non–Commissioned Officers and...
I have the honor respectfully to submit to the Senate, a report on the petition of Lewis Garanger...
It is with particular Satisfaction that, in a Obedience to the Orders of the American...
I have received the Letter you did me the honour to write me on the twenty Second of this month...
An order of yesterday from the House of Representatives renders it necessary that I should have...
I having the honour to be personally acquainted With your Excellency precludes the neccessaty of...
I transmit you a copy of a Political rarity—which a very few men were degenerate enough to send...
I have it, at length, in my Power to inform you that I have received the two Copies of your...
Mr. Gerry presents his respectful compliments to the President of the Academy of Arts and...
Are you acquainted with the natural History of Mother Careys Chickens ? I know not the Latin Name...
I beg leave to congratulate you on your reelection as Vice President of the United States; and to...
Vous trouverez sans doute surprenant que sans V ous connaitre & sans avoir l’honneur d’être connu...
By order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to transmit herewith... I....
In pursuance of the first part of the order of the Senate of the 23d of January past, I have the...
You, who are acquainted with mÿ character, cannot favour the opinion, that I should have...
I have the honor to transmit herewith in further pursuance of the order of the Senate of the 23rd...
As there are few circumstances in life, which tend more forcibly to awaken the feelings of a...
I have received your kind Letter of January 31, and thank you for your obliging Congratulations,...
I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of sundry communications lately made to the House of...
I am ashamed when I look at the date of your last letter but knowing how much you are engaged &...
The bearer of ths letter is the reverend Mr Toulmyn of Devonshire a worthy dissenting minister &...
The Petition of the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia and of the Trustees of the...
Mr. Chew requests the Honor of Mr. The Vice Presdt. of the United States his Company to Dinner on...
The Secretary for the Department of War to whom were referred the petitions hereinafter...
Previous to my departure from Baltimore for this place, I address’d a few lines to you at...
Such is the situation of this country, that I fear I shall be too troublesome in recommending to...
In pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, bearing date the 19th day of this...
You will easily believe that none of your Friends rejoice more heartily than myself, in the...
I have the honor to transmit herewith at as early a period, as the possession of the necessary...
The Secy for the Dept of War, to whom was referred the resolution of the legislature of...
I have the honor to transmit to you a return of the Exports of the United States for one Year...
Réferant Votre Excellce. á mes deux précedentes Lettres, écrites depuis ici, (le 10e. Decbre....
The inclosed memoir has received no other publicity than a reading before the Philosophical...
je n’eusse pas attendu jusqu’à ce moment pour Vous remercier du service que Vous avez eu la bonté...
I have recd your favour of the 19th. of October 1792 informing me that my Number 1026 is entitled...
In consequence of the information I received from you on the first Wednesday in January that the...
I received the letter you did me the honour to write me last summer, with your projects of a...
Permit me once more to ask your friendship on so probable a prospect of success, as I think I now...
Vice President United States to Benjamin Russel, Dr. L.s.d. To the Columbian Centinel, from March...
Mr Adams’s regards to Mr Trumbull and asks the favour of his Company to Spend the Evening at Mr...