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Results 14631-14680 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received your two letters of the 4th and fifth. Inclosed you will find a letter to the...
You will without delay march your corps towards Bedford, to join the troops at or near that place...
[ New Windsor, New York ] June 28, 1779 . Instructs Armand to march to Bedford, New York. Df , in...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 6, 1780 . Certification of Armand’s service and conduct. Df ,...
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Regrets that Armand plans to resign. Commends...
[ Middlebrook, New Jersey ] June 11, 1777. Orders Armand to assume command of Ottendorf’s corps,...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 23, 1779 . Instructs Armand to proceed to Monmouth to contact...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 6, 1780 . States that Pulaski’s and Armand’s troops are to be...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 28, 1779 . Refuses to recommend promotion that Armand requests...
Yesterday I was honored with your favor of the 10th Instt & beg leave to assure you that the...
I have received your favor of yesterday—Whenever you have received your instructions from...
I have recvd your favor of the 5th instant accompanied by a letter from Coll Ternant enclosing...
I am favoured with your Letter of the 25th of Janry and am happy to inform you that Col. Ternant...
Among the last acts of my public life none afford me more pleasure than to acknowledge the...
I have a few Days ago received your letter of the 3d of last Month—inclosing Copy of your Letter...
I have to acknowledge the recet of your Letter of the 10th September—I am Extremely sorry that...
I received your favor of the 20th respectg the Case of Lieut. Colo. Ternant—but not havg been...
You may enlist from the Troops of any State, men whose term of Service will expire on or before...
You are hereby authorized to draft from the several Corps and in the proportion specified in my...
I have taken the Liberty to put under Cover to you, the inclosed Letter to the President of...
I have been honored with your favor of Yesterday—As you think the Petition of the Officers (dated...
Your letter of the 11th inst: has been delivered to me—I am extremely sorry to be obliged to deny...
As I ever take pleasure in seeing military Merit awarded—I rejoice at your promotion to the Rank...
I enclose you a Resolution of Congress which has passed on the 29th of last month, and...
I have recd your favor of the 22d July—Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to find any of the...
My occupations & avocations here not permitting me to read any thing with that close attention...
Many months having elapsed since I informed you in explicit terms of my want of the money which...
It has been my hope since my return, that it would be unnecessary for me to remind you of the...
I thank you for this Address in which the Modesty of Youth is united with the Fortitude of...
I desired you some time ago to provide cloathing for five hundred and odd Men according to a List...
Till the appointment and qualification of a Commercial agent, we are forced to put on you all the...
There is an account of very considerable amount between us and Mr. S. Nathan a merchant from the...
In conformity to the request in yours of the   instant I have made the capture of the Brig...
The Officers of the French Government in St Domingo having made that Government a debtor to Mr...
The rein given by Great Britain thro’ the arbitrary decisions of her Admiralty Courts to the...
Letter not found. 14 March 1809. Offered for sale in Charles Hamilton Catalogue No. 80 (5 Sept....
Agreably to the opinion of Genl. Harrison and myself expressed in our last letter to you, I shall...
On reviewing the letters from you not yet acknowledged I find them under the following dates, viz...
I have had the honor of receiving the Presidents instructions concerning my assuming the...
§ Thomas Pinckney to John Armstrong. 18 November 1813, Charleston, “Head Quarters Sixth...
Your obliging favour of the 24th of Jany came to my hands sometime after the date thereof; & to...
The communications which you will recee: from & thro the War Office present the state of things...
J. Madison requests a consultation with the Heads of Department on Tuesday next at Eleven OClock....
Your letter of June 2. last to the Secretary of State was recd. during my late recess in...
[ Pawlins Mill, Pennsylvania ] October 8, 1777 . Instructs Armstrong to send Brigadier General...
Before my return hither I recd. yours of the 8th. inst: and have since recd. those of the 11th....
We find it of advantage to the public to ask of those to whom appointments are proposed, if they...
Besides the answer to Genl. McClure, it may be proper to instruct Genl. Wilkinson to say frankly...
On viewing the course which the proceedings of the War-Department have not unfrequently taken, I...
I have this Morning receiv’d your Favor of 26th Inst. The Method you have adopted for preventing...