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Results 14611-14640 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
14611[Diary entry: 16 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Rid with Mrs. Bassett &ca. to the Mill & Fishing Landing at Posey’s. Colo. Richd. Lee dind &...
14612[Diary entry: 16 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Clear & calm in the Morning. Wind pretty fresh from the Westward afterwards.
Reprinted from The Monthly Repository , III (1808), 540. The occasion was of some importance....
14614[Diary entry: 17 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Attempted to go to Alexa. Church but broke the Poll of the Chariot & returnd. Colo. Lee went...
14615[Diary entry: 17 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Wind very fresh from the Southwest all day & in the Evening like to Rain but none fell.
14616[Diary entry: 18 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Went with Colo. Bassett &ca. to Alexa. Returnd in the Afternoon. Mr. Magowan came home with us.
14617[Diary entry: 18 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Clear all day & Warm with but little Wind & that Southerly.
Summary of AD : Public Record Office In the latter part of January Franklin and his lawyers were...
14619[Diary entry: 19 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Went with Colo. Bassett, Mrs. Bassett &ca. to Mr. Digges’s & dined.
14620[Diary entry: 19 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Clear & Warm. Wind pretty fresh from the So. East.
Letter not found: from Valentine Crawford, 19 April 1774. The docket on Crawford’s letter to GW...
I Received yours covering an invoice for 60 Barrels f[l]our which is sold at 16/8 & freight...
Summary of incomplete copy: American Philosophical Society The plaintiff’s exceptions are, to the...
Incomplete AD in Lee’s hand with Franklin’s additions: American Philosophical Society The report...
14625[Diary entry: 20 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Rid to the Fishing Landg. at Johnson’s. Mr. Herbert & Mr. Stewart came home with us to...
14626[Diary entry: 20 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Clear and very warm with but little Wind & that Southerly.
AL (draft ): Library of Congress Dr. Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr. Pownall and...
AL : Library of Congress Mr. Pownall presents his compliments to Dr. Franklin, and begs to be...
14629[Diary entry: 21 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. At home all day. Mr. Herbert, Mr. Stewart, Colo. Mason, & Doctr. Brown & Wife went away...
14630[Diary entry: 21 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Again very warm with very little Wind.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you permit an Old acquaintance to reccomend to your...
14632[Diary entry: 22 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Went with the above Compy. to the Fishing Landing at Johnsons.
14633[Diary entry: 22 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Very Warm—with little or no Wind. In the Afternoon Thunder, with appearances of Rain, but...
14634[Diary entry: 23 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. All the foregoing Company except Colo. Bassett & Family went away after Breakfast. I rid with...
14635[Diary entry: 23 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. A little Cool in the Morning, but warm afterwards with but little Wind.
14636[Diary entry: 24 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Mr. Tilghman & Mr. Stewart came here to Dinner. The first stayed all Night the other returnd....
14637[Diary entry: 24 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear and warm, with but very little wind. That Southerly.
I have been so much absent upon the Circuits, since the melancholy news of your sons death that I...
Your Defence of Messrs. Hutchinson and Oliver before the Lords Committee of his Majestys privy...
14640[Diary entry: 25 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Colo. Bassett & family went away after Breakfast and Mr. Tilghman after Dinner. Mr. Adam dind...