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Results 14601-14610 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I hope this will find you agreeably reposing at your pleasant Seat after a tedious and fatiguing Session—which however is not ended nor do I know when it will be. They have agreed to Saturday next but such long speechifications as took place on the excise &c will protract the time two or three weeks.—The Senate are almost unemployed and wish for a recess, but it will hardly do for them to...
I hope this letter will find you and Mrs. Adams comfortably set down at Braintree, where your mind will have time to recover from the fatigues of a very discordant Session—There has been done however a good deal of important & useful business, which will conduce towards the great Desideratum of public order. The provision for the Election of the President & Vice President & for the contingent...
The Humble Petition of us the undersigning Citizens of the united States who are now Languishing prisoners at Algiers— Humbly Sheweth that we youre petitioner’s had the misfortune of being Captured nearly Seven years ago by Cruisers belonging to the Regency of Algiers while we were navigateing Vessels belonging to Citizens of the united States. that we were flattered for a Considerable time...
At the closure of a long and very fatiguing Session, it may be some amusement to see the minutes of the business and I have accordingly sent them since your departure. The House would have sat longer but the Senate got out of all patience, and as usual hurried over the business, reading off bills by their titles, and three readings in swift succession, Hurrying & scolding at poor Secretary...
I beg your attention to the inclosed papers, & will be glad to be favoured with your sentiments upon the subjects to which they relate.—I am afraid there is little prospect of our meeting again, but it will always give me pleasure to hear of your health & happiness; being with great regard, your very faithful / humble Servant MHi : Adams Papers.
Without any of your excellency’s esteemed favors, we wish to give you in consideration whether it would not be convenient & proper to appoint a Consul here, as we are assured is in Hambg. as your Capns. may here frequent occasions for legal assistance, as Likewise Germans to settle in your Country, if your Government may find it usefull, we should be happy if one of us was appointed thereto as...
The first Thing I have to communicate to you, must be an Explanation of the Date of my Letter. The Legislature of Massachusetts, last Winter, upon a Petition of the North Parish in Braintree, Seperated it from the rest of the Town, erected it into a new one and gave it the name of Quincy. By this Measure you See they have deprived me of my Title of “Duke of Braintree,” and made it necessary...
I have the honor of your letter from the Town of Quincy, of the erection of which I was not before informed: nor did I ever hear you distinguished by the title of “ Braintree ” unless the tree of knowledge may be so called. Mr Pinckney is still here. I do not know precisely when he will depart. No ship, which he likes, is to be found in Phila. or N. York destined for England. The Sidney, of...
Permit me to introduce to your Notice Mr. Samuel Miller the Son of a much esteemed Clergyman, late of Dover in the Delaware State, and formerly known to you, as I understand, there were some Connections between your Families. He has undertaken a Tour to Boston to learn the political and ecclesiastical State of your Country, before he settles himself in a Pastoral Relation to any Church. He is...
You will find enclosed your account, which I take the liberty to send, lest by not adverting to the state of it, some inconvenience might insue. You are I presume aware, that Mr. Clinton is to be your Competitor at the next election. I trust he could not have succeeded in any event, but the issue of his late election will not help his cause. Alas! Alas! If you have seen some of the last...