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Results 14601-14650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; LS : Archivo Historico National This...
I shall always be happy to find occasions of expressing the respect and veneration for you with...
We have received the Letter you did us the honour to write us on the 27th day of Septr. last, and...
Passy, 22 Sep. 1784 . These letters are virtually identical with the Commissioners’ letter to De...
The friendly dispositions which the court of Madrid have been pleased to shew towards us in our...
Monsieur Jefferson profite de la permission de Son excellence Monsieur l’Ambassadeur d’Espagne en...
Case between T. Jefferson and John Harvie Thos. M. Randolph decd. James Hickman, Martin Key...
I have just received your letter of the 25th of November. You will repair to Staunton in Virginia...
You will repair without delay to Wilmington in the State of delaware for the purpose of being...
Your letter of Oct. 24. was recieved last night, and I have inclosed it to the Secretary at war ....
The almost daily complaints of the severities exercised towards the American Marine prisoners in...
Yr. letter of the 6th Inst. is come to recommendg Mr. Jas. Macleod as a candidate for an...
Your letter the 3d. instant is received and the name of your son as a candidate for the...
Your letter of the 13 th finds me at a distance from home. the buildings for the Univ ty will all...
Your letter of Feb. 8. was long on the road & found me suffering under an attack of Rheumatism,...
I expect a suit in Chancery will be instituted against me in Fairfax Court, as Surviving Executor...
It is of the utmost importance to prevent the Enemy’s Land Forces and Fleet from forming a...
Quibbletown [ New Jersey ] June 25, 1777. Grants permission for Baron d’Arendt to visit...
I am just now favd with yours of this date and am sorry that you laboured under any mistake on...
Mr Hamilton has informed me of your request to be permitted to go to Philadelphia; and, though at...
His Excellency desires me to inform you, that the Congress have been pleased, to appoint Monsieur...
Being recovered from the indisposition under which you lately laboured, you are to proceed...
I am glad to find by your letter of the 28th Ulto that your health is so far reestablished as to...
“ The offer of my services to the district, rests on the following grounds: That although I...
In answer to your letter of the 5th, I have to inform you that I have no untenanted Lands in the...
Col. Hamilton delivered me your letter of [ ]. It is with pleasure I declare to you that I have...
I have recd your favor of yesterday. On my part there is not the smallest objection to your...
By the establishment of the Army agreeable to the Resolve of Congress of the 21st October, the...
The complain[t]s of your corps dayly increase—You will immediately on receipt of this send it off...
You will proceed with your corps to Monmouth County and take such a station as will best...
I have received your two letters of the 4th and fifth. Inclosed you will find a letter to the...
You will without delay march your corps towards Bedford, to join the troops at or near that place...
[ New Windsor, New York ] June 28, 1779 . Instructs Armand to march to Bedford, New York. Df , in...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 6, 1780 . Certification of Armand’s service and conduct. Df ,...
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Regrets that Armand plans to resign. Commends...
[ Middlebrook, New Jersey ] June 11, 1777. Orders Armand to assume command of Ottendorf’s corps,...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 23, 1779 . Instructs Armand to proceed to Monmouth to contact...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 6, 1780 . States that Pulaski’s and Armand’s troops are to be...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 28, 1779 . Refuses to recommend promotion that Armand requests...
Yesterday I was honored with your favor of the 10th Instt & beg leave to assure you that the...
I have received your favor of yesterday—Whenever you have received your instructions from...
I have recvd your favor of the 5th instant accompanied by a letter from Coll Ternant enclosing...
I am favoured with your Letter of the 25th of Janry and am happy to inform you that Col. Ternant...
Among the last acts of my public life none afford me more pleasure than to acknowledge the...
I have a few Days ago received your letter of the 3d of last Month—inclosing Copy of your Letter...
I have to acknowledge the recet of your Letter of the 10th September—I am Extremely sorry that...
I received your favor of the 20th respectg the Case of Lieut. Colo. Ternant—but not havg been...
You may enlist from the Troops of any State, men whose term of Service will expire on or before...
You are hereby authorized to draft from the several Corps and in the proportion specified in my...
I have taken the Liberty to put under Cover to you, the inclosed Letter to the President of...