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Results 14551-14600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have the honor to inform you that I have issued a warrant for the sum of five thousand two...
Permit me thro you to lay before the Honble The Senate my Specie Accot. from the 1st July to the...
The inclosed information relative to ransom & peace with the Algerines, being newly come to hand,...
The very kind Reply, Your Honor has been pleased to make to my Letter of Septr. 21. 1782. from...
Excuse this address from a person whose station in life is far inferior to Your’s, and who to You...
It is difficult for me to express real gratitude for Your Excellency’s favour this morning, which...
May it please the honourable Gentlemen of the Senate to peruse the following thoughts dictated by...
since our last of 5 July, we are without any of your esteemed favors, we take now the Liberty to...
As the Week is approaching when you are to be expected at Philadelphia, I take this opportunity...
In obedience to the order of the Senate I have the honor to transmit you sundry papers relative...
A few Years since, Congress made a Treaty with the Emperor of Morocco. the Emperor, with whom...
I cannot easily tell you how much I am pleased & obliged by your friendly Letter of the 4th....
At a time when all the Men of Letters in the World are or ought to be employed in researches...
I received by the last post a sheet subscribed, “A Recluse Man” enclosed with another in Print,...
Permit me thro you to lay before the Honble. the Senate my Intrest Accot. from the 30t Septemr to...
Mr Hammond has the honor of sending to the Vice–President the last Monthly Review, and...
I understood from my Friend, and late Fellow Traveller, that “A Recluse Man” had been heard of,...
A variety of circumstances have occurred since you left this part of the Country, which have...
May I be So bold as to join my humble Sollicitations to those of My Revd: Father, Nothing coúld...
As I had the Honour of knowing you personally during your short Residence here, & had seen many...
The enclosed Letter has just now been put into my Hand— as the Direction would seem to be for...
En attendant le Sort de la Lettre, que j’ai pris la Liberté d’addresser á Vôtre Excellence, le...
I ought not to neglect an opportunity by Colo. Smith to assure you by a few lines, of the...
I take an opportunity by part of my family bound to London, to remind you of a person who is...
It is a long Time to me since I did myself the Honor and Pleasure of writing You. So unproductive...
I have received and read with much pleasure your kind letter of the 20th: Ult; Your sympathy with...
I flatter myself that your Excellency will not consider me as importunate, in addressing you on...
I am hurt by your unexpected & I think unmerited resentment this morning, for I had not the most...
Your obliging favor of the 29th. of January would not have remained so long unanswered had not...
In obedience to the order of the Senate, of the 8th instant, I have the honor to transmit...
I take the Liberty to introduce my Friend Dr. David Olyphant to Your Notice.—He is a Native of...
In further pursuance of the order of the Senate, of the 8th instant, I have the honor to transmit...
I beg the enclosed may be read in your Honorable House. My former Petitions, and other Papers...
A difference of opinion having arisen among those of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund, who are...
I have this Moment afternoon recd. the Letter wh. you did me the Honor to write on the 21 Inst—...
Resolved, that it be a standing rule, that the doors of the Senate Chamber remain open whilst the...
It appearing so conspicuously that the present Laws respecting exclusive privileges to original...
At the moment when Colo. Smith was leaving this Place Yesterday for England, the enclosed letter...
Mr: Bassett No Bradley No " Burr. No " Butler. No " Cabot. No " Carroll. Aye " Dickinson. Aye "...
I beg leave to introduce to you my friend and kinsman Capt. Hobby who is going on to Philadelphia...
The Petition of John Macpherson most respectfully Sheweth That his attachment to and desire to...
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in...
The Memorial of Thomas Fielder Respectfully representing That he having invented an Apparatus for...
At the Request of our mutual Friend Mr. Copley I have shiped on board the Polly, Capt. Reed for...
I was duly honored with your Favor of 10th. March, & delayed acknowledging its Receit, fearing, I...
the defeat of our late army & Considering them subject to similar disasters led me to invent...
By this conveyance I send a case directed for you, containing two prints of the Death of Lord...
I have duely received your Letter of the 5th. of July and thank you for your Care of my little...
The Memorial and Petition of Sundry Merchants engaged in Commerce previous to the late Revolution...
I have the honor respectfully to submit to the Senate, a Report on the petition of Samuel B....