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Results 1451-1460 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have been favored with your’s of the 3 d . of last month, & regret the Indisposition which detained You from Philadelphia— I hope your Health has been since re-established. The then daily Expectation of an addition to my Family, and which soon after took place, prevented my attending the Sup. Court. Judge Cushing on his Return informed me that there had been a Conference on the Subject of...
Je ne voudrois pas moins que faire le bien de toutes les nations, et quelque grande que soit cette entreprise, je n’en desespere point a l’egard des Etats unis de l’Amerique, si, après la lecture de mes differens ouvrages, Votre Excellence juge a propos de les faire passer a sa nation. J’ai deja eu l’honneur d’offrir a Votre Excellence tous les éclaircissemens qui dépendoient de moi, et je lui...
Your Excellency will, I am persuaded, readily admit the force of this sentiment, that though it is the duty of a good citizen to devote his services to the public, when it has occasion for them, he cannot with propriety, or delicacy to himself, obtrude them, when it either has, or appears to have none. The difficuties I experienced last campaign in obtaining a command will not suffer me to...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 25 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote the Board of War on 19 Nov. : “I have duly received your several favors of the 25th of Octbr and the 2d 8th 10th and 13th of this month.”
Mr Chew having confirmed the character received by you, of Mr Barratt, I have written to Mr Vining requesting him to ascertain whether the appointment will be acceptable to him. Mr Houston of Georgia declines the offer made to him, on the score of want of a familiar acquaintance with figures, and its being inconsistent with the State of his affairs, to translate himself wholly to the seat of...
I will not envy you but congratulate you on the pleasure you have had in your excursion to Washington But I covet the like pleasure so much that if I could do it with out stirring up an uproar, & hurly burly through the Contenent—Old as I am I would get into my Gig, & bend my course thitherward to morrow morning—. I regret most grievously that you did not Visit Cedar Grove—at Fishkill...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 27 Dec. 1777. GW wrote the Board of War on 2–3 Jan . 1778 that “Your several Letters of the 23d, 24th & 27th Ulto have been recieved.”
Your favor of December 2d. last past reached me in 22 days, for which receive my thanks, a severe fit of the Gout has deprived me of the use of my Limbs ever since, tho’, thank heaven the mildness of the Winter, surpassing every thing the Memory of Man ever knew in this Country is again bringing me about. Mild as the Winter has been, no Snow having as yet ever whiten’d the ground, & very...
I am informed that there is a quantity of Land lying between the Great Kanhawa and Sandy River in this State which was set a part for the payment of some Officers and Soilders who was on an Expedition Against the Indians about or before Braddocks Campain; which Land still remains undevided. I am some what interested in that claim, but from it’s antiquity can meet with no person who can give me...
The Officers of the French Government in St Domingo having made that Government a debtor to Mr Tucker of Massachusetts by a restraint which left him no alternative, Mr Pichon undertook to liquidate the compensation due, for which he delivered Mr Tucker a draft on Paris. On the presentation of this draft payment has been refused on account of an alledged defect of authority in Mr Pichon. It has...