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Results 1451-1500 of 184,431 sorted by author
Mrs Smith presents her Compliments to Mr Jefferson and is very sorry to trouble him again upon...
Will you not think me very unmindfull of you my Dear Lucy that I have not ere this, written you....
Mr Smith informed me last Evening of an opportunity of writing by Way of N York and as I know of...
Every day, hour, and minute, your absence mon chere frere , pains me more and more. We left last...
Last night I Closed my Letter to you and shall send it to Mr Jenks’s care this Morning. I...
I should have availed myself, Madam, of your permission to write you, ere this, had an...
Last weak I had the pleasure to receive too letters from my friend Myrtilla, aney time when you...
A constant succession of company, is all I have to offer in vindication of my appearant...
At length after long expectation your No 16 has arrived. Capt Cushing Called yesterday upon us,...
If aney person had told me the night I left Braintree that I should have ben at Plymouth almost...
I endeavour that you should hear from us by writing in every direction, yet when I take my pen my...
Your Journal No 7. to Janry 30th, Harriet brought me to day, just as we had sat down to dinner;...
Received Quincy 9th Feby 1810 of T. B Adams Twenty-five Dolls and fifty Cents in full for One...
I received yesterday your Letter of Novbr 27th. and was rejoiced to learn that you and the...
I return you Cs Letter, I think she will not be here untill the last of this month. I fear W’s...
upon the 23d of Feb’ry mr Adams addrest a Letter to you, and inclosed a private Letter from my...
I ought to have thanked you for your kind Letter, which gave me both pleasure and consolation,...
I have already written to you, in replie to your Melancholy Letter of Sepbr 20th. and have...
After a year’s absence I came yesterday to make a visit to my friends for three days. Our anxiety...
Here we are Sitting by a good fire in the parlour, and wearing, our winter coats to meeting,...
Your Apology for not having written before was accepted by your grandmother. To be attentive to...
I began a Letter to you on the 10 of this Month left it unfinishd, and so it is like to remain,...
Last week I Sent Letters to Newyork for you Mrs Adams, and the children. I write now to Say that...
altho I wrote to you on the 14 of this month I know that my Letter will have a dubious conveyance...
Having just closd a Letter to your Sister Buchannan my next is due to you. I am in arrears for a...
you always collect some comfort or consolation for your Friends—your information respecting the...
I recieved your Letter by the last Mail inclosing one for your daughter, who left me last week,...
Altho I have already written to you by this opportunity, and my Letters are now quite old, I know...
Your Letter of May 2d was so long comeing, that I feared Sickness had arrested your pen—as...
Susan has written you, I Suppose that mr Clark has returnd, and that he is very desirious of...
The fine Sleighing has tempted So many visitors to make use of it, that we have had a Constant...
I closed a Letter to you last week, and sent it to Liverpool by the Juno Captain Emery—full of...
Since my last Letter to you I have been call’d to drink deep of the bitter cup of affliction—my...
I was very sick yesterday, and obliged to take an Emetic, to clear of a quantity of Bile, which...
As there is Some prospect of mr Russels being appointed to Sweeden I hope to convey Letters to...
My good Friend’s when they are going to make a visit to Washington, wish an introduction to the...
your Letter this morning received So kindly inquiring after my Dear Daughter, demands from me,...
Through Caroline De Wint, I was last Evening informd that your Mother has had a return of the...
I congratulate you upon your safe arrival in the cold Regions of the North: to which I hope your...
I must abide by the rule I have establishd, which is not to let any opportunity of writing to...
The weather has been so intensely cold for near a Month past that I have not taken a pen or...
. . . Judge Dana is removed, and no man seemeth to lay it to heart. If my absent son had been in...
you and your Mother have been So frequently in the pratcise of fitting out your Brothers for...
I last week received your Letter of december 3d in replie to mine of Novbr 11th, not having made...
This is the last day of Sep’br, and the month is thus far expended, without my addressing a line...
your Letter of August 12th I received in the absence of Mrs Smith, who was upon a visit to mrs...
It is a great grief to me my dear sister that I can do So little for you in your trouble when I...
I began a Letter to you on Sunday last in which I informed you that your Sister S. Adams and Abbe...
I thank you for the information transmitted me in your Last Letter. I have Sent an extract to my...
I received your obliging favour, with the Letters inclosed safely and was gratified that the...