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Results 14501-14550 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am almost most ashamed to acknowledge to you my tardy obligation, for your handsom Edition of...
Our friend Mr Shaw will furnish you with the printed correspondence between Gen G Brattle & me in...
Being desirous to carry into execution the intentions of the legislature in regard to the Claims...
Enclosed you will receive a Letter from Colo. Pickering late Quarter Master General of the Army:...
I learn from your letter of the 7th. instant that you are willing to undertake the business...
J’ai l’honneur de vous annoncer qu’on vient d’etablir des paquetbotes qui doivent partir de...
[ Paris, 2 Mch. 1786. An entry in SJL under this date reads: “la Comtesse d’anteroche. That I had...
New York, April 25, 1789. Conveys to Anthon in return for eight hundred pounds “All that certain...
Some time since, I, as Agent for my brother in law Mr. Church entered into an arrangement with...
I hereby acknolege to have received from mr Anthony two sets of mr Trumbul’s prints of Bunker’s...
I promised that on my return home I would examine & see what paiment I had made to mr Trumbull...
I have, lately, received from John Trumbull Esqr. (now in London) four setts of the Battle of...
[ New York, June 11, 1795. On the cover of a letter which Anthony wrote to Hamilton on May 16,...
I have it in Command from his Excelly to inform you it is his pleasure that the Non Commission’d...
I recd yours of the 2d Inst. from Baltimore. In Answer to which I have only to desire you to call...
The several Papers you honored me with this Morng, have been duly laid before the Commander in...
You will proceed immediately with Col. Hazen’s Regt to Albany, and put yourself under the Orders...
After your having been so long absent (by permission) while the Regt was at a distance, I cannot...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society Before I had an Opportunity of answering...
I am making a change in my central room here which will require the plaistering of the cieling to...
The bearer hereof, Joseph Antrim has been employed, as plaisterer, to do the whole plaistering of...
[ New York, September 23, 1790. On September 29, 1790, Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “I am...
[ Philadelphia, February 14, 1792. On March 5, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Appleton : “In mine of the...
The Treasurer has received directions to remit you a draft for six thousand, two hundred and...
I have upon reflexion concluded to authorise You to dispose of the whole of the draughts...
You observe in your letter of the first instant which did not strike me on the first perusal, or...
[ Philadelphia, May 9, 1791. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold...
Treasury Department, February 27, 1793. Has directed the treasurer of the United States to...
Treasury Department, March 2, 1791. “You will find enclosed LeRoy and Bayard’s second bill.…” LS...
On the receipt of this letter I request You to deposit in the Bank of Massachusetts for sale, the...
[ Philadelphia, March 24, 1791. On April 9, 1791, Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “Your special...
[ New York, February 14, 1790. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS ,...
I have received your favor of the 23d instant and observe the forms and Circular of the 16th have...
You have been instructed fourteen days before interest becomes due in each quarter, to close your...
The bills of the old emmissions enclosed in your letter of the 22d December are now returned to...
You will find enclosed an open letter for the Directors of the Office of Discount and Deposit (or...
I am of opinion it will be most proper that a person having a general power to transfer stock...
Treasury Department, July 24, 1793. “A certificate of transfer … issued from your Office … for...
[ Philadelphia, May 5, 1791. On May 15, 1791, Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “I am … favoured with...
[ Treasury Department, January 15, 1794. The dealer’s catalogue description of this letter reads...
Mr. H LeRoy informs me that he will probably have a sum of money in Boston for which he will be...
I have directed the Treasurer of the United States to furnish you with draughts for Sixty five...
Treasury Department, August 16, 1792. “I have directed the Treasurer to furnish you with draughts...
In mine of the 14th ultimo, I instructed you to dispose of the draughts, remitted you by the...
I have directed the Treasurer to transmit you draughts for fifty five thousand dollars towards...
You will find enclosed LeRoy and Bayard’s first bill at five days sight on Stephen Higginson for...
In your future receipts of old emission money it will be well if possible to cancel it when you...
Treasury Department, February 8, 1791. Announces that Appleton has been selected by the President...
Treasury Department, March 7, 1794. “I have directed the Treasurer … to remit to you … Sixty...
Your Letter of the second Instant is before me. I trust mine of the 5th. will have duly reached...