James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Richard M. Johnson, 4 April 1824

From Richard M. Johnson

City of Washington 4th April 1824

Dear Sir,

I was very happy to receive your favour of the 2d Inst; in which you acknowledge the receit of my remarks upon imprisonment for debt, which I sent you; I am truely gratifyed to find, that a person so distinguished, & for whom I have Such an exalted opinion is in favour of the principle, for which I have contended. I was not surprised however, at this favourable opinion, when I recollected, the many years you have devoted to the fixing our freedom upon a firm basis. It is my sincere wish to pass through Virginia, at some convenient moment, that I may have it in my power, to spend an evening with you. For I never shall forget the friendship & the Kindness, with which I have been treated by you. Please present my best respects to Mrs Madison, & wishing you every happiness that your retirement can afford I am sincerely your devoted frd.

Rh. M: Johnson

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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