Results 14461-14490 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Gardiner and his thanks for the copy of his map of...
Nov r 7th 1817 Surveyed for Tho s Jefferson Esqr a tract of land including the Natural-bridge ,...
Permettez qu’en me rapellant à votre Souvenir e j’aie l’honneur de vous informer de la triste fin...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & his thanks to Doctor M c Culloch for the copy of his...
Permit me to offer you the first and last numbers at the same time, of a publication, being a...
The long delay of the MS. of Col o Byrd which you were so kind as to send me , needs apology. on...
The letter before the last that I wrote you was numbered one, as being the first after my arrival...
Mr. Ogle Tayloe, son of colonel Tayloe one of the most respectable citizens of Virginia, and of...
Extract from the proceedings of the AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of Albemarle. Resolved , That Messrs....
It was not until a few days ago that I returned to this City, and only yesterday that I had the...
A great rain having given us a full tide in our river William Johnson takes on board of two boats...
An abundant rain having given us a plentiful tide I wish to avail myself of it in bringing up a...
When I left you I counted with certainty on being at Poplar Forest during the last week at the...
It is now 37 years since I had the pleasure to recieve your first letter at Anconis It was a...
Your kind Letter of 15th. October was received by me on the 20th. from which time, the only...
I have duly recieved, Sir, your favor of Oct. 20. and regret much the pleasure I have lost of...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the copy of your Geology of the US. which you have been so kind as to...
I have just received your letter of July 12: and owe more apology than I well know how to make...
National Education. Respectfully Addressed to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, Past Presidents...
Yours of the 4 th of Oct. was not recieved here until the 20 th having been 16. days on it’s...
After a separation of near 20. years I avail myself of the occasion of recalling myself to your...
The bearer of this, mr John Carr , the son of a nephew of mine, was I believe enregistered on the...
I cannot promise that even this shall be the last trouble I shall give you on the subject of our...
It is not a common occasion, venerable fathers of the republic, that could induce me to prefix...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Ritchie to give three insertions to the above in his newspaper...
Central College The gentlemen, friends of this institution, who have been so kind as to recieve...
I am Honored with your much Respected Letter of the twelfth instant ; myself and all my family,...
You must not be offended if your central college is in some measure become one of my hobby...
By the stage which will leave this 4. days hence, I shall send you under the care of mr Carr a...
The 3 Copies of your work on Piracy were duly recd; and 2 of them disposed of, one for the...