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Results 14451-14480 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I recieved my Dear Grand Papa’s letter and am much obliged to him for it. the grass fowls &...
Cape François, 21 Jan. 1792 . He regrets to report that the flattering prospect of a return to...
for value received I I promise to pay or cause to be paid unto Charles Clay h is executors,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I had the honour of...
I was honored yesterday Night with your letters of the 15th. Ult. & 1st. Inst. The Post Setting...
New York, 26 Apr. 1788 . Asks TJ to deliver a letter to Daniel Parker which is enclosed. RC ( MHi...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères To his Excellency the Count de Vergennes,...
[ Philadelphia, September 26, 1792. On October 9, 1792, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to...
I have now the honor and the pleasure to Enclose to you a Copy of the Dissent of a number of the...
Permit me to recommend to your particular Notice and Civilities Monsr: de Francy , who is the...
Mr Rodde informs me that before he left St: Petersburg the twenty-five English Mails had arrived,...
ALS : Dr. William’s Library, London Inclos’d I return your List of Doctors, compleated as far as...
New Windsor [ New York ] July 12, 1779 . Requests information concerning movements of enemy. Df ,...
I have been honoured with yours of the 31st Augt and 3d instants. Hallet was safely delivered to...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secy of war a letter from Mr...
Tuesday’s Post brought me a letter from a Mr Andrew Parks of Fredericksburgh, covering one from...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1751–1752 (Philadelphia,...
How it came to pass that the inclosed packet should have been so long on its passage, I am unable...
14469General Orders, 20 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
Lieut. John Marshall is, by the Judge Advocate General, appointed Deputy Judge Advocate in the...
14470Saturday 15th. (Adams Papers)
This morning we rose at about day break and at about a half an hour before Sun rise we set off...
The memorial of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York Respectfully sheweth,...
Permit me to introduce to thee my youngest brother, Joseph Briggs, who is going with me to the...
I mean but to acknowledge the receipt of your obliging favour of the 22d ultimo; for, as I expect...
Your Letter of the 18th. augt. found me so engaged in the usual Employment during our Autmn, that...
LS : American Philosophical Society The flattering ourselves, that our Name is not entirely...
My letter by the last post was to mr Randolph, dated May 24. yours of the 12th. inst. did not get...
one of the last injunctions of our excellent & ever to be cherished friend Mr Corrêa , was, that...
§ From Thomas Auldjo. 16 July 1805, Cowes. “I had the honor to address you on the 4th & 5th inst...
14479[Diary entry: 7 May 1771] (Washington Papers)
7. Warm (but not Hot)—the Sky Muddy & thick.
I have received your letter of the 9 th in which you propose to make absolute, the provisional...