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Results 14451-14500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have just received a Letter from President Reid acknowledging the Receipt of mine on the...
I have recd your two Letters, and Should be glad to do you any Service in my Power. I will...
Your favor of June 23. has been duly recieved, and I am sorry it is not in my power to say a word...
I am favoured with yours of yesterday. As it is my wish to cut off the intercourse with Phila. as...
With the Regiment you command & what Baggage you think is absolutely necessary, you are...
You will be pleased to insert the enclosed advertisement in your paper for six weeks successively...
By direction of the President of the Ud States, I transmit you an advertisement of his Jacks &...
Your last letter 24th: 5th ulto: came to hand on New Year’s day, and was the most acceptable...
It was with great Pleasure, and perhaps some little Mixture of Pride, that I read your Name among...
Copy: Library of Congress Mr. Torris informs me that eight of the Prisoners formerly brought in...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received your Letter of the 14, Instant. I am sorry for...
ALS : Bibliothèque nationale I send you enclos’d the Characters you desire to see, cast in the...
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 15th. Ult. of which Mr. Farwell was the...
[ Annapolis, 9 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Chevalr. D’Anmours. Spoons.” Not found.]
[ Annapolis, 7 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Chevr. D’Anm. Qu. if Cazeau left the...
I recieved by mr Derbigny with very great pleasure your letter of Sep. 30. it was not delivered...
In compliance with the request which you were pleased to lay before us, I am now to authorize the...
I received your favor from Baltimore and shall carefully attend to the notifying you of the...
[ Annapolis, 12 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL , immediately under the entry for the letter to...
Your favour of the 3rd instant came to hand last night by Captain Laport. It is unfortunate for...
Conscious of having had in view the Interest & Happiness of the people of the United States, in...
I have received your favour of the 6th instant, transmitting me your observations on the state of...
The letter which you did me the honor of writing to me on the 11th came to my hands at George...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 19, 1777. Discusses advantages of an overt declaration of war by...
I duly rec d the copy of your late pamphlet on shipbuilding, and your favor of the 11 th is now...
I am duly sensible of the mark of consideration you ha ve been so kind as to shew me in...
I have taken the liberty to address to your Care, one Hogshead, three Boxes & two Cases directed...
The Commander in chief instructs me to inform you that the troops now arrived are to be debarked...
I have transmitted your letter of the 10 Nov to the Secy. of the navy with the certificate of Mr...
Inclosed are the two patents for land received by the post yesterday signed by MHi : Adams Family...
I have deeply regretted my total incapacity to comply with your flattering request in your two...
Inclosed is a Letter which came under cover to the president. I take an early opportunity to...
I beg leave to communicate through you the inclosed answer to the Representation which came to me...
Last night I received the inclosed from Mr. Will. Moubray, resigning the office of collector of...
I have recd. your letter and communications of the 20th. Ult: with your subsequent one of , and...
I have filled the Blanks as you desired and see no Objections to the rest. DLC : Papers of George...
your two last favours of May 18th & 29th are now before me unreplied to. my apology must be that...
Sure my dear Friend there is a secret Sympathy in Souls whose minds are congenial to each other...
I received your Letter written in some agitation of mind, but I presume not without a due...
If you will look among your mothers papers—you will find a letter from me to that lady a few...
Please Sir to excuse J and C Adams from School as they were detained here by the weather NBLiHi .
I have this morning received your Favor of the 22d which Immediately laid before his Excellency....
My letter to you of the 30 th Oct: gave you a faithful account of all that had been passing on...
Mrs Washington informs me that you have been kind enough to offer her a recipe for the Colic—She...
Will you be so good as to say whether the affidavits referred to in the inclosed be in your hands...
At a time when all the Men of Letters in the World are or ought to be employed in researches...
My Lord Sterling Complains, & so justly, of the want of Tents, & the Baggage belonging to his...
A Certain Mr. John B Arnaut, or (Ernett) who lately resided near Amboy in N. Jersey, has made...
Mr. Trumbull returns his thanks to Detector , for having given him an opportunity of laying...
The Board of Trustees of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture, composed almost...