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Results 14441-14450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter of the 14 th ul to was rec d here on the 24 th . As soon as I found from it that M r H. expected, & had a right to expect, I should execute the deed in question, I began the business. Yet it was not until today, that I have succeeded, after a third visit to the Mayor’s office, to obtain the point. It is a most disagreeable corveé to pass through this office—There is always a croud...
In addressing you I am not certain that I do not take an inexcusable liberty, but it is one, which I am prompted to take, by the interest I feel in the subject respecting which I am about to make some inquiries. I observe in your Life of Capt. Lewis , prefixed to Lewis & Clarke ’s Travels, a short notice of our unfortunate countryman, Ledyard . I have always been an ardent admirer of this...
The Subscriber agrees with m r Jefferson to go Immediately to Charlottsville , & there to work faithfully, upon the Central College at the Rate of five Dollars ⅌ Day & his Diet, found, Knight finds his own Lodging. m r Jefferson to pay Knight , five Dollars ⅌ Day, for Two days going, & Two days Returning, & Two Dollars ⅌ Day, for the four Days—for Travelling expences. David Knight   Oct 11. 1817
I have the Honour to acknowledge the Receipt of your several letters, with their respective enclosures, from No 1 to No. 10. inclusively. Mr. Rush, who takes charge of this Despatch, having been appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States in England, your office of Charge ‘d affairs will of course cease upon his presenting his letter of Credence to the...
M r Harrison of Lynchburg was authorised to make an agreement for us with mr Knight , which I now inclose to you, and pray you to settle with him, when he is done, and give him an order on mr Garrett . I think he arrived here about Oct. the 8 7 th or 8 th RC (
Ho l’Onore di parteciparli di averle tratto in questo giorno 635 Pezi duri di Spagna, e 48 Centimi a 10/ giorni Vista in favore del Sig re Tommaso Appleton Console di America, che avrà la bontà di accoglere, essendo tal Somma il Bilancio dovuto ⅌ l’Eredità del Sig re Bellini , come essendo da lei autorizato nella lettera al detto Sig re Appleton Si compiaccia di accettare i dovuti...
I take leave to present to you a Map, (of the military bounty Lands in the Illinois Territory) engraved for the use of the Soldiers of the late Army. By means of these Maps every Soldier can, for one dollar, obtain accurate information relative to the soil, Timber, & position of the Tract which falls to his lot, & thereby appreciate the value of his Country’s bounty. I have the honor / to be...
Your Letter of 14. October N. 2. but Post-marked on the Superscription, “Cambridge 21 Octr. was received by me on the 25th: of the same month—my engagements as you suppose absorb so much of my time, that I am seldom able to snatch a moment for writing private Letters to my family and friends. Yet I shall always endeavour to be as punctual a correspondent as possible, and shall particularly...
I have been in daily expectation of a letter from you, but I presume the necessity of previously sending to Lynchburgh has occasioned the delay. About a week ago, I received a letter from M r Brown of Williamsburgh stating that the Trustees there, w d be Willing to renew their offer of a Professorship, if I w d engage to go either the beginning of the ensuing spring, or at next November. I...
I had the pleasure, a few weeks ago, of sending to you , the second half volume of the Repository. Being on a visit of business to New York , I know not whether you did me the honour of answering my letter . I indulge a hope that I have given satisfaction to all your family & friends in the life that I have given of you. Certain it is, that I have been highly complimented by many persons for...