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Results 1441-1470 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1441 Quincy, Josiah Jr. Josiah Quincy’s Argument for the Defense: 3 December … 1770-12-03 Monday   3 December , NINE o’ Clock, the Court met according to adjournment, and proceeded. May...
1442 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1775-10-14 As I cannot let My Dear General remain one Moment in Anxiety I acknowledge his Letter of the 6th...
1443 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 13 January … 1756-01-13 Majr Lewis being at Winchester when your Letter came to hand was immediately dispatchd to Augusta...
1444 Dinsmore, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Dinsmore, 16 May 1809 1809-05-16 I received by Sundays Mail your favour of the 12th inst. and Shall accordingly accommodate our...
1445 King, Rufus Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Rufus King, 19 April 1799 1799-04-19 [ London, April 19, 1799. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from … Mr. King” to H, Columbia...
1446 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 February 1775] 1775-02-27 27. Mrs. Craik went away after Breakfast—the Doctr. coming for her.
1447 Jefferson, Thomas Robertson, Archibald Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Robertson, 30 April 1813 1813-04-30 You had a right to expect to hear from me ere this on the su b ject of a paiment. but I am one...
1448 Porter, David Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from David Porter, [7 November … 1792-11-07 [ November 7, 1792. “I am now obliged to report Mr. James Forbes, third mate, to your notice for...
1449 Ball, Burgess Washington, George To George Washington from Burgess Ball, 20 October 1795 1795-10-20 As I took the liberty of addressing you previous to my setting out to Bath, having return’d...
1450 Winston, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Winston, 31 May 1806 1806-05-31 Since I had the pleasure of seeing you last. I have made up my mind to remove to the Missisippi...
1451 Jay, John Johnson, Thomas From John Jay to Thomas Johnson, 12 March 1792 1792-03-12 I have been favored with your’s of the 3 d . of last month, & regret the Indisposition which...
1452 Maupin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Maupin, 20 July 1786 1786-07-20 Je ne voudrois pas moins que faire le bien de toutes les nations, et quelque grande que soit...
1453 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [1 March … 1782-03-01 Your Excellency will, I am persuaded, readily admit the force of this sentiment, that though it...
1454 Board of War Washington, George To George Washington from the Board of War, 25 October … 1779-10-25 Letter not found: from the Board of War, 25 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote the Board of War on 19 Nov. : “I...
1455 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 6 October … 1791-10-06 Mr Chew having confirmed the character received by you, of Mr Barratt, I have written to Mr...
1456 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 27 July 1820 1820-07-27 I will not envy you but congratulate you on the pleasure you have had in your excursion to...
1457 Board of War Washington, George To George Washington from the Board of War, 27 December … 1777-12-27 Letter not found: from the Board of War, 27 Dec. 1777. GW wrote the Board of War on 2–3 Jan ....
1458 Turberville, George Lee Madison, James To James Madison from George Lee Turberville, 28 … 1793-01-28 Your favor of December 2d. last past reached me in 22 days, for which receive my thanks, a severe...
1459 Garland, David Shepherd Washington, George To George Washington from David Shepherd Garland, 24 … 1798-12-24 I am informed that there is a quantity of Land lying between the Great Kanhawa and Sandy River in...
1460 Madison, James Armstrong, John From James Madison to John Armstrong, 2 March 1805 1805-03-02 The Officers of the French Government in St Domingo having made that Government a debtor to Mr...
1461 Hamilton, Alexander Harrison, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Harrison, 10 … 1794-09-10 Inclosed I transmit herewith, an Account of Mr. Le Maigres against the United States for the hire...
1462 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 11 December 1805 1805-12-11 The delicate state of health which my family has enjoyed of late, attributable as is supposed in...
1463 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 15 April 1784 1784-04-15 AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je continue d’adresser à V.E. [Votre Excellence] la Lre....
1464 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 15 July 1781 1781-07-15 One Losee, formerly an Inhabitant of this State, now a Deserter from the Enemy, is send to your...
1465 Lewis, Edwin Toulmin, Harry Enclosure: Edwin Lewis to Harry Toulmin, [by 7 November … 1820-11-07 I should not deem it necessary to address you, nor the public, after you have retired from office...
1466 Jefferson, Thomas Bancroft, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Bancroft, 26 February … 1786-02-26 I wrote you on the 21st. inst. on the subject of Mr. Paradise, which I hope you have received. By...
1467 Franklin, Benjamin Hopkinson, Francis From Benjamin Franklin to Francis Hopkinson, 16 March … 1780-03-16 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin,...
1468 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 3 … 1796-11-03 After my letter of yesterday was despatched to you, the draught of the answer to Mr. Adet was...
1469 Jay, John Randolph, Edmund From John Jay to Edmund Randolph, 2 August 1794 1794-08-02 I had the Honor of writing to you on the 31 ult: That Letter was sent to Falmouth in Hopes it...
1470 Lee, Arthur Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 6 July 1775 1775-07-06 ALS : American Philosophical Society I write to you more to prove my remembrance of you, than for...