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Results 1441-1450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Monday   3 December , NINE o’ Clock, the Court met according to adjournment, and proceeded. May it please your Honours, and you Gentlemen of the Jury, We have at length gone through the evidence in behalf of the prisoners. The witnesses have now placed before you, that state of facts, from which results our defence. The examination has been so lengthy, that I am afraid some painful sensations...
As I cannot let My Dear General remain one Moment in Anxiety I acknowledge his Letter of the 6th & send this by Express. Mr Wooster is the Younger Brigadier of the two, but least any Uneasiness should be occasioned, I will keep him here. Mine of the 26 Ult: which I hope You have received will inform You where our Army is, You may be assured that Nothing but a superior Force will bring It from...
Majr Lewis being at Winchester when your Letter came to hand was immediately dispatchd to Augusta to take upon him the command of the Troops destin’d against the Shawnesse Town with orders to follow such directions as he shoud receive from you. this scheme thô I am apprehensive will prove abortive as we are told that those Indians are removd up the River—into the Neighbourhood of Du-quisne. I...
I received by Sundays Mail your favour of the 12th inst. and Shall accordingly accommodate our work to the present height of the Ceiling. We yesterday Made a general examination of the Chimneys and find that it would not be prudent (if practicable) to Attempt any alteration in the Chimneys without takeing them down from the begining of the Shaft, the Shaft I beleive May be Saved: it is yet...
[ London, April 19, 1799. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from … Mr. King” to H, Columbia University Libraries.
1446[Diary entry: 27 February 1775] (Washington Papers)
27. Mrs. Craik went away after Breakfast—the Doctr. coming for her.
You had a right to expect to hear from me ere this on the su b ject of a paiment. but I am one among the unfortunate who have been caugh t by the blockade before the sale of my flour. I have between 4. & 500. barrels now in Richmond , & not a barrel sold. I have desired mr Gibson to hold up for 7.D. thro’ this month, but then to sell for whatever he can get. the moment I hear from him that he...
[ November 7, 1792. “I am now obliged to report Mr. James Forbes, third mate, to your notice for the following reasons: 1 Neglect of duty—2 Slanderous reproach on Authority—3 Ill treatment to the men, the latter is designed to retard duty to answer private purposes in my opinion, besides his situation is generally such that renders him incapable of duty or trust which is occasioned by...
As I took the liberty of addressing you previous to my setting out to Bath, having return’d therefrom, I trouble you with a few Lines—Fanny I think is much better, but her Sister I think not so well, and as to myself, I’ve been several times (since I wrote you) at Deaths door, ’tho at present am again mending—my State of Health is exceedingly precarious indeed, and unless the Cause can be soon...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing you last. I have made up my mind to remove to the Missisippi territory. and recollecting you were pleasd to Offer me the Appointment of receiver of public Monies in that quarter (I beleave East of pearl river, I now take the liberty of Soliciting that Appointment for the District West of Pearl river, the reason I name this District is because in the...