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Results 14351-14400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am sorry my Letter was so long on its passage to you as the most perfect Account of my...
LS : Mrs. Edward M. Korry, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. (1976); ALS (draft): American Philosophical...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your kind Letter of Dec. 11. and rejoice to...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <Thursday, February 17, [1774 ], a note in the third...
14355[Diary entry: 17 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Went a Hunting. Found a dog fox in this Neck and killed him after treeing 3 times and running...
14356[Diary entry: 17 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear and pleasant—but little Wind and that southerly. Ice breaking fast.
Whilst I was in Williamsburg, which place I left a few days before the sitting of the Oyer Court...
I am going to give you a little trouble because I am perswaded you will excuse it—no good reason...
I have a Tickett No. 5272 in Lord Stirlings Lottery, the Gentn from whom I bought it, tells me...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society Before I had an Opportunity of answering...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of Dec. 2. and Jany. 5....
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society; minutebook copy: Library Company of...
AL (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I am favour’d with yours of Nov. 19....
AL (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society It is long since I have heard from you. I...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of Dec. 29. with the...
Extract: British Museum Some tell me that it is determined to displace you likewise, but I do not...
LS : Clements Library; ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received your...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society With this you will receive the Act for...
14369[Diary entry: 18 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. At home all day alone Writing. In the Aftn. Mr. Jas. Lawson came. This is probably James...
14370[Diary entry: 18 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Remarkably fine, with little or no Wind in the Morng. After Noon Raing. Wind at No. Et.
Your favour of the 25th Jany I receiv’d last night, & am sorry to tell You that my Voice was long...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , April 20, 1774. The Ministerial People here are...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , February 19, 1774. In November, 1769, when total repeal of the...
14374[Diary entry: 19 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Went a Hunting in the Neck see three Foxs but killd none. Mr. Lawson went away after Breakfast.
14375[Diary entry: 19 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Pleasant and Warm in the Morning—after much Rain. Afternoon windy from the No. West but not...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of both Your Letters to Wm Brent Esqr. & Self—That you have not...
We are favour’d with yours of the 18 Octr with 4 hhds Tobo ⅌ Capt. Boucher, which are landed in...
Text reprinted and paraphrase based on Mme. Henri Saffroy sales catalogue no. 19, February, 1959....
AL : Massachusetts Historical Society I had pleasure in receiving your favor of the 13th....
14380[Diary entry: 20 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. At home all day. Mr. Willm. Brent & Mr. Notley Rozer came to Dinner & stayd all Night. At...
14381[Diary entry: 20 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Ground not froze—day clear, calm, & very pleasant.
Letter not found: to Thomas Johnson, 20 Feb. 1774. Johnson wrote GW on 21 Feb. : “A Servant just...
I have to thank you for your obliging acct of your trip down the Mississipi, containd in a Letter...
How to express fully my Thankfulness, for the many kind Offers you have lately made Nelly &...
ALS : Yale University Library This letter and Franklin’s brief note below, May 9, are to the best...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy and transcript: Library of Congress. The Letter, which...
14387[Diary entry: 21 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. A Wm. Stevens came here in the Evening, & stayd all Night. I continued at home all day. GW...
14388[Diary entry: 21 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Morning lowering, but clear Calm & pleasant afterwards.
A Servant just now delivered me your Letter of Yesterday and told me he was to go out of Town in...
Copy and transcript: Library of Congress I received your Favour of yesterday. If the Substance of...
14391[Diary entry: 22 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. At home all day. Stevens went away Early. Miss Digges Miss Betcy Digges, & Mrs. Slaughter...
14392[Diary entry: 22 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Very white frost, & ground a litle froze—but clear and pleasant with but little Wind.
Mr Young, hearing me express a desire of Importing Palatines to settle on my Lands on the Ohio,...
Since our last respects to you under 13th Septr last We are not favored with any of yours—The...
14395[Diary entry: 23 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day. Mr. Robt. Adam came to dinner and Mr. B. Fairfax and Captn. Crawford came...
14396[Diary entry: 23 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. Clear calm and exceeding pleasant. Ground little or nothing froze.
I was very glad to receive a Line from you, by Mr. French, tho the Account you give me of the...
Abstract: Ingenhousz letterbook, Gemeente-Archief, Breda I am in the utmost consternation about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy and transcript: Library of Congress The Request made...
14400[Diary entry: 24 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Went a huntg. in the Morning and from thence to the Vestry. Mr. Adams going away—upon my...