James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Graham, 22 August 1815

From George Graham

August 22d. [1815]

Dear Sir

Copies of the enclosed papers respecting the pay of the Army, have been sent to Mr. Dallas, & he has promised to communicate to you his opinion on the subject.1 The Letter from Genl. Brown will require attention.2 Mr. Crawfords baggage has just arrived & he will leave this for Mont Pelier, today or tomorrow. Yours very truely

Geo: Graham

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. Year not indicated; conjectural year supplied based on comparison with Graham to JM, 16 Aug. 1815. For enclosures, see nn.

1The enclosures may have included paymaster general Robert Brent’s 4 Aug. 1815 letter to Alexander J. Dallas (DNA: RG 107, Registers of Letters Received), enclosing a statement of funds provided to paymasters from 1 Jan. to 15 May 1815; and Brent’s 9 Aug. 1815 letter to William Harris Crawford (1 p.; DNA: RG 107, LRRS, B-407:8), asking Crawford to resolve questions about the pay of certain army personnel that were not addressed by the act establishing the peacetime army or by the acts it cited.

2Graham probably enclosed Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown’s 30 July 1815 letter to Dallas (2 pp.; ibid., B–395:8), stating that although a letter from Brent indicated that the paymaster believed otherwise, the troops under Brown’s command at Buffalo were actually owed an average of twelve months’ pay. Brown wrote that he had promised the soldiers that they would receive their money promptly.

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