George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Edward Telfair, 20 May 1791

To Edward Telfair

[Augusta, Ga., c.20 May 1791]


Obeying the impulse of a heartfelt gratitude I express with particular pleasure my sense of the obligations which your Excellency’s goodness, and the kind regards of your citizens have conferred upon me.1

I shall always retain a most pleasing remembrance of the polite and hospitable attentions which I have received in my tour thro’ the State of Georgia, and during my stay at the residence of your government.

The manner in which you are pleased to recognise my public services and to regard my private felicity, excites my sensibility, and claims my grateful acnowledgement.

Your Excellency will do justice to the sentiments which influence my wishes by believing that they are sincerely offered for your personal happiness and the prosperity of the State in which you preside.

G. Washington


1GW most likely received and replied on the same day to an address of 20 May from Gov. Edward Telfair, which reads: “My warm congratulations on your arrival at the residence of Government in this State are presented with a peculiar pleasure, as well as a feeling sensibility, and I am persuaded that these emotions are perfectly congenial with those of my fellow citizens. After the gratification felt from your presence among them, they will naturally contemplate the many unavoidable inconvencies arising in so arduous and extensive a tour with the most solicitous anxiety; not less impressed, my cordial wishes shall accompany you through every stage, on your return to the seat of the Government of the United States. Long may you remain to fill the exalted station of Chief Magistrate of the American republics, as the just reward of that patriotism which marked every act of your life, whilst engaged in the arduous struggles of a long and complicated war, gave tone to the liberties of your Country, immortalized your name throughout the nations of the world, and created an unbounded confidence in your virtue with the strongest attachment to your person and family in the minds of American citizens” (DLC:GW). When GW took his final leave of Augusta gentlemen and state officials at about 6:00 A.M., 21 May, at the Savannah River bridge, he supposedly left behind the corpse of a greyhound named Cornwallis, whose 1798 marble tombstone and brick burial vault were allegedly unearthed by workmen a century later. See Augusta Chronicle (Georgia), 1 April 1892.

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