James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Gardner, 2 September 1815

From John Gardner

Philad September the 2 1815


Enclosd you will Recieve Certificate from John Gavino Consular Agent for the U S at the port of Gibraltar Counter Signd By Lambert Smyth One of the Inspectors of the Customs of my having Brought to the united States four Seaman Being in distress and as I am Entitled to a Compensation of ten dollars for Each man I have to Request you to Remit the Same to me directing it to the Care of Mr Robt Burkhart No 57 North Water Street. I Remain Dear Sir with Great Respect you most Obdt and Humle St

John Gardner

RC (DNA: RG 59, ML). Redirected by JM to “The Secretary of State / Washington.” Cover sheet docketed in an unidentified hand: “1816 Augt. 19 forwarded the paper certified to the Treasury with one other recd this day & requested them to send him the money at Philda.” Enclosure not found.

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