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Results 1431-1480 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I wrote you fully the 28th ultimo; since when I have only received two returns; one of the...
Captn John Mercer only returnd last night from Williamsburg and brings no satisfactory answers to...
1433Orders, 28 December 1755 (Washington Papers)
The Recruiting Officers now in town are to make out their accompts and deliver them to morrow at...
You are hereby Ordered to repair to your Company with all possible dispatch. I have found it...
I am very much surprized to hear of the great irregularities which were allowed of in your camp....
Draft: New York Public Library Instructions to Major Parsons You are immediately to raise and...
1437Orders, 29 December 1755 (Washington Papers)
The Officers of each Company when the Roll is called thrice a-day, are also to see that the...
As I am informed of several Soldiers having deserted your Company. You are hereby ordered to...
You are hereby ordered to repair to the Company immediately, and use your utmost endeavours to...
1440After Orders, 29 December 1755 (Washington Papers)
After Orders. The Commissary is to give in immediately an accompt of all the Blankets, Shirts,...
ALS : Grand Lodge F. and A.M. of Pennsylvania We are just on the Point of setting out for...
1442Orders, 30 December 1755 (Washington Papers)
The Commissary is immediately to engage eight waggons to be sent to the Quarter-Master at...
The Early opportunity I had of being acquainted with you, will I hope Excuse my writing you at...
I received yours of the 28th by Jenkins and will do myself the honor to wait on you as soon as...
1445Orders, 31 December 1755 (Washington Papers)
As there has issued Orders several times for every Officer to provide himself with a proper...
You are hereby ordered to proceed to those public Places where you have the greatest probability...
1447Poor Richard Improved, 1756 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris … for the Year of our Lord 1756 . … By...
MS not found; reprinted from William Duane, Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin … with a Postliminious...
Transcript: Library Company of Philadelphia Unsigned and undated, these verses have been copied...
I receiv’d your favour of Decr. 29. about 3 or 4 Days after it was wrote. The bearer left it at...
Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The author of this document, which survives...
1452Memorandum, 1–2 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Patrick Laden has leave to be absent on Furlough, until Sunday night. LB , DLC:GW .
ALS : Yale University Library A happy New Year to you, and all Friends. We arrived here, all...
I am sorry it has not been in my power to acknowledge the receipt of yours until now. At the time...
1455Orders, 1 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Three days provisions to be delivered to the Troops tomorrow at twelve o’clock. Captain Stewart...
1456Orders, 2 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Three Recruits belonging to Captain Stewart, and one to Captain Bell, are to receive arms,...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 8, 1756. I am sorry to inform you, by these...
1458Orders, 3 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Guard is to be regularly relieved every morning at ten o’clock. The Drummer must observe to...
Let Ensign Smiths Recruit have Clothes, arms, &c. LB , DLC:GW .
1460Orders, 4 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Christopher Scully, recruited by Ensign Dekeyser, is to receive Arms, Clothes, &c. to-morrow. The...
The Bearer hereof Capt. Bailis is now going up to Joyn the Prince Wm Detatchment, by Order of...
DS : American Philosophical Society When Franklin and the other commissioners met Governor Morris...
1463Orders, 5 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Polson being appointed in Colonel Gage’s Regiment, has Colonel Washington’s leave to...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 8, 1756. Jacob Levan, Esq; was sent by us...
1465Orders, 6 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Whereas it has been represented to Colonel Washington, that Ensign Dekeyser has been guilty of a...
1466Memorandum, 6 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Wrote to Ensign Buckner at Alexandria, to take John Berry, a Servant of Mr William West, who is...
1467Memorandum, 6 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
It was the judgment of the Court of Enquiry this morning held upon Thomas Norris; that he is...
1468Orders, 7 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Pay-Master is to pay off all the Troops in town to the first of this instant. LB , DLC:GW .
1469Memorandum, 7 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Crawford, of Captain Gists’ Company of Scouts, has his time of Rendezvous prolonged until...
1470Memorandum, 7 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Court of Enquiry upon Ensign Dekeyser’s misbehaviour, are of opinion, that he is guilty of...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 15, 1756. I arrived here last Night. We met...
1472Orders, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers in town to attend Lieutenant Colonel Stephens immediately at Lemon’s House. As...
1473Address, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Lieutenant Colonel Stephens has orders to read the following suspension and admonition to all the...
1474Memorandum, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Deserted last night from the Guard, William Kennedy, confined for desertion; and Abraham Dale,...
1475Memorandum, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Jacob Eayzer, enlisted by Captain Robert Stewart; was viewed, and received. LB , DLC:GW .
1476Evening Orders, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Evening Orders. Captain Stewart is to draught out of his Recruits, men enough to complete his...
1477Memorandum, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Paid off Mary Bailey, Nurse to the Hospital, her Wages in full, to the ninth of this instant. LB...
1478Orders, 9 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Tour of Duty, mentioned in the Orders of the third instant, is to be done only by the...
You are Ordered to proceed from this to Fort Cumberland: and to be accompanied by all the...
I have ordered Lieutenant Colonel Stephen, so soon as he arrives at Fort Cumberland, to detach...