Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cowdery, 2 August 1799

From Jonathan Cowdery, 2 August 1799

Hudson, August 2, 1799


Some time ago my Friends recommended me to the Honl. James McHenry as a proper person for the Office of Surgeon or Physican in the Army of the United States I have since been informed that your Approbation is necessary—Sir plees to inform me concerning the subject & if You think it requisite I will endeavour to obtain a Recommendation to Yourself from Missrs John Livingston Hezekiah L Hosmore David Brooks Ezekiel Gilbert—&C—the Commission in question would be highly gratifying to me—but if it is not consistent for me to have that I will thank You to inform me what method to pursue in order to obtain a Surgeons Commission in the Navy—plees to inform me as soon as is convenient & in so doing You will Oblige Your friend & humble Servant—

Jonathan Cowdery

To the Honl. Elexander Hamilton Esqr. New York.

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

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