George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Edward Snickers, 2 February 1774

From Edward Snickers

Febry 2 1774

Dr Sir

I Receved youres Dated 15 of Desembr the 30 of Jenery1 and as Soon as the wether is Good as waggins Can travile I Shall Send you three or fore hundrid Bushils of Good whete and more if I find I have it to Spare and if you Can not make payment in april I must weaight till you Can as I have purchised Mr Huges Rigt Land I Shold be much obliged to you if in youre power to Send me by the Baror Mr Gist a surtifecat that he wase an ofiser under you and Shold be much obliged to you to Derect me in what manner to prosed as he is Confined in fredrick Gale in mereland and I no not when he will be Gate oute or how2 youre Dereckshons in the above will Graitley oblige youre most obedent Humbil Sarvnt

Ed Snickers


1Letter not found.

2William Hughes, English born, became a sergeant in the Virginia Regiment in 1754. In 1757 on GW’s recommendation he was made regimental adjutant. Hughes was discharged as a lieutenant at the end of the war and was entitled to land allotments under the royal Proclamation of 1763. See Hughes to GW, 12 Mar. 1774. Edward Snickers (d. 1791) of Frederick County, an old acquaintance of GW’s, eventually secured Hughes’s release (see Snickers to GW, 6 April 1775).

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