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Results 14301-14330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
14301 Welch, Wakelin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wakelin Welch, Sr., with … 1783-05-31 Permit me to congratulate You on the happy Restoration of Peace which I flatter myself will be...
14302 Laurens, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Laurens, 19 May 1782 1782-05-19 I am much obliged to you for honoring my bill in favor of Genl Lincoln—it includes the whole sum...
14303 Forbes, John M. Madison, James To James Madison from John M. Forbes, 5 October 1802 1802-10-05 My last respects were under 28th. August. In Compliance with your Circular’s instructions, I feel...
14304 Jefferson, Thomas Barbour, Philip Pendleton From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Pendleton Barbour, 12 … 1823-10-12 I now inclose you the case of my grandson, Francis Eppes and will request your opinion at your...
14305 Bingham, William Jay, John To John Jay from William Bingham, 14[–15] August 1782 1782-08-14 Major Franks, on his Arrival here, the 1 st Instant, delivered me your Letter of the 8 th Septem...
14306 Appleton, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Appleton, 6 October 1807 1807-10-06 In my respects of the 25th. ultimo, I mention’d that certain goods brought by american vessels...
14307 Cowdery, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Cowdery, 2 August … 1799-08-02 Some time ago my Friends recommended me to the Honl. James McHenry as a proper person for the...
14308 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 4 August … 1793-08-04 Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President and will pay due attention to his letter of...
14309 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 26 February … 1805-02-26 Jeffn. Pt.—inclose acot. up to Feb. 12. 05—bal. 8787.69.—to return me acots. inclosed after...
14310 Humphreys, David American Commissioners David Humphreys’ Memorandum to the American … 1784-10-30 The Secretary of the Commission by appointment waited on the Duke of Dorset & delivered to him...
14311 Johnson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Johnson, 16 November … 1787-11-16 I happen to be one of a Committee to report on the petition of Mr John Fitch of Pennsylvania for...
14312 Imlay, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Imlay, 1 August 1789 1789-08-01 I did myself the honor of writing to your Excellency the 15th Ulto expressing my desire to be...
14313 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 July 1772] 1772-07-01 July 1st. Lowering kind of a forenoon but clear afterwards with the Wind Southerly.
14314 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 9 February 1825 1825-02-09 The enclosed note from Mr King, will inform you of the Event of this day, upon which I can only...
14315 Mercer, John Francis Madison, James To James Madison from John Francis Mercer, 23 December … 1786-12-23 I committed some hasty thoughts to paper in an illegible hand, which I sent you by Doctr....
14316 Jefferson, Thomas Ladd, John G. From Thomas Jefferson to John G. Ladd, 28 November 1801 1801-11-28 Having often occasion to have packages of various contents brought to Alexandria; to be forwarded...
14317 Tucker, Samuel First Joint Commission at Paris Samuel Tucker to the Commissioners, 12 July 1778 1778-07-12 Since my Arrival at this Port, I have been much troubled with those Frenchmen I enter’d at...
14318 Cockle, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Cockle, 17 December 1807 1807-12-17 Altho I understand that the president of the U.S. does not receive communication generally from...
14319 Washington, George Continental Congress Committee on Fortifying Ports From George Washington to the Continental Congress … 1776-04-22 I received your favour of the 14 Instt, and Judgg Colo. Richard Gridley & Colo. Hy Knox to be as...
14320 Wycombe, Lord Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lord Wycombe, 25 April 1793 1793-04-25 I trust you will excuse the liberty I take in introducing to your acquaintance Mr. Godfrey who...
14321 Adams, John Adams, Charles John Adams to Charles Adams, 25 December 1794 1794-12-25 Your Letter of the 22 d , alledging Business as an Apology for not writing gave me more Pleasure...
14322 Munroe, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Munroe, 19 January 1811 … 1811-01-19 19 January 1811, Superintendent’s Office, Washington. Gives an account of the moneys expended...
14323 Livingston, Robert R. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert R. Livingston, 12 May 1802 1802-05-12 I have only to add to my last that as I conjectured the Consul has rejected the continuance of...
14324 Pope, John Jefferson, Thomas John Pope to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1817 1817-03-10 I beg leave to make known to you my freind Doctor Watkins of Tennessee who has purchased a farm...
14325 Foronda, Valentin de Madison, James To James Madison from Valentin de Foronda, 5 April 1808 1808-04-05 Tengo la honra de hacer presente à V.S. que quando le pedi por mi carta del 17. del pasado que su...
14326 Madison, James Hurlbut, Martin L. James Madison to Martin L. Hurlbut, 1 May 1830 1830-05-01 I recd. Sir, tho’ not exactly in the due time, your letter of April 25. with a copy of your...
14327 Jefferson, Thomas Shoemaker, Isaac Thomas Jefferson to Isaac Shoemaker, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 A little before I went to Washington in September last, you promised to accept & pay my order in...
14328 Washington, George Weare, Meschech George Washington to Meschech Weare and Jeremiah … 1780-07-04 Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . Requests powder for Army. Explains importance of...
14329 Johnston, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Johnston, 21 May 1805 1805-05-21 Under cover hereof you will please receive Bill Lading for three hhds of Bacon Hams, which I now...
14330 Houdon, Jean Antoine Houdon: Proposal II 1789-07-01 Si la Statue Pédestre que le Sieur Houdon a été chargé d’éxécuter en Marbre pour les Etats de la...