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Results 14301-14350 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Permit me to congratulate You on the happy Restoration of Peace which I flatter myself will be...
I am much obliged to you for honoring my bill in favor of Genl Lincoln—it includes the whole sum...
My last respects were under 28th. August. In Compliance with your Circular’s instructions, I feel...
I now inclose you the case of my grandson, Francis Eppes and will request your opinion at your...
Major Franks, on his Arrival here, the 1 st Instant, delivered me your Letter of the 8 th Septem...
In my respects of the 25th. ultimo, I mention’d that certain goods brought by american vessels...
Some time ago my Friends recommended me to the Honl. James McHenry as a proper person for the...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President and will pay due attention to his letter of...
Jeffn. Pt.—inclose acot. up to Feb. 12. 05—bal. 8787.69.—to return me acots. inclosed after...
The Secretary of the Commission by appointment waited on the Duke of Dorset & delivered to him...
I happen to be one of a Committee to report on the petition of Mr John Fitch of Pennsylvania for...
I did myself the honor of writing to your Excellency the 15th Ulto expressing my desire to be...
14313[Diary entry: 1 July 1772] (Washington Papers)
July 1st. Lowering kind of a forenoon but clear afterwards with the Wind Southerly.
The enclosed note from Mr King, will inform you of the Event of this day, upon which I can only...
I committed some hasty thoughts to paper in an illegible hand, which I sent you by Doctr....
Having often occasion to have packages of various contents brought to Alexandria; to be forwarded...
Since my Arrival at this Port, I have been much troubled with those Frenchmen I enter’d at...
Altho I understand that the president of the U.S. does not receive communication generally from...
I received your favour of the 14 Instt, and Judgg Colo. Richard Gridley & Colo. Hy Knox to be as...
I trust you will excuse the liberty I take in introducing to your acquaintance Mr. Godfrey who...
Your Letter of the 22 d , alledging Business as an Apology for not writing gave me more Pleasure...
19 January 1811, Superintendent’s Office, Washington. Gives an account of the moneys expended...
I have only to add to my last that as I conjectured the Consul has rejected the continuance of...
I beg leave to make known to you my freind Doctor Watkins of Tennessee who has purchased a farm...
Tengo la honra de hacer presente à V.S. que quando le pedi por mi carta del 17. del pasado que su...
I recd. Sir, tho’ not exactly in the due time, your letter of April 25. with a copy of your...
A little before I went to Washington in September last, you promised to accept & pay my order in...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . Requests powder for Army. Explains importance of...
Under cover hereof you will please receive Bill Lading for three hhds of Bacon Hams, which I now...
14330Houdon: Proposal II (Jefferson Papers)
Si la Statue Pédestre que le Sieur Houdon a été chargé d’éxécuter en Marbre pour les Etats de la...
I am favored with yours of the 19th instant, and it gives me pleasure to see an Officer seeking...
I have the honor to inclose you two letters lately recieved from mister Barclay. under another...
J’ai l’honneur de vous prier de faire passer au Général Davies, dernierement l’un des Ministres...
14334General Orders, 3 October 1777 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Worcester Township, Pennsylvania, October 3, 1777.] Describes order of march for attack on...
Mr. Mason & myself lately recd. your packets of London papers by the Alex: Hamilton, which were...
14336[Diary entry: 26 May 1769] (Washington Papers)
26. Cool in the Morning but warm afterwards & clear. Wind Westwardly.
I find it to be a fact, that a family connexion of a person, who accuses ABurr, expresses his...
I wrote to you on the 26th and 30th Ultimo and Addressd Copies since which I have receivd my...
I understand William S. Radcliffe Esquire intends to apply for the Office of justice of the...
27th. Jany Remained at home all the morning in the course of which twenty cards were left—At five...
14341General Orders, 1 September 1775 (Washington Papers)
Complaint has been made to the General, that the body of a Soldier of Col. Woodbridge’s Regiment,...
Burr had a contract with ______ of Pittsburgh, or a company with which he was concerned, for...
I had hoped my very Dear Betsey that I should have had no occasion to write you again from this...
I am now in daily expectation of the pleasure of receiving a letter from you and hope it will...
Your two letters of the 20th and 22d July last have been received, the latter accompanied with...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 17, 1779 . Speculates on destination of the British detachment...
On the 19th I received the Honor of Your Letter of the 9th and knowing how very essential harmony...
Obeying the impulse of a heartfelt gratitude I express with particular pleasure my sense of the...
Copies of the enclosed papers respecting the pay of the Army, have been sent to Mr. Dallas, & he...
143509th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Parsons gave me this morning a packet of Letters, which I have been expecting these five...