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Results 14301-14350 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your letter of the 15 th never reached me till yesterday I condole with you in the unfavorable...
Your agreable Letter of the 9. Jan. has lain too long unanswered.—M r Mappa, I should be happy to...
Your Letter of the 16 th. I rec d only by the Post of last Wednesday.— I am really much affected...
Many months ago I received a kind letter from you, which by some odd accident or strange fatality...
Since I had last the honour of writing to you, the vacancies in our supreme Court have been...
Engaged as you are in public business, and this State not having shown a disposition to join the...
It is mortifying to be beat in a good Cause, without Sense or Argument, but merely by Self-Will...
Coll Humphreys; at the Levee, this morning, delivered me Your kind Letter of Feb. 6, for the...
Your favour of the 27 th. ult o. came safe to hand yesterday. I attended the Convention last week...
By your indulgence in permitting me to ask you any questions, I am emboldened to send you one of...
Your Letter of Feb. 6. has made So deep an Impression that it may not be amiss to make a few more...
Your favours of Decr 15. Jan. 24. and Feb. 17 are before me, and I thank for your Attention, and...
I am much obliged by your favor of the first instant with the report of the Committee: and glad...
I have the honour of yours of the 9 th. instant, & am happy to find that you are not displeased...
After your Excellency’s advice, for which I am much obliged, I wrote, by this Sloop to his...
If your state would as you hint in your letter of the 9 th all turn tories and go back to Britain...
The letter you did me the honor to write me, the 15 th of June last did not arrive till...
Your favours of 19. Dec r. 18. Jan. and 7. March are all before me.— I am much obliged to you for...
There is nothing improper in your application of the 23 d of Feb y nor should I find fault with...
You will have a Visit from your old Friend Gen l. Warren who supposed I could certify some...
The Gentleman, by whom this will be delivered to you, is Nathaniel Appleton esq r the...
Your obliging letter of the 14 instant I have received, & thank you for the friendly intentions...
Your favour of March 17. is rec d. — The French Revolution will, I hope produce Effects in favour...
I ought to have acknowledged the receipt of your favour before this but indeed it is not easy to...
You may easily conceive how much I was pleased, & flattered by your very friendly & confidential...
Your favor of the 31 st of January I received in its season. I have at two or three several times...
The Tories as you observe in your friendly Letter of 24 Feb. are more attached to each other;...
I am much obliged by your favor of March 20 th and very apprehensive that this is not the only...
I have more than once mentioned to you, the state of retirement from political conversation in...
Your last letter is a treasure.— Every Sentence in it is full of instruction. I have often...
To the Honourable John Adams Vice President of the United States of America The Petition of W m:...
I have the honor of your Excellency’s Favor of the 5 th. Curr t. & acknowledge myself extremely...
Your letter of April 13, soars above the visible diurnal Sphære.— I own to you that avarice...
Accept of my best Thanks for your favour of Feb. 1 st. and the excellent Discourse that came with...
Encroachments being made on the Eastern limits of the United States by Settlers under the British...
I am not willing you should want Information from the Seat of Gov t: but I can do little more...
Dialogues of the dead. Charlemain Frederick, Rousseau Otis. Rousseau. have you Seen Franklin,...
It is sometime since I had the pleasure of addressing you but as I know it will not be...
Your favour of March 30. and Ap. 17. came to hand last night. By the “attack in Metre” you mean I...
The Length of Time, Since I had the Honour of a personal Interview, and the Vicisitudes of our...
14341Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
Following the favorable reception of his 1787–1788 work, A Defence of the Constitutions of...
Discourses on Davila. N. 33. It seems by the Discourse of Boetius, that there was a strong...
I have ever considered the Assumption of the State Debts by Congress, as a measure necessarily...
Since writing you, on the 7 h. Instant, by this Conveyance I have delivered to Capt n. Peters, of...
I hope you will pardon me for my presunption to you, but the Subject being so Interesting to the...
I recieved yours of april 4 th and should have wrote sooner but thought it best to wait sometime...
With much pleasure I received your favour of the 26. of April: it brought fresh to my Memory the...
I have received your favor of the 13 th , as I did that of march in due season— One wishes to be...
I have duly received but not duly answered your favor of April 3 d . It is a misfortune that a...
Your agreable favour of the 24 th of April, was brought to me in season and I thank you for it;...