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Results 14301-14350 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
14301 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 16 December 1815 1815-12-16 Mr. J. A. Smith, Secretary to the Legation of the United States at the Court of Great Britain,...
14302 Adams, John Quincy Thursday July 26th 1781. 1781-07-26 Nothing remarkable this day.
14303 Adams, John Quincy 24th. 1785-12-24 Eliza, spent the day here. Received some books from Braintree. Studied Watts’s logic, in the...
14304 Adams, John Quincy 17th. 1786-09-17 Mr. Hilliard preach’d in the forenoon from Isaiah V. 12. But they regard not the work of the...
14305 Adams, John Quincy 31st. 1786-08-31 Charles went to Boston in the morning. I began upon Trigonometry in my mathematical manuscript....
14306 Adams, John Quincy 17th. 1785-05-17 Immediately after breakfast I went to Mr. Barclay’s. The wind has changed, so that we shall not...
14307 Adams, John Quincy Cranch, William John Quincy Adams to William Cranch, 17 March 1780 1780-03-17 As there is a very good opportunity of writing to you by a Gentleman from South carolina who is...
14308 Adams, John Quincy 7th. 1786-10-07 I have been studying almost all day what to write for a Forensic; the subject is so copious, that...
14309 Adams, John Quincy 21st. 1786-09-21 I really do not know what I have done this day. I am always sensible, that what with one trifle...
14310 Adams, John Quincy 18th. 1785-06-18 Our wind is still good but is almost all gone, and we have not run more than 20 or 25 leagues,...
14311 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 3 … 1807-02-03 I have hardly been able to reconcile it to my own conscience for some weeks that so much time had...
14312 Adams, John Quincy Saturday May 21st. 1785. 1785-05-21 At 6 o’clock in the morning a person came from the Captain, to inform me that the wind was fair,...
14313 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 9 August … 1809-08-09 Often as it has been my fortune in the course of my life, to be parted from my Parents, and...
14314 Adams, John Quincy 18th. 1788-01-18 This afternoon I wrote a couple of letters to send by Mr. Atkins, who goes to Boston to’morrow....
14315 Adams, John Quincy 11th. 1786-10-11 The Class from 9 to near twelve were reading their forensic; I read in the affirmative as...
14316 Adams, John Quincy Cranch, William John Quincy Adams to William Cranch, 7 April 1790 1790-04-07 As you were somewhat in my debt in the article of Letters, when I left Boston, I expected ere...
14317 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 5 … 1817-12-05 Yours of the 24th. ulto. with the draft on the Branch Bank for 3000 Dollars in received.—Messrs:...
14318 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 24 April 1815 1815-04-24 I wrote you by Mr Storrow, and by Mr Smith who left this City, with the intention of embarking in...
14319 Adams, John Quincy 30th. 1785-06-30 The weather is very good, but the winds begin to be very variable as we approach to the term of...
14320 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1788-02-08 This afternoon the delegates from Newbury, and from this town, returned home from Convention. A...
14321 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1807-02-06 Your letter of 26. Jany: enclosing one to your Mamma, reached me the same day that I wrote you...
14322 Adams, John Quincy 5. 1788-10-05 Weymouth at meeting. Dr. Tufts’s.
14323 Adams, John Quincy Friday 14. 1780-01-14 This morning we set away at about sun rise. We came two leagues and then went a league up hill...
14324 Adams, John Quincy 22d. 1788-01-22 This afternoon, Leonard White called on me; and sat about half an hour. He came from Haverhill,...
14325 Adams, John Quincy Friday July 1st. 1785. 1785-07-01 Calm weather all day. In the evening it began to lighten, and our thunder spire was fix’d; this...
14326 Adams, John Quincy [June 1785] 1785-06-01 Small wind. The Season for Calm weather is coming forward, and I am afraid we shall have a long...
14327 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1806-06-30 You will receive I presume at the same time with this a letter from me written yesterday at...
14328 Adams, John Quincy 12th. 1788-02-12 In the beginning of the evening I called upon Mr. Hutchinson, and look’d over his music: he plays...
14329 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 2 April … 1803-04-02 The House of Bird, Savage and Bird have stop’d payment, and probably the bill I drew upon them...
14330 Adams, John Quincy Quincy, Josiah, III From John Quincy Adams to Josiah, III Quincy, 5 June … 1822-06-05 Conformably to the suggestion in your favour of the 24th ultimo, I have written to Mr Cruft,...
14331 Adams, John Quincy [October 1785] 1785-10-01 I have been arguing with myself, whether I had best continue my Journal, or break it off at...
14332 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 25 May … 1818-05-25 I am ashamed to find upon my file of Letters to be answered , one from you of 29. January;...
14333 Adams, John Quincy 2d. 1788-03-02 We had no meeting at Parson Carey’s. I was employ’d in writing all the forenoon; but after...
14334 Adams, John Quincy Smith, John Adams From John Quincy Adams to John Adams Smith, 19 June … 1824-06-19 The British Government have not yet consented to admit Consuls into their West India Colonies. An...
14335 Adams, John Quincy [February 1786] 1786-02-01 Slept none last Night. Felt unwell all day. Went in the evening to Mr. White’s but nobody was...
14336 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail (daughter of JA and AA) John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams 2d, 15 March 1786 1786-03-15 What shall I say to justify the date of this letter, after so many fair promises to be punctual,...
14337 Adams, John Quincy [24 August–2 September] 1788-08-24 Here, this journal very abruptly breaks off. I had long doubted whether the utility attending the...
14338 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 30 … 1811-01-30 I wrote you on the last day of the old year, Old-Style, and sent my letter under cover to Mr:...
14339 Adams, John Quincy Tuesday Novr. 4th. 1783-11-04 This forenoon we went with Messrs. Jay, Bingham, and W. Vaughan, to see the Holophusicon, or Sir...
14340 Adams, John Quincy 27th. 1787-12-27 St John’s Day. An entertainment for the Society of free-Masons. In consequence of Stacey’s...
14341 Adams, John Quincy Sunday Septr. 13th. [i.e. 14th]. 1788-09-14 I did not sleep a wink the whole night. My nerves are in a very disagreeable state of irritation....
14342 Adams, John Quincy 2d. 1787-01-02 I pass’d the evening with Mr. Andrews, at Professor Pearson’s. He is fond of music, to...
14343 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 28 March 1806 1806-03-28 I have two letters from you which ought to have been answered some time since, but I have only...
14344 Adams, John Quincy 31st. 1787-12-31 In the Evening I went with Townsend, to see Miss Cazneau, and to fulfill a promise, of playing on...
14345 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 February 1779 1779-02-16 I have now the pleasure to acquaint you some news which will be agreable to you. Yesterday...
14346 Adams, John Quincy Majus. 1783. 20me. 1783-05-20 Diné à Rotterdam chés Mr. Van Berkel ancien bourguemaitre de la ville, et presentement ministre...
14347 Adams, John Quincy 24th. 1787-06-24 Attended meeting all day. Mr. Shuttlesworth preach’d; I was much better pleased with him, than I...
14348 Adams, John Quincy 4th. Wednesday. 1782-09-04 This forenoon Coll. Vallentin arriv’d from Holland and brought us, letters from my Father. Mr. D...
14349 Adams, John Quincy 27th. 1786-12-27 Bridge went to Boston again: in the evening we went down, with Mr. Ware, and Freeman, to Judge...
14350 Adams, John Quincy Boylston, Ward Nicholas From John Quincy Adams to Ward Nicholas Boylston, 14 … 1820-08-14 I received with much concern your kind favour of the 8th instt. particularly as it mentions your...