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Results 14301-14350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
14301 Watkins, Thomas G. Jefferson, Thomas Thomas G. Watkins to Thomas Jefferson, 21 December 1817 1817-12-21 T G Watkins expected to have had the pleasure of tendering his respects to M r Jefferson with the...
14302 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Memorandum on Poplar Forest … 1817-12-17 Form of Certificate of the Surveyor for the vacant lands. ‘Beginning at a red oak pointer corner...
14303 Appleton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Appleton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1817 1817-12-20 Your letter in date of 18 th of July 1816, with its inclosure , reach’d my hands only on the 23 d...
14304 Brown, Matthew Jefferson, Thomas Matthew Brown to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1817 1817-12-20 I have two objection to a Referance to the Lynchburg prices for Brickwork 1st as I have Some...
14305 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 19 December … 1817-12-19 Your Letter of the 13th. has touched my feelings. Deeply infected with a dangerous distemper you...
14306 Smith, John Adams Planta, Joseph, Jr. From John Adams Smith to Joseph Planta, Jr., 19 … 1817-12-19 Mr. J. Adams Smith Chargé d’affaires of the United States of America presents his Compliments to...
14307 Jefferson, Thomas Cabell, Joseph Carrington Thomas Jefferson to Joseph C. Cabell, 19 December 1817 1817-12-19 I wrote to you yesterday morning & put the letter myself into the Post office of Lynchburg to...
14308 Tucker, Henry St. George Madison, James To James Madison from Henry St. George Tucker, 18 … 1817-12-18 I beg leave to enclose to you a hasty sketch on a constitutional question, which it has fallen to...
14309 Jefferson, Thomas Cabell, Joseph Carrington Thomas Jefferson to Joseph C. Cabell, 18 December 1817 1817-12-18 I have been detained a month by my affairs here, but shall depart in three days & eat my...
14310 Mathew Carey & Son Mathew Carey & Son to Thomas Jefferson, 18 December … 1817-12-18 M r Carstairs has politely favoured us with the perusal of a letter from you , requesting a copy...
14311 Pini, Andrea Tozzi Jefferson, Thomas Elisabetta Mazzei Pini to Thomas Jefferson, 18 December … 1817-12-18 Dal Sig re Console Appleton essendoci stata comunicata una Sua Lettera nella quale ci notifica...
14312 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Poplar Forest Survey, 12 … 1817-12-12 Begun at Clarke & Cobb ’s red oak corner N. 62. E 72. po. along a full marked line to his & my...
14313 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Poplar Forest Survey, 17 … 1817-12-17 1817. Dec. 17. field notes of this day, settling Cobb ’s lines Begun at the red oak on Cobb ’s...
14314 Antrim, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum from Joseph Antrim to Thomas Jefferson, 17 … 1817-12-17 Joseph Antrim . Is willing to Plaister the Central College at the following Prices,   Lath 4 d...
14315 Miller, William J. Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Agreement with William J. Miller, 17 … 1817-12-17 Due William J. Miller when the present crop is carried to market & sold fifty pounds it being the...
14316 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Adams, John To John Adams from Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert … 1817-12-16 I am much obliged to You for the Very Agreable Acquaintance of Mr Theodore Lyman; to Him I Will...
14317 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on a Meeting with Thomas … 1817-12-16 Dec. 16. Tho s Whittington , well acquainted with the lines, attends and searches them with us...
14318 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas James Ligon (for Patrick Gibson) to Thomas Jefferson … 1817-12-16 I send you by m r Gilmore 5 Boxes & four Bales or Baskets which have just been rec d from Norfolk...
14319 Jefferson, Thomas Pate, Matthew Thomas Jefferson to Matthew Pate, 16 December 1817 1817-12-16 About two years ago I inclosed you a land warrant for 50. acres with a request to locate it on...
14320 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 16 December 1817 1817-12-16 I send by M r Gilmer ’s Boat 80 ℔ Cotton Yarn N o 5 agreeable to your order rec d some time...
14321 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Abigail Smith From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Abigail Smith … 1817-12-15 Decbr. 15 A Stormy and bousterous day a large party invited to dine being the first Diplomatic...
14322 Adams, John Quincy Madison, James To James Madison from John Quincy Adams, 15 December … 1817-12-15 In the Summer of 1816 I received under a cover from you, a Letter, addressed to Jeremy Bentham,...
14323 Chazotte, Peter Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Peter Stephen Chazotte to Thomas Jefferson, 15 December … 1817-12-15 Author of an “Essay on the formation and progress of Languages and particularly, on the best...
14324 Lee, William Jefferson, Thomas William Lee to Thomas Jefferson, 15 December 1817 1817-12-15 The young man in question arrived a few days ago and is now at work at the factory. M r Keller...
14325 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 14 … 1817-12-14 As you accused me last Evening, or rather Night with preventing the Ladies from writing to you; I...
14326 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis From John Quincy Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 14 … 1817-12-14 A very few days after my arrival in this City, I received your Letter of 19. September, the...
14327 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Plats of Poplar Forest Boundaries … 1817-12-14 scale 50. po. to the inch. platted Dec. 14 17. Course pursued in making this plat. Dec. 14 17....
14328 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Plats of Poplar Forest … 1817-12-14 1817. Dec. 14. Observations on the lines in this plat. Beginning at a corner white oak, sometimes...
14329 Harrison, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Harrison to Thomas Jefferson, 14 December 1817 1817-12-14 From a conversation which M r George Harrison has lately had with Col o Nicholas , I am induced...
14330 Keller, Jonas Jefferson, Thomas Jonas Keller to Thomas Jefferson, 14 December 1817 1817-12-14 M r Lée m’a presenté un jeune homme , que vous lui aviez addressé, pour apprendre L’état de...
14331 Waterhouse, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Waterhouse, 13 December … 1817-12-13 I received your letter with pleasure, and read it with high satisfaction. You have paid the...
14332 Cranch, William Adams, John Quincy From William Cranch to John Quincy Adams, 13 December … 1817-12-13 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of a set of documents, and the second Volume of...
14333 Madison, James Walsh, Robert, Jr. From James Madison to Robert Walsh Jr., 13 December … 1817-12-13 J. M. has recd. the 2d. Vol. of the Amn. Register wth. which Mr. Walsh has favored him. Regarding...
14334 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 13 December 1817 1817-12-13 Our Visitors determined to make a report to the Governor as their patron, of the progress and...
14335 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1817-12-12 I have been haunted with the Deamon of omission, and a hundred Sprights in the garb of excuses,...
14336 Feeling, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Feeling to Thomas Jefferson, 12 December 1817 1817-12-12 With very great respect I take leave to address you on a subject which I am convinced you have...
14337 Jackson, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jackson, 11 December 1817 1817-12-11 Who can better explain the character of a patriot of our Revolution, than his copatriots in the...
14338 Smith, John Adams Bentham, Jeremy From John Adams Smith to Jeremy Bentham, 11 December … 1817-12-11 The last letter of only two I have from Mr Adams is of 8 Octr. at Washington, he took upon him...
14339 Shecut, John L. E. W. Madison, James To James Madison from John L. E. W. Shecut, 11 December … 1817-12-11 Your exalted Character during and since your Administration as the Chief Magistrate of our happy...
14340 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Peter S. Du Ponceau to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December … 1817-12-11 In the last letter which I had the honor of writing to you, I omitted to return you thanks in the...
14341 Eppes, John Wayles Jefferson, Thomas John Wayles Eppes to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December 1817 1817-12-11 I forwarded to you at the commencement of the Session the Message of the President — In the house...
14342 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December 1817 1817-12-11 I wrote to you on the 10 th ult o and have since then sold 96 bls: of your flour to Rob t K:...
14343 Shecut, John Linnaeus Edward Whitridge Jefferson, Thomas John L. E. W. Shecut to Thomas Jefferson, 11 December … 1817-12-11 I cannot deny myself the pleasure of renewing to you the assurances of the high sense I entertain...
14344 Adams, John Tudor, William, Sr. From John Adams to William Tudor, Sr., 10 December 1817 1817-12-10 I have read your discourse with pleasure, and the notes with terror. they open a field of...
14345 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 10 … 1817-12-10 I rejoice in all your Felicities described in your favour of 29th. Nov. What a Contrast between...
14346 Stuart, Josephus Bradner Adams, John To John Adams from Josephus Bradner Stuart, 10 December … 1817-12-10 I have obtained from Wm. Temple Franklin, Esqr. a selection of the manuscript writings of the...
14347 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1817 1817-12-10 John sets off in the morning agreable to Your request Pearticulally examined his cart and have...
14348 Brockenbrough, John Jefferson, Thomas John Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December … 1817-12-10 A suit is pending (in the Superior Court of Chancery ) in which the City of Richmond , the...
14349 Brown, Matthew Jefferson, Thomas Matthew Brown to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1817 1817-12-10 Agreeably to an application Through M r S. J. Harrisson To Build the Central College I make the...
14350 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1817 1817-12-10 Your kind Letter may 14 h By m r Lyman is the Last I Have Received. I know You Had Rather Ride...