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Results 14251-14300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
14251 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 24 June 1783 1783-06-24 Previous to your departure from the Army, I wish to take an oppertunity of expressing my...
14252 Adams, John Quincy [November 1779] 1779-11-01 Titlepage and cover for JQA ’s early Diary, designated D/JQA/1 by Adams editors to indicate the...
14253 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 March 1785] 1785-03-28 Monday 28th. Mercury at 44 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 56 at Night. Wind Southerly all day and...
14254 Hastings, Bentinck Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bentinck Hastings, 7 June 1804 1804-06-07 The Petitioner sendeth greeting, having Studied Mechanism for many years and hath made several...
14255 Sackett, John H. Madison, James To James Madison from John H. Sackett, 6 June 1815 1815-06-06 If it should be the fortune of this communication to meet Your Excellency at a moment when...
14256 Washington, George Shepard, William From George Washington to William Shepard, 29 November … 1782-11-29 I have received your Letter of the 28th & in reply to the request contained in it, I have to...
14257 Jefferson, John Garland Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Garland Jefferson, 29 … 1801-03-29 I have before me a letter from my brother to you dated Mar. 4th. and I feel anxious to acquit...
14258 Walk-in-the-Water Madison, James To James Madison from Walk-in-the-Water, [9 May 1816] 1816-05-09 We have been consulting upon what you have mentiond to us with respect to our annuities being...
14259 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 8 October 1755 1755-10-08 Being much hurried, I shall refer you to Colonel Stephen for Particulars; who brings a melancholy...
14260 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 24 April 1792 1792-04-24 [In my private letter of Mar. 18.] I gave you notice I should lodge subsequent ones perhaps at...
14261 Huntington, Hezekiah Madison, James To James Madison from Hezekiah Huntington, 2 March 1809 1809-03-02 Inclosed are the resolutions adopted by the Legislature of this State at the extraordinary...
14262 Felt, Abigal Adams Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Abigal Adams Shaw Felt to Abigail Smith Adams, 28 … 1815-04-28 It is impossible for me to express to you my dear, my much beloved Aunt, the consolation your...
14263 Strode, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Strode, 15 April 1806 1806-04-15 Since I wrote You on the 9th. I waited on Mr. Washington, Who Sign’d a Certificate of which the...
14264 Randolph, Edmund Washington, George To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 19 February … 1794-02-19 E. Randolph has the honor to inform the President, that the subjects within the department of...
14265 McKean, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas McKean, 1 July 1786 1786-07-01 I do not write to you now as a Public Minister, tho’ I have a heartfelt pleasure in your being...
14266 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 6 … 1819-07-06 I will not delay to Send you a few lines—in answer to your favour of June 24th—with which I was...
14267 Washington, George Poellnitz, Friedrich Charles Hans Bruno, baron von From George Washington to Friedrich von Poellnitz, 23 … 1790-03-23 I received, a few days ago, your letter on the subject of establishing a farm, under the public...
14268 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 1 September 1813 1813-09-01 I this moment receive your favor of the 30th. It gives me much pleasure, that you have so soon...
14269 Barnet, Isaac Cox Madison, James To James Madison from Isaac Cox Barnet, 19 October 1805 … 1805-10-19 § From Isaac Cox Barnet. 19 October 1805, Paris. “I have the honour to transmit to you herewith,...
14270 Ewell, Maxcey Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Maxcey Ewell, 21 February 1791 1791-02-21 I received your Letter dated October 16th 1790 wherein you directed me to call on Mr. Hopkins for...
14271 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 April 1790] 1790-04-11 Sunday 11th. Went to Trinity Church in the forenoon and [wrote] several private letters in the...
14272 Badlam, Ezra Washington, George To George Washington from Ezra Badlam, 21 August 1782 1782-08-21 Knowing the Rectitude of my heart in the Charge lately exhibited against me, I was happy in the...
14273 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 November 1785] 1785-11-25 Friday 25th. Thermometer at 50 in the Morng. at Noon and at Night. Wind Westerly & cooler than it...
14274 Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr. Pickering, Timothy From Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. to Timothy Pickering, 28 … 1781-06-28 By Comand of His Excellency, I give you the followg Extract from a Letter just received from Genl...
14275 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 27 November 1785 1785-11-27 Your favor of the 5th. came to hand yesterday, and Colo. Smith and Colo. Humphries (by whom you...
14276 Hamilton, Alexander Olney, Jeremiah From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Olney, 30 May 1791 1791-05-30 Having considered the case of the Ship Warren, Capt Smith belonging to Messr. Brown & Francis, I...
14277 Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney … 1796-03-03 [ Charleston, South Carolina, March 3, 1796. On June 5, 1796, Pinckney wrote to Hamilton : “I...
14278 Gibson & Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas Gibson & Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 9 June 1812 1812-06-09 We should have replyed to your favor of the 29 th May by last mail, but could not get your...
14279 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 March 1772] 1772-03-04 4. Morning clear and tolerably pleasant but raw and Cold in the Afternoon & raining in the Night.
14280 Jefferson, Thomas Wheaton, Henry Thomas Jefferson to Henry Wheaton, 29 September 1810 1810-09-29 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & his thanks to mr Wheaton for the pamphlet he was so kind...
14281 Washington, George Strang, Joseph From George Washington to Major Joseph Strang and … 1778-11-29 Through the channel of his Excellency Governor I just now received your Complaint against Major...
14282 Hamilton, Alexander Hawkins, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Hawkins, 9 December … 1791-12-09 The ground upon which was founded the refusal to receive upon the subscription to the loan in...
14283 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Philip Schuyler, 5 January … 1781-01-05 Letter not found : from Philip Schuyler, 5 Jan. 1781. On 10 Jan., GW wrote Schuyler : “Your favor...
14284 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 8 May 1794 1794-05-08 I have the honor to submit, a letter just received, from Constant Freeman, dated the 18th of...
14285 Adams, John Wren, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Wren, 21 April 1787 1787-04-21 Your Letter of Yesterday 2 °Clock by express was delivered to me this morning— I waited on the...
14286 Appleton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Appleton, 17 October … 1822-10-17 Your letter of the 11 th of June, reach’d me on the 4 th of Sept r at the Same time I reciev’d...
14287 Huntington, Samuel Jay, John To John Jay from the President of Congress (Samuel … 1781-05-28 Your Letter of the 6 th of November last detailing your Proceedings from the twenty sixth of May...
14288 Hartley, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Thomas Hartley, 12 … 1777-02-12 Since my last from Philadelphia I have been almost continually riding and forwarding the...
14289 Washington, George Prowell, Joseph From George Washington to Major Joseph Prowell, 9 April … 1779-04-09 I have received your letter by Lieut: Jackson. The regiment late Patton’s is to march immediately...
14290 Morris, Gouverneur Washington, George To George Washington from Gouverneur Morris, 6 July … 1790-07-06 I have received your favor of the fifteenth of April and also a Copy of it. In the Close of that...
14291 Lee, Henry (1756-1818) Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Lee, 29 April 1793 1793-04-29 As soon after my hearing of your return to Mt Vernon as I could, I sat out for a visit to you,...
14292 Stephens, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Stephens, 20 September … 1802-09-20 I wrote and sent thee a few phamplets of a Religious nature about two Month since. I now send...
14293 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on Appointments, 20 December 1805 1805-12-20 ^ James Wilkinson of Maryland Governor of the territory of Louisiana from the 3d. day of July...
14294 Jenings, Edmund Adams, John To John Adams from Edmund Jenings, 8 March 1780 1780-03-08 I have done myself the Honor of sending You a Copy, of what was written into Holland and have...
14295 Mifflin, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Thomas Mifflin … 1777-06-11 I was honord with your Letter of Monday and of Yesterday at 5 OClock this Morning —I have given...
14296 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 9 November … 1782-11-09 I am requested, my dear General, by Mr Izard to represent to your Excellency that the Citizens of...
14297 Browere, John H. I. Madison, James To James Madison from John H. I. Browere, 28 September … 1825-09-28 Yours of the 24th inst has just been received; and I hasten to return thanks for a continuance of...
14298 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 10 May 1798 1798-05-10 Rumour at a distance magnifies, and seldom reports truth. I have not written you a word upon a...
14299 Pinckney, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Pinckney, 20 November … 1803-11-20 Lest any accident should happen to the originals of the inclosed, I now send you copies of the...
14300 Rush, Richard Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Rush, 27 March 1815 1815-03-27 Your very obliging and gratifying favor of the 17th of this month, with all its accompaniments,...