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Results 14251-14300 of 184,431 sorted by author
In the course of four days I received your last Letter from St: Petersburg of 12 Feby. That from...
Though I have not hitherto enjoyed the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you, I have long...
Holiday for the first Class, but not for the rest of the School. Reading a Volume of the...
I certify that George Washington Adams was a Student of Law under my direction at the City of...
1425515th. (Adams Papers)
Club met this evening at Pickman’s. All there but Little, who is going through the small pox. Mr....
14256Monday 21st of August 1780. (Adams Papers)
This morning Commodore Gillon came here and went out with Pappa to take a Walk and did not come...
Your short note of the 14th. enclosing your Account to the first of July 1826. 4. Copies of Mr...
1425818th. (Adams Papers)
We dined this day at Mr. Bartlett’s. Captain Wier, was there, and Miss S. McKinstry, who is upon...
142595th. (Adams Papers)
We met in the evening at Stacey’s lodgings. Putnam was not present. At about seven we received a...
14260[Cipher] (Adams Papers)
hzo er fryjei of vaf jhfirnofj hzo vijzear er frjjei of vaf jhfirnofj rokof ha pero ih zado. a b,...
14261Jany. 2d. (Adams Papers)
This day I dined at Mr. C. B. Wadström’s. In the evening I went to the coffee house.
In my last Letter I purposed giving you an account of the measures which have been taken upon the...
14263Wednesday 15th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at 5 o clock the Consul’s servant came and wak’d us up. We dress’d and drank a cup...
1426425th. (Adams Papers)
I was absent from meeting all this day. Bridge dined with me, at my chamber. I begun, and read...
1426522d. (Adams Papers)
The weather yesterday did not look promising, but is this day very clear, and for the season...
1426625th. (Adams Papers)
Dined with my Cousin, and brothers at Mr. White’s; the young Captain was there, a youth, who goes...
1426715th. (Adams Papers)
All day, engaged again, in writing my part of the conference; I do not know that I ever found so...
14268Saturday 18th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to the French Consul’s and from there to the Governor’s of this place. We saw...
1426915th. (Adams Papers)
The weather, very mild; it thaw’d all day. Spent the Evening at Dr. Saltonstall’s; the first time...
142705th. (Adams Papers)
At eleven this forenoon, Mr. Williams gave us, the second, philosophical lecture: it was upon the...
142712d. (Adams Papers)
I breakfasted this morning with Stedman. A number of the lawyers were there; rather nettled at a...
1427227th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went with Mr. Artaud to Mr. Rimberts and from thence we set out, eight in one...
I received your favour of the 17 th: inst t: from New-York, and am happy to hear you had got well...
In a Letter which I had the honour of receiving from you last November, you observed, in relation...
142755th. (Adams Papers)
Snow’d all the morning, but the air so mild, that it melted generally as it fell to the ground....
Since my arrival here, I have employed all the Time, that I have been able to spare, from the...
I have intended every day since my arrival here to write you a line and inform you of my having...
I suppose you have receiv’d before now my letter from Copenhagen dated Feby. 20th. in which I...
Your favours of 27. 28 and 30 August were all received together—They, as well as your preceding...
1428019th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This day we passed from Kůmlinge to Skarpans by water. The distance is, 6. Swedish miles. We went...
We have received and been entertained with your letters from Dessau, Magdeburg and Brunswic.— We...
I am at length released from the multiplicity of business which has employ’d so much of my time,...
M r . M’Evers has just delivered me your favours of the 13 th : and 14 th : of last month, and I...
14284Thursday. 31st. (Adams Papers)
We rode all day that day and all the night and arriv’d at the gates of Wibourg the next morning...
1428527th. (Adams Papers)
The jury upon the case of Smith and Brown, gave their Verdict in favour of the Plaintiff, and...
1428629th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon we had a Lecture from Mr. Wigglesworth, the Professor of Divinity, upon the...
The political Condition of the World, not only engrosses all our thoughts, but absorbs all our...
Your kind letter of the 17th: instt:—together with that of my brother dated the day before has...
1428924th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Artaud dined and supped out. Stay’d at home all day. Snowy and rainy weather. Mr. D. receiv’d...
1429023d. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
After having passed the whole night in the street, at last, we found a publick house at the...
142915th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning. Cranch went to Boston, bought me a flute. We had a Lecture from Mr....
142922d. (Adams Papers)
Attended the court in the forenoon, and afternoon, but there were no causes of any consequence...
I have still to thank you for a very few lines addressed to myself, and for about half of a long...
1429414th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This day the Marquis de Verac the french minister here gave a mascarade ball and supper for the...
14295[May 1787] (Adams Papers)
It thundered this morning from seven to nine, with some rain. I went with Barron to Mr....
I had scarcely closed my last Letter to you my dear mother, acknowledging the receipt of your...
142974th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went and took a walk upon the quay with Mr. Artaud. In the afternoon the youngest...
Your journal of the 16th. 17th. and 18th. from Bordentown was doubly grateful, for being...
1429927th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hilliard preach’d in the morning from Philippians, IV. 11. Not that I speak in respect of...
I now enclose together with a press copy of my last letter to you, the original of one addressed...