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Results 14251-14300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
14251 Washington, George Wythe, George From George Washington to George Wythe, 17 January 1774 1774-01-17 I find my trouble is not like to be at an end with Mr Black; Mrs Black (by his procurement I...
14252 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 January 1774] 1774-01-18 18. At home all day. Mr. Custis came from Maryland yesterday & Hanson Posey came this Eveng.
14253 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 January 1774] 1774-01-18 18. Wind fresh from the No. West and very Cold all day. Clear.
14254 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, Abigail Mercy Otis Warren to Abigail Adams, 19 January 1774 1774-01-19 I sincerely Congratulate my much Esteemed friend on the Restoration of the invaluable Blessing of...
14255 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 January 1774] 1774-01-19 19. Mr. Custis & I went into the Neck a Hunting. Found two Fox’s but killd neither. Doctr. Rumney...
14256 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 January 1774] 1774-01-19 19. Cold & hard frozen Morning but clear and not much wind from the Southward. Thawd but little.
14257 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 January 1774] 1774-01-20 20. At home all day. Doctr. Rumney continuing here. Miss Sally Carlyle & her Sister Nancy & Miss...
14258 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 January 1774] 1774-01-20 20. Little or no Wind, and more moderate than yesterday—but sometimes threating falling Weather...
14259 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 January 1774] 1774-01-21 21. Doctr. Rumney went away after Breakfast. Mr. Custis & I went a hunting in the Neck & after...
14260 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 January 1774] 1774-01-21 21. Wind Southerly in the Morning, but about Noon it Shifted to the Northwest, blew hard & turnd...
14261 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 January 1774] 1774-01-22 22. At home all day. Miss Carlyle & the other Girls went away after Dinner—and Mr. Young to...
14262 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 January 1774] 1774-01-22 22. Very cold Morning. River quite Shut up in the Morning early; but opend into holes afterwards,...
14263 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 January 1774] 1774-01-23 23. At home all day. In the Evening Mr. Robt. Rutherford came.
14264 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 January 1774] 1774-01-23 23. Was also very cold. Wind still Northerly.
14265 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 24 … 1774-01-24 AL : American Philosophical Society I received your much esteemed favour of November 1st 1773,...
14266 Darwin, Erasmus Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Erasmus Darwin, 24 January … 1774-01-24 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have inclosed a medico-philosophical Paper which I should...
14267 Franklin, Benjamin Walpole, Thomas Franklin’s Ostensible Withdrawal from the Walpole … 1774-01-24 I. AL : Library of Congress II. ALS : New York Public Library; draft: Library of Congress...
14268 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 January 1774] 1774-01-24 24. At home all day. Mrs. Blackburn her Son & Miss Ellzey as also Mrs. Brown, came to Dinner &...
14269 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 January 1774] 1774-01-24 24. Raw cold & Cloudy all day, Wind still at No. West & fresh.
14270 Madison, James Bradford, William From James Madison to William Bradford, 24 January 1774 1774-01-24 Yours of the 25 of last month came into my hands a few days past. It gave singular pleasure not...
14271 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 January 1774] 1774-01-25 25. Mrs. Blackburn & those that came with her as also the Doctr. went away after Dinner. The main...
14272 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 January 1774] 1774-01-25 25. Tolerably pleasant—being clear with little or nor Wind.
14273 Washington, George Jones, Emmanuel Jr. From George Washington to Emmanuel Jones, 25 January … 1774-01-25 Letter not found: to Emmanuel Jones, Jr., 25 Jan. 1774. On 18 Feb. Jones wrote GW : “Your favour...
14274 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 January 1774] 1774-01-26 26. Mr. Rutherford went away after Breakfast. I contd. at home all day.
14275 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 January 1774] 1774-01-26 26. Clear and pleasant but little Wind and that Southerly.
14276 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 January 1774] 1774-01-27 27. At home all day alone, except Mr. Valentine Crawfords being here. Valentine Crawford was GW’s...
14277 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 January 1774] 1774-01-27 27. Wind blowing fresh and cold all day from the No. West & freezing very hard. With Clouds.
14278 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric … 1774-01-28 AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Le porteur de la présente est mon ancien et bon...
14279 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 January 1774] 1774-01-28 28. At home all day. Majr. Chas. Smith & Andw. Wagener came here to dinner. The last went away...
14280 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 January 1774] 1774-01-28 28. Snowing till the Afternoon but not fast—ground coverd abt. 2 Inches. Very cold River quite...
14281 Washington, George McDonald, Angus From George Washington to Angus McDonald, 28 January … 1774-01-28 Inclosed you have a Certificate of your having served as an Officer in the Virginia Regiment; as...
14282 Wedderburn, Alexander The Final Hearing before the Privy Council Committee … 1774-01-29 I. printed in [Israel Mauduit,] The Letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver …...
14283 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 January 1774] 1774-01-29 29. At home all day. Majr. Smith went away after Breakfast.
14284 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 January 1774] 1774-01-29 29. Wind in the same place & Cold. In the Afternoon abt. an Inch more Snow.
14285 Washington, George Muse, George From George Washington to George Muse, 29 January 1774 1774-01-29 Your impertinent Letter of the 24th ulto, was delivered to me yesterday by Mr Smith —As I am not...
14286 Whitehurst, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Whitehurst, 30 January … 1774-01-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot sufficiently express my obligations to you for this...
14287 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 January 1774] 1774-01-30 30. At home all day. Mr. Bryan Fairfax came to dinner and stay’d all Night.
14288 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 January 1774] 1774-01-30 30. A kind of a Sleet after the Morning continued all day with the Wind abt. No. Et.
14289 Todd, Anthony Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Todd, 31 January 1774 1774-01-31 Letterbook copy: General Post Office, London Two days after the scene at the Cockpit the blow...
14290 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 January 1774] 1774-01-31 30[31]. At home all day—Mr. Fairfax continuing here. Mr. Custis returnd to Mr. Calverts by way of...
14291 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 January 1774] 1774-01-31 31. Clear and not so cold as yesterday. A great deal of Rain fell in the Night.
14292 Jay, Peter Livingston, William Peter Jay to William Livingston, 31 January 1774 1774-01-31 My son having informed me of his Inclination of being connected in your Family, and your...
14293 Washington, George [February 1774] 1774-02-01 Feby. 1st. At home all day. Mr. Fairfax went away after Breakfast. In & abt. Dinner time Nancy...
14294 Washington, George Acct. of the Weather in Feby. [1774] 1774-02-01 Feby. 1st. Tolerably warm, and thawing all day. Wind Southerly. 2. Still warm and thawing with...
14295 Washington, George Cash Accounts, February 1774 1774-02-01 Cash Feby 2— To Ditto [cash] recd from Mr Geo: Johnson on Acct of David Kennedys Rent [£] 35.10.3...
14296 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 February 1774] 1774-02-01 Feby. 1st. At home all day. Mr. Fairfax went away after Breakfast. In & abt. Dinner time Nancy...
14297 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 February 1774] 1774-02-01 Feby. 1st. Tolerably warm, and thawing all day. Wind Southerly.
14298 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 1 February … 1774-02-01 I wrote you from Fredericksburgh on my return into this Country, apologizing for my not waiting...
14299 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Franklin, 2 February … 1774-02-02 ALS : British Museum This Line is just to acquaint you that I am well, and that my Office of...
14300 Franklin, Benjamin Massachusetts House Committee of Correspondence From Benjamin Franklin to the Massachusetts House … 1774-02-02 ALS : New York Public Library I received the Honour of your Letter dated Decr. 21. containing a...