James Madison Papers

Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 9 October 1828

Monticello Oct. 9. 28.

Dear Sir

The Board, as you will perceive, adjourned on Saturday; and, at that time, I expected to have it in power to send you a copy of their proceedings, by the tuesday’s mail. This, however, other engagements rendered impossible.

I was happy to hear from Colo Coles that you continued to improve, & trust that the heavenly weather we are now enjoying, will accelerate the return of your strength. In the hope it might have some effect, & that it would not be disagreeable to you, I have made your absence from this meeting, the occasion for a few remarks on the manner in which you are oppressed by correspondents.

Within the last fortnight, the subject of a school at this place has been again broached; it is very strongly urged by Mr Jefferson R, and several friends of the family, and almost decided on.

The sales both in Bedford & here, were failures. There, a few hundred acres of land were disposed of at a very low price, (I believe $6.00) & very long terms. Here, Mr Davis purchased about 50 acres, at $20: and Mr Dawson between 5 & 600 near Milton, at 5 or 6 dollars.

Mrs Randolph went down yesterday, to spend a day or two at Edge hill. She will now, probably, postpone her visit to Montpellier, until after the family shall have received its expected increase. In the mean time, I tender for her & ourselves, the most affectionate salutations

N. P. Trist

RC (ViHi: Nicholas P. Trist Album Book). Docketed by JM.

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