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Results 141991-142020 of 184,431 sorted by author
With a caution that my slowness and total inexperience in the duties of which the board of Visitors tender me the discharge, will probably call for a full measure of indulgence; and with the grateful feelings which the mark of confidence is calculated to inspire, I accept the opportunity of trying myself in the office of their Secretary. In relation to the catalogue, as my motive in...
I have used no ceremony in retaining the enclosed $15. until I could conveniently return it. Do not, I pray, give yourself the trouble to write; as I hope again to see you in the course of the month, on my return from Albemarle. Looking for a paper, the other day, I came across the one I now send for your perusal. The circumstance that caused me to write it, you will recollect. On reflexion, I...
Your favor of the 23d. was not received until last night. I had been thinking some time, that I ought to have long ago written to you on the subject; and now feel ashamed that a letter from you should have found the design yet unaccomplished. The matter shall, however, be immediately attended to: that is, as soon as little piece of business which the same mail brought from Mr Coolidge on...
My search among the papers here, has proved equally ineffectual. I shall see Mr Gilmer to-day, however; and, ascertaining from him where his late uncle’s papers are, obtain that in question with as little delay as possible. I was sorry to learn, on further enquiry, that the report concerning Mr Wirtembaker is unfounded: he certainly remains, I am told, during the next session. Perhaps,...
Yours of the 11th finds me this morning on the point of setting out, in company with Dr Dunglison, on a visit to Genl. Cocke, which I have been promising for two or three years. On Mr. Tracie’s account, I at first hesitated whether I should give up the trip, which the delay of going to the University where his papers are would have obliged me to abandon altogether; but on reflection, I have...
It may, perhaps, be important to you to know that a conversation with General Bernard to-day has satisfied me of the extreme probability of War (perhaps general ) in Europe Yrs affly Of course this intelligence is, in a great measure confidential. RC (ViHi : Nicholas P. Trist Album Book). Docketed by JM.
I now return you the paper containing Mr Hassler’s publication, which, so very slight was my previous knowledge of him, has given me more insight into his character than I before possessed. It breathes, I think, the tone of worth and of true science; but the wide difference must not be lost sight of, between a skilful, and perfectly scientific astronomer , and a good mathematician ; nor that...
You will perceive in the accompanying paper, one of your ideas thrown into print. The origin of this piece was as follows. Being in Charlottesville on business, I was asked by Mr Wood of that place to dinner; & found there, among others, Mr Bonnycastle & Mr Davis the Editor. Among other things, the advocate’s attack on Mr Rush was brought upon the carpet; and Mr B., qui se mêle d’économie...
Immediately after the adjournment of the Board, Mr Lomax called to enquire whether they had made any order in relation to the incongruities in the prices of Professors’ tickets unconsciously introduced by the enactment establishing fifteen dollar fees for attendance on the classes of Medical Jurisprudence, Political economy, &c. On being informed that No order had been made on the subject, he...
I have already delayed several days longer than I intended, the acknowledgment of the receipt of the books, and of the gratification of receiving a letter written with your own hand, which the transmission of the Cholera Report through you has afforded me. I now snatch a moment for the purpose, while waiting for a document which I am to copy. The copy of L’s book, I had no idea of your...
Your favor of the 2d—postmarked 3d—was received this morning, after the departure of the mail. I immediately set about ascertaining what the law of Maryland was on the point in question, at the time of the cession: this being the law of Washington county in the District of Columbia, unless altered by act of Congress, which, I have ascertained, has not been done. The act of the Legislature of...
Your favor in answer to mine, has come safe to hand. Such is the character of the attention now given to public affairs, that I think it quite doubtful whether the absurdity in question—glaring as it is—will not escape notice. It is not in the exact line of Scent of either or any of the packs. A production which, to a mind at all familiar with your and Mr Jefferson’s principles, could not be...
Your favor of the 2nd—was answered yesterday evening, & the answer went by this morning’s mail. Lest, however, it should meet with some accident, I repeat the information it contained. The law of Maryland, now in force here, makes no distinction between holograph and other wills. It requires that all wills be signed by the testator (or by some one by his express direction) in the presence of...
Our friend Mr Terrell is now among us, on a farewell visit, preparatory to his removal to New orleans, whither he goes in the fall. During this visit, he desires much to put into execution his long deferred pilgrimage to Montpellier; and, in compliance with this wish, I shall take the liberty of guiding his footsteps thither some time before the close of the month. During Mr Jefferson’s life,...
It has for some years, been a subject of regret with Mr Huygens to have passed near Montpellier without having it in his power to make a pilgrimage to it. He now travels under circumstances more propitious to his wishes, and affords me an opportunity to recall myself in an agreeable manner to your & Mrs Madison’s recollection RC (ViHi : Nicholas P. Trist). Docketed by JM.
Your kind favor with the accompanying papers, from which I have made several interesting extracts, was duly received. I have made enquiries concerning the individual in question, formerly a student here, of Drs Dunglison & Blaettermann & Mr Bonnycastle. He was not a pupil of the first named gentleman, but the Dr was acquainted with his character: "very stupid & had done himself no sort of...
The packet which goes by the same mail contains, I believe, all the papers you desired me to send. I enclose a copy of the only resolution which it is necessary you should at once have under your eye: one of the journal, at length, I will send as soon as I can make it out. The acceptance of Dr Patterson which you will see noticed in today’s advocate, we have from Dr. Dunglison, who got a...
Your packet has come safe to hand, & the enclosure for Mr Nicholls shall be delivered by me this afternoon, unless it rains, as now seems probable. Meanwhile, I enclose you a paper containing many details concerning the wonderful event which the inconceivable folly of half a dozen men has brought about. Although it were to be wished that they would have suffered the French People to continue...
On going over to Edge-hill yesterday, I learned that the letter you wrote for a copy of, sometime ago, had afterwards been found & copied, but not sent. Although apprehensive that your patience will have become exhausted, & that therefore it will arrive too late for the purpose intended; I lose no time in sending it. With affectionate adieux RC ( ViHi : Nicholas P. Trist Album Book).
This mail conveys to you two copies of the enactments, which have been delayed so long. You will be surprised to learn that I have taken upon myself to send on the report without them; this went by last Sunday’s mail. On meeting Genl. Cocke early in the week of the sale, he immediately enquired about the report, & expressed great surprise & concern at the answer. “What! Not yet. Bless my...
The enclosed is a communication to the Enquirer, not yet published , which I have got printed at the Globe office, and sent to the E. in its present shape, to avoid the typographical errors which, had it been sent in M. S., would have been sure to occur, & to mar the sense. If the Lynchb Jeffersonian speak the truth, Mr Walsh pronounces Mr. Calhoun’s piece to be unanswerable , and another...
I wrote a line the day after the receipt of your letter, to inform you of its safe arrival. It did not rain that afternoon, as I then anticipated, & I went to Georgetown. Mr Nicholls, however, was out; nor could the gentleman in his store tell me where he could be found. The next day it rained heavily; & the day after, I was laid up. The indisposition although severe was very transient, & I...
I should not have been so tardy in acknowledging your two favors of the 23 and 30th ulto, and returning my thanks for the newspapers by which they were accompanied, but for the reason that I will now explain. I had conceived a project in which, when brought to a certain stage of completion, it was my intention to beg your counsel & assistance. This project was nothing less than to write a...
The Board, as you will perceive, adjourned on Saturday; and, at that time, I expected to have it in power to send you a copy of their proceedings, by the tuesday’s mail. This, however, other engagements rendered impossible. I was happy to hear from Colo Coles that you continued to improve, & trust that the heavenly weather we are now enjoying, will accelerate the return of your strength. In...
Procrastination has prevented my sooner writing on a subject which the deep interest I take in the University has long determined me to venture to broach to you. I have very little time for the purpose now, and moreover, my head swims like a top in consequence of my rest having been disturbed last night by my little girl; but, from the near approach of the meeting of the visitors, there is not...
To my great mortification, I learn this evening that Mr Randolph left Edge-hill after dinner, for Montpellier. His intention to spend the night with Dr Page, gives me hopes however, that a messenger setting out before day may reach there before he sets out, & retrieve the opportunity. With a view to multiply the chances in their favor, I have made copies of two of your letters which, from...
I have determined to send you also a No of the Westminster, containing another article on gymnastics which tends to convey an idea of the importance which the subject had, at that date, already acquired in England. In my note of yesterday evening, I forgot to mention, as it had been my intention to do, that several circumstances have reduced to an almost certainty in my mind the fixed design...
The servant overtook Mr R. So that you received your tardy letters yesterday evening. I now send the copies mentioned in the letter which accompanied them. When you next write, please mention whether my letters of the 11. 18. 29. have come to hand; & also a newspaper in which I carelessly enclosed a scrawl which, for various reasons, I should not like to have fallen into the hands of...
My indisposition was of short duration: Dr Dunglison’s prescription dispelling the fever & other unpleasant circumstances with which it was attended, in three or four days. So that on the thursday succeeding, the weather having moderated, I was enabled to go out. The printing, I am sorry to say however, goes on not very rapidly; at least had not done so last week. Mr McKennie told me that he...
Intending to answer your favor of the 27th. by that mail, I went up on saturday afternoon, to the University. But Mr Brockenbrough could nowhere be found, to get from him the key of the apartment where the papers were locked up. I was near being equally unfortunate yesterday; for one of the members of the Jefferson society to whom I traced the key, had gone out & did not return till the...