141971To Thomas Jefferson from Nicholas Philip Trist, 18 October 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
I avail myself of the first opportunity that offers to return your catalogue, the absence of which will have proved, I fear, a greater inconvenience than can be compensated by the copy I have made.—I should certainly not have taken it with me, had I Anticipated the long detention I am experiencing; but this has been caused by a chain of unhappy circumstances which it was as impossible to...
141972Nicholas P. Trist to Thomas Jefferson, 14 April 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
This work has just made its appearance here, and I am confident You will not consider as thrown away, the time you will have spent in reading it.— I leave this tomorrow, after a tedious stay of more weeks than, on my arrival, I expected to spend days.— Browse writes that there are letters w from Monticello waiting for me at home; From them, I hope to have the pleasure of Learning in a few...
141973To Thomas Jefferson from William Tristoe, 18 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Accept the affectionate address of the Ketocton-baptist Association holden in Loudoun county and state of Virginia august the 18th. 1808. You will permit us to offer you our sincere congratulations while we see you about to be relieved from the labours inseperable from the trust you have been called to sustain. But while we anticipate your repose in the bosom of domestic tranquility, we deeply...
141974Extract from Virginia J. Randolph (Trist) to Nicholas P. Trist, 13 May 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
We have all had a dreadful shock at an accident which was near proving fatal to my dear Grand-Father the other day in the river ; and are more miserable than ever at his persisting in the practice of riding without a servant to attend him, while his arm is still in a sling and quite helpless. his horse mired in the river , & fell, confining Grand -Papa ’s legs under him, and although not hurt...
141975Extract from Virginia J. Randolph (Trist) to Nicholas P. Trist, 12 November 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
I have been disappointed in hearing from you as I expected certainly to have done this evening, My Dear Nicholas , and have a great mind not to write to you atall, until I do get a letter, but as you have constituted your self the “repository” of all that passes in my thoughts, the terror and uneasiness that I have felt to day on my Grand-Fathers account, shall be faithfully detailed. this...
141976Extract from Virginia J. Randolph (Trist) to Nicholas P. Trist, 5 June 1823 (Jefferson Papers)
As you have had an explanation of this silence of rather more than three weeks, you can have felt no uneasiness, or conceived yourself neglected atall, I shall therefore make no excuses, but proceed to tell you what a pleasant visit we have had to Bedford , and that Grand-Papa bore the fatigue of the journey as well as usual: he took a walking stick, on our return, to assist him when he got...
141977Enclosure: Tronchin’s Memorandum on Recovering Foreign Debts in America, [17 October 1796] (Jefferson Papers)
Mémoire Quelques personnes, sans doute mal instruites, affectent de croire qu’un Débiteur qui a fui d’Europe en emportant avec lui les biens de ses créanciers, s’il a choisi son azile dans les Etats Unis d’Amérique, ne sauroit y être poursuivi, ni obligé à restitution: Ou ce qui revient au même, que les Tribunaux d’Amérique se refuseroient à mettre à exécution des Jugemens rendus en Europe...
141978To Thomas Jefferson from Jean-Armand Tronchin, 22 January 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
Permettés moi d’avoir l’honneur de vous remettre la notte cy-jointe qui m’a été adressée par Messeigneurs du Conseil de Genève, avec charge de recourrir à vos bons offices, Monsieur, pour procurer à une famille des plus considérables de ma patrie les éclaircissemens qui lui sont nécessaires. Je me flatte, Monsieur, que vous voudrés bien acceuillir ma demande: Messeigneurs en seront très...
141979To Thomas Jefferson from Jean-Armand Tronchin, 2 August 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ay reçu hier au soir la lettre dont vous m’avez honoré le même jour avec les 7 ffos. qu’elle contenoit. Je vais faire parvenir le tout à Messeigneurs du Conseil de Genève qui seront bien reconnoissans des égards que vous avez eu, Monsieur, à leur réquisition; et la famille de Mr. Gallatin bien contente d’aprendre son existence et la position avantageuse dans la quelle il se trouve. Ce jeune...
141980To Thomas Jefferson from Jean-Armand Tronchin, 23 February 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
M. Tronchin, Ministre de la République de Genêve, comptant entièrement sur l’amitié dont l’honore Monsieur de Jefferson, Ministre plénipotentiare des Etats-Unis, prend la liberté de lui adresser le Mémoire des Intéressés de la manufacture de Bourges, créanciers des Etats-Unis, avec prière de vouloir bien l’appuier de tout son crédit. M. Tronchin joint à ce mémoire la copie d’une lettre de M....