From George Washington to Thomas Gage, 12 April 1758
To Thomas Gage
To The Honble Thomas Gage
Dear Sir,Ft Loudoun, 12th Aprl 1758.
With a great deal of sincerity I thank you, for the notice you have been pleased to take of Mr Hall. And, if possible, I more sincerely congratulate you upon the promotion you have justly met with, yourself.1
I wou’d now, altho’ I think modesty will scarcely permit me to ask it, beg the favour of you to mention me to Genl Forbes (if you are acquainted with that Gentleman:) I mean not, Sir, as one, who has favors to ask of him—on the contrary, having entirely laid aside all hopes of preferment in the military line, (and being at present induced to serve this campaign from abstract motives, purely laudable.) I only wish to be distinguished in some measure from the general run of provincial Officers, as I understand there will be a motley herd of us! This, I flatter myself, can hardly be deemed an unreasonable request, when it is considered, that I have been much longer in the Service than any provincial officer in America.2
I most sincerely wish you success in whatever Enterprize you may go upon; and with the most affectionate regard, I am, Dr Sir, Your most obedt and obliged Humble Servant,
1. GW and Thomas Gage served together under Edward Braddock during the disastrous expedition in 1755. In late 1757 William Pitt gave Lieutenant Colonel Gage, and all other lieutenant colonels in the regular army stationed in America, the temporary rank of colonel. Gage then persuaded the commander in chief in America, Lord Loudoun, to authorize him to raise and command a regiment of light infantry in America. Among the officers that Gage chose for his new regiment of 500 men, the 80th (mistakenly identified in , volumes 2 and 4 as the 18th), was Lt. John Hall (see Hall to GW, 14 Feb. 1758). Gage went down to Philadelphia with Gen. John Forbes in April 1758, but he soon returned to New York to serve in the campaign there under Gen. James Abercromby.
2. For Forbes’s opinion of GW, see GW to Forbes, 23 April, n.1. Robert Stewart wrote Forbes on this day: “I have the pleasure to inform you that Colo. Washington is quite recover’d from his long Indisposition is determin’d to Serve this Campaign and longs for The honor of your acquaintance” (Scottish Record Office: Dalhousie Muniments).