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Results 1411-1440 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Though late, I hope I am not among the last of your friends in congratulating you upon your escape from the high and dangerous appointment which your Country (to use the words of Lord Chesterfield ) inflicted upon you during the last eight years of your life.—Methinks I see you renewing your Acquaintance with your philosophical instruments, and with the friends of your Youth in your library —...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 22, 1780 . Requests loan of two thousand arms and as many “Cartouch Boxes” as can be spared. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Your Letter of the 10th instant enclosing a Memorial dated the 9th, never came to my hands until yesterday. I shall transmit both to the Secretary of State, to whom it would have been more regular for you to have applied in the first instance. The proofs will be necessary for his inspection & information (if the matter has not been acted upon by the American Minister at Paris) that he may be...
V. E. Verra par les copies ci-jointes, qu’il ne s’est agi que de rendre à ces Messieurs d’Amsterdam un service, qu’ils me demandoient instam̃ent, & auquel j’ai cru, & devois croire, ne pouvoir honnêtement me soustraire, quand même vous ne m’auriez pas recom̃andé le soin de vos Livres: ce qu’ils ignoroient quand ils m’écrivirent la premiere de ces Lettres. Je viens de recevoir l’honorée vôtre du...
It appears to me but reasonable that an Officer under Major Mcphersons circumstances, acknowledged by no State and belonging to no Corps should be put upon the same footing in respect to his depreciation of pay as the Foreign Officers in our service were. I have the honor to be&c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
In a letter from Dupont de Nemours to me is the following passage. ‘Houdon a laissé en Amerique un trés beau buste de Benjamin Franklin, lequel est actuellement chez moi. ce buste en marbre vaut cent louis de notre monnaie, environ 480. D. rien n’est plus convenable a la nation que de la placer dans votre Capitole &c. et Houdon, a qui la Virginie doit encore mille ecus sur la statue de...
Being longer detained in Albemarle than I expected I did not arrive here untill the last evening, when I received your letters of the 2d. & 5th. and of the 13th. I will attend to what you recommend respecting the republication of observations under the signature Citizen two Nos. have only appeared that have come to my knowledge and these in papers of the first week of the month. The lapse of...
It being understood that the charge of American Agent, which the interests of the United States, seem to require at Guadeloupe, would not be unacceptable to you, the President has been pleased to confer it upon you. It will relate lst: to the Superintendence of our Seamen in the place of your residence, and as far as is practicable and convenient, in the adjacent Colonies & Seas; and 2dly: to...
To The Honble Thomas Gage Dear Sir, Ft Loudoun, 12th Aprl 1758. With a great deal of sincerity I thank you, for the notice you have been pleased to take of Mr Hall. And, if possible, I more sincerely congratulate you upon the promotion you have justly met with, yourself. I wou’d now, altho’ I think modesty will scarcely permit me to ask it, beg the favour of you to mention me to Genl Forbes...
Whereas George Guelph King of Great Britain & Ireland and Elector of Hanover, heretofore entrusted with the exercise of the Kingly office in this government, hath endeavored to pervert the same into a detestable & insupportable tyranny < has kept some colonies without judiciary establmts > < judges dependant > refused judiciary establmts to some without unjust & partial judges dependant...
The Secretary of State presents his Compliments to Messrs. Viar and Jaudenes, and informs them that the government of the United States having occasion to send public dispatches to their Commissioners plenipotentiary at the Court of Madrid, James Blake, a Citizen of the United States is employed as their Courier to be the Bearer of them. He is to embark on board the Ship bound from this port...
The Constitution is at length arrived, and Mr: Russell informs me that she is to return to France before she will proceed to America; which will not probably be till some time in the Month of Janry. My Plan of embarking in her is by this means disconcerted; and the detail of Communication, that I was desirous of making personally, delayed. I am now strongly persuaded to defer my departure till...
Having a good opportunity to write to England, I will gladly avail myself of it, to make such enquiries, as might conduce to promote the object of the Governor of Virginia, in procuring a Professional Man of character & eminence to direct the improvement of the State by roads & Canals. It would however be necessary, perhaps, that I should mention the terms likely to be granted to the Principal...
It is a long time since I wrote you as I have again been very sick and utterly unable to put pen to paper—You may therefore readily imagine that I have nothing to write about any more than yourself as I have had nothing whatever to do with the great world for some time who are kind enough to believe me sick in consequence of the Presidential question—I will acknowledge that it is of a nature...
1425[Diary entry: 1 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 1st. Thermometer at 34 in the Morning—34 at Noon and 32 at Night. A very disagreeable mixture of Rain and fine hail fell all day, with a fresh and cold No. easterly wind. Towards night and in the Night it snowed. Few days or Nights this year have been more inclemt. and disagreeable than this.
1426[Diary entry: 15 April 1769] (Washington Papers)
15. Clear & pleasant Morning but raining afternoon. Clear & cool Evening. Wind at No. West.
If I entertaind a wish to tread a land render’d sacred to Liberty by the virtuous efforts of men deserving the veneration of this, and after ages, for their deeds, which Heaven has already so well rewarded, the anxious one of paying the among them, the most unfeignd respect would urge me most there to. The bearer My son I hope, will have the honor of giving you this assurance of it, and I...
I have never doubted, that America would be added to the vast Catalogue of Nations, who would not be Saved by Precepts nor Examples. Nothing but a ballanced Government can Save any nation from the Tyranny of the many the few or the one, and no Nation ever was long united in understanding or preserving a ballance. England has preserved it longer than any nation ever did before, and England but...
Treasury Department, August 20, 1792. “Your letter of the 25th. ultimo, concerning a certain seizure made by you, has been received. If the Sloop Polly passed 24 hours within any harbour, inlet or creek of any Port in your Dictrict without reporting, the penalty, in the 16th Section of the Collection law will apply; otherwise, there will be no penalty for proceeding to an ‘interior...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 26, 1779 . Hopes that the “want of bread” has been “relieved.” Asks Heath to come to Headquarters. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Your obliging letter of the 3d instant afforded me peculiar pleasure, & more especially the close of the postscript, as it furnished me with authority for the removal of prejudices, wherever I found any had been produced against your Excellency, by the idle & foolish expressions of individuals. I am not insensible of the delicate situation you have been in, between the Congress & the Army; &...
Your letter of the 29th ulto I acknowledged the receipt of from Fredericksburgh—since which, another of the 5th instt has been received. The Commissions for Whitaker and McDowell were properly issued; as those also are, mentd in yr letter of the 5th, and it was on my Mind, that blank Commissions signed by me, were left with you for the Officers of the Revenue Cutters; This not being the case,...
I was taken on the road & have been confind by a Cold & inflammatory fever ever since which prevented my going to Balto. I have writen on yesterday to get Notes discounted, (even by shaving if necessary) & shall certainly I expect forward you 400$ before the Assembly rises. I shall lose no time after I get it—altho’ I have been dissapointed in the rect. of Money for Articles sold for Cash at...
Enclosd you will Recieve Certificate from John Gavino Consular Agent for the U S at the port of Gibraltar Counter Signd By Lambert Smyth One of the Inspectors of the Customs of my having Brought to the united States four Seaman Being in distress and as I am Entitled to a Compensation of ten dollars for Each man I have to Request you to Remit the Same to me directing it to the Care of Mr Robt...
It is a long Time Since I have rec d a Line from you, or written you. How go on Affairs on your Side the Water? Are the present Ministers like to hold their Places, or are We to expect more Changes of systems & Agents, before We finish? M r Hartleys disposition is very fair, and if he can follow his own Ideas, We shant be long in settling Accounts I hope. But the Delays the Indecision, the...
[ ] Now after the lapse of a number of years I have again to address a communication to you in the Name and by direction of the Supreme the Divine Author of the Scripture, to inform you that He is still upon the earth with intention of executing His most important Purposes, [relating] to its concerns. And further that I am still the organ of His Will upon the earth for the occasion as was...
You will march with the Detachment of the 4th Regt of Dragoons which are equipped, to Richmond, where you will meet a Detachment from the 3d—when the Detachments join, they are to proceed, as expeditiously as possible, under the Command of the eldest Officer of either Corps, as it may happen, to the Southern Army, and put yourselves under the Orders of Majr Genl Greene. DLC : Papers of George...
Your Excellency’s of the 17th inclosing one to Col. Willet came duely to hand, and the enclosure forwarded. Col: Olney on receipt of my letter of the 17th thought it necessary to see me before Carryg it into execution, he Came down on friday and returned the same fully satisfied as to the points he was doubtfull of; I made some addition to his Instructions, and wrote a letter to the Officer...
I receiv’d your Excellency’s favour of the 4th I presume you must have mistook Major Fleury’s meaning. he has since he arrived acted fully in his department of Engineer, when I proposed any thing he has generally been so polite to approve it. he writes and I presume will acknowledge that his Ideas have been adopted as far as the strength of the Garrison would permit. The enemy since I wrote...
I have recd. yours of the 16th. inclosing the propositions of Mr. Hassler, the Report of the Collector of Philada. and the letter from Mr Irving. The importance of the object, and the peculiar fitness of Mr. Hassler for it, prescribe an acquiescence in his terms. Will it not be better to throw his paper into the form of instructions and explanations accompanying his appointment, than to let it...