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Results 1411-1420 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Though late, I hope I am not among the last of your friends in congratulating you upon your escape from the high and dangerous appointment which your Country (to use the words of Lord Chesterfield ) inflicted upon you during the last eight years of your life.—Methinks I see you renewing your Acquaintance with your philosophical instruments, and with the friends of your Youth in your library —...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 22, 1780 . Requests loan of two thousand arms and as many “Cartouch Boxes” as can be spared. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Your Letter of the 10th instant enclosing a Memorial dated the 9th, never came to my hands until yesterday. I shall transmit both to the Secretary of State, to whom it would have been more regular for you to have applied in the first instance. The proofs will be necessary for his inspection & information (if the matter has not been acted upon by the American Minister at Paris) that he may be...
V. E. Verra par les copies ci-jointes, qu’il ne s’est agi que de rendre à ces Messieurs d’Amsterdam un service, qu’ils me demandoient instam̃ent, & auquel j’ai cru, & devois croire, ne pouvoir honnêtement me soustraire, quand même vous ne m’auriez pas recom̃andé le soin de vos Livres: ce qu’ils ignoroient quand ils m’écrivirent la premiere de ces Lettres. Je viens de recevoir l’honorée vôtre du...
It appears to me but reasonable that an Officer under Major Mcphersons circumstances, acknowledged by no State and belonging to no Corps should be put upon the same footing in respect to his depreciation of pay as the Foreign Officers in our service were. I have the honor to be&c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
In a letter from Dupont de Nemours to me is the following passage. ‘Houdon a laissé en Amerique un trés beau buste de Benjamin Franklin, lequel est actuellement chez moi. ce buste en marbre vaut cent louis de notre monnaie, environ 480. D. rien n’est plus convenable a la nation que de la placer dans votre Capitole &c. et Houdon, a qui la Virginie doit encore mille ecus sur la statue de...
Being longer detained in Albemarle than I expected I did not arrive here untill the last evening, when I received your letters of the 2d. & 5th. and of the 13th. I will attend to what you recommend respecting the republication of observations under the signature Citizen two Nos. have only appeared that have come to my knowledge and these in papers of the first week of the month. The lapse of...
It being understood that the charge of American Agent, which the interests of the United States, seem to require at Guadeloupe, would not be unacceptable to you, the President has been pleased to confer it upon you. It will relate lst: to the Superintendence of our Seamen in the place of your residence, and as far as is practicable and convenient, in the adjacent Colonies & Seas; and 2dly: to...
To The Honble Thomas Gage Dear Sir, Ft Loudoun, 12th Aprl 1758. With a great deal of sincerity I thank you, for the notice you have been pleased to take of Mr Hall. And, if possible, I more sincerely congratulate you upon the promotion you have justly met with, yourself. I wou’d now, altho’ I think modesty will scarcely permit me to ask it, beg the favour of you to mention me to Genl Forbes...
Whereas George Guelph King of Great Britain & Ireland and Elector of Hanover, heretofore entrusted with the exercise of the Kingly office in this government, hath endeavored to pervert the same into a detestable & insupportable tyranny < has kept some colonies without judiciary establmts > < judges dependant > refused judiciary establmts to some without unjust & partial judges dependant...