James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Gales & Seaton, 26 January 1818

From Gales & Seaton

Office of the National Intelligencer
Jan 26. 1818

Honored Sir

Hereto adjoined is a copy of a letter which we have addressed to each Member of both Houses of Congress.1 We consider the work therein suggested, important to the public, but otherwise feel little anxiety for the result. We deem it respectful to trouble you with our views, as, if the work be undertaken, we shall look with confidence to your advice and direction, as to the authorities proper to be consulted, and the sources whence to look for the most correct and authentic materials. With the highest respect, We are your Obt Servants

Gales & Seaton

RC (DLC); enclosure (DLC: Madison Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division). Addressed by Gales & Seaton to JM at Montpelier and franked. Postmarked “Washn. City Jan 25.” RC docketed by JM. For enclosure, see n. 1.

1The enclosure (2 pp.) is a printed circular letter dated 26 Jan. 1818, proposing to embody “in a more durable form the Votes, Proceedings and Debates of Congress” from “the first opening of Congress under the present constitution.”

Index Entries