Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Notes on Personal Finance, [ca. 4 June 1805]

Notes on Personal Finance

[ca. 4 June 1805]

Lemaire. 700
Daugherty. 51 .845
Carpenter 94 .25
Burwell 100 .
Gaines 20 .
Cooper 18 .
Cash. Maine 12. pocket
Webb 50 .50
Colston 400
1434 .595
Draughts. lres
Phila. Taggert. \ 86 .42 Taggert
Roches \ 36 .75 Roches
N.Y. Gelston \ 111 .82 Gelston
Baltim. Killer & Faremans1 \ 230 . Killer & Faremans
464 .99 \ Higginbotham. 100. self + 83.33. Hope say 185
\ Kelly. 50. self. 50. Kendred.
\ Hope.
\ Lilly. for Hope for  Thos. Whitlock. 83 .33
Richard Price 76 .67
David Anderson 60 .
John Peyton 62 .90
himself 181 .915 464 .815
for  Hancock Allen 238 .42
John Peyton 103 .16
John Rogers2 67 .42
John Perry 300 .
his list of debts 289 .17   998 .17
1462 .985
say 1465
Richmond bills 183 .33   185 .
100 . 100 .
1462 .985 1465
  1746 .315 1750
<say 1760.>
Richmd.  100 . 3 300
50 2 100
20 . 29 580
10 . 19 190
5 . 16 80
US. 50 . 6 300
20 . 7 140
10 6 60
500 .
1434 .595
464 .99
1750 .
3649 .585

MS (CSmH); undated, but see below; in TJ’s hand, including check marks; several figures overwritten or altered; on verso of an address sheet directed to TJ as president at Washington.

Checks: TJ probably made these notes in conjunction with the Notes on Personal Finance, 4 June. He made the associated payments on 6 June (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1155-6).

lres: TJ noted payments in letters of 6 June, several of which have not been found (Appendix IV).

1Name of firm interlined in place of “Spear.”

2Entry interlined.

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