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Results 141-150 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your Letter of June 21. on the 29 th the extreem heat of the last week so totally unfitted me for every exertion that I could neither Eat, sleep Read write, or do any thing but labour to Breathe. I took the earliest opportunity to consult dr Rush upon my dear Neices case. what is past, cannot be remidied. his opinion, as to her case is that Bleading would have been the first...
our parson has been praying for you to day that you may be enabled to discharge the high and important Trust committed to you with equal integrity and abilitis as you have heretofore excercised in Negotiations at Foreign courts & embassies abroad, and with equal Benifit & satisfaction to your Country. I have been reading with attention the various addresses to the Pressident & his replies....
I congratulate you and my dear Neice upon the late happy event in your Family. can you really believe that you are a Grandmamma? does not the little fellow feel as if he was really your own. if he does not now, by that time you have lived a year with him, or near you, I question if you will be able to feel a difference. have you been so much occupied by these New cares as not to be able to...
I wrote you from East Chester and inclosed you 90 dollors to pay a Note in mr Frothinghams hands. I have not received a line in acknowledgment of the letter, which makes me a little anxious for its fate. you was so good as to Say you would send me Some salt fish. I should like a couple of kental to treat our good Massachusetts Friends. I will thank you to send it by one of the first vessels,...
I received your obliging favour of Nov br 8 th the day after I last wrote you. I inclose the amount of your account with many thanks for your kindness— The Betsy is arrived with the fish, and if my cook can be taught to dress it, some of our Nothern Friends shall Toast your Health. The state of N Jersey as you observe, most certainly manifested a very marked respect and approbation of the...
I thank you my dear Neice for your last kind Letter. There are no days in the whole year so agreable to me nor any amusements this Country can boast so gratifying to my Heart and mind as those days which bring me Letters from my Dear Friends. In them I always find the law of kindness written, and they solace my mind in the seperation. Could I, you ask, return to my (Rustick) cottage, and view...
I received Your kind and friendly Letter of December 15 and thank You for your sympathetic condolence upon an event severely afflicting to a parent—in this case armed with many a barbed arrow. to infinite Wisdom I bow in humble Submission. may the Chastning hand of providence be duly noticed by me, so that those Children who Survive, may be doubly blessed to their parents The year past is a...
I had no intention that the Fire Brand should sail without my replying to your repeated kind favours; I have been happy in receiving several Letters from You; the intrinsick value of which lead me most pathetically to mourn the loss of those which have failed. The time which I meant to have appropriated in writing to you, was most melancholy employed in attending the sick and I feared dying...
I am indebted to you for two Letters, one which acknowledges the Recipt of the three Bills, and one Yesterday received which bears date Dec br 30th. I thank You sir for all your kind attention to my affairs— I inclose to You a Bill of the amount which You say will be due to You; as I do not like to be in debt, I should like to have all the Bills due to the Capenters all discharged before we...
Mrs Hay call’d upon me a sunday whilst I was gone to meeting to let me know that She expected to Sail in a few days for Newyork. When I saw her before she determined to go out in captain Lyde who will not go till the middle of April, but Captain Cooper is a British Bottom, and on board of him they will not have algerines to fear. I cannot but think She is right. I freely own I should be loth...