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Results 1401-1450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I left Philadelphia the 9 th: inst t: and after passing a few days very pleasantly at Baltimore...
I have rec d your favours of the 3 and 13 th and have opened that to our Son, who has been absent...
Since my last my time has been cheifly occupied, in attending to those services, which were due...
The Spring advances, very rapidly, and all Nature will soon be cloathed in her gayest Robes. The...
I receiv’d your kind Letter of the 15 th yesterday & am glad to find you able to receive so much...
Yours of Novr. 12 is before me. I wish I could write you every day, more than once, for although...
We have had an Escape again: but are arrived safely in Spain. As the Frigate will probably not...
Your favors of the 19 th & 22 d I have rec d. no Vessell at present is up for Phila a. If any one...
It is mortifying to me, to be again obliged to offer an excuse, for not having written more...
Our Supreme Court being in session, has occupied my time so much as to prevent answering your...
A Passage of 28 days, landed me & my fellow Passengers safe on the shore of England— Our desire...
I received your Letter of March 7 th my Dear Mamma and was very happy to find you so far...
I suppose your Ladyship has been in the Twitters, for some Time past, because you have not...
I have a thousand things to tell you and but a few minutes to write. We arrived in this city...
Mr. Greenleaf is about to set off, towards Nantes and from thence to Boston. Last Night, I walked...
It is now a long Time, since I had an Opportunity of writing to you, and I fear you have suffered...
I wrote you a few hasty lines, from Boston the Monday before Commencement, inclosing two...
I am impatient to return but partly on Account of my Son who wishes to Stay at Colledge as long...
I Received yours last Evening. Att the same time that I feel a Joy on the happy recovery of...
You seem to be situated in the Place of greatest Tranquility and Security, of any upon the...
I now enclose you my Brother’s letter of July the 10 th: which I promised to transmit by this...
We beg leave to Trouble you above with duplicate of our last Respectts to you, and as have had...
In receiving the Communication, that the T reaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States...
Mr Brand Hollis presents his compliments to Mrs Adams and desires her acceptance of two medals...
Every Thing here is in as good a Way as I could wish, considering the Temper and Designs of...
By the post on the 9 th instant I intruded a hasty line upon you, upon a reference Tench Coxe had...
Your favours of September 29 and Oct. 21. are before me. I avoided saying any Thing about...
Come home my Sister, that Braintree may have some of its old inhabitants residing in it. Could...
My Pappa enjoins it upon me to keep a journal, or a diary, of the Events that happen to me, and...
I have just heard that Scot is to sail tomorrow. I cannot let a vessel go without a few Lines...
On the 10th. of this Month I had the pleasure of recieving Letters from Hingham dated in...
In your Letter of Dec r 23 d you Say “Faxon wants Money to buy, three Cows and four young...
I have received duly the honor of your letter, and am now to return you thanks for your...
I was not a little Surprized, a few days ago at receiving a Letter from D r Hutchinson as...
Least I should forget it, I acknowledge the receipt of ten Dollars you sent while I was at...
In my letter of the 27 th. of last Dec r: I took the liberty thrô you to recommend my friend...
I am so sensible of the Difficulty of conveying Letters safe, to you, that I am afraid to write,...
There is a class of men in this country, possessing some public confidence, but entirely...
This days Post brought me yours of 17th. inst. and Miss Nabbys obliging Favour of the 16. This...
This Letter will be conveyed to you by Sir James Jay and Mr. Digges. Sir James is a Brother of...
I recieved your letter dear Madam and should have answer’d it had not the illness of the two...
Mr. Thaxter is arrived with the Definitive Treaty and I have the pleasure of receiving a number...
We are anxiously expecting, by the arrival of every post, to hear of your safety and health. I...
The last Letter I wrote you should have gone by the Galen, but from being postponed to the last...
I have a great Deal of Leisure, which I chiefly employ in Scribbling, that my Mind may not stand...
Yesterday, I received two Letters from you from the 7th. to the 14. of April. I believe I have...
I thank you, my dear Madam, for your obliging fav r. of 5 th. instant, and for the interest you...
Your Favour of June 17. arrived this Day and gave me, all the tender and melancholly Feelings of...
I have concluded, to mount my Horse, tomorrow Morning at four, and ride to Wells to hear my old...
A few days ago, I received your favour of 30. December of the last year; after a long interval...