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Results 1401-1450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have taken the liberty to transmit to you by mail, a copy of a pamphlet entitled " The...
I have most sincerely and humbly to beg pardon for my presumption in the liberty I now take. From...
Mr Van Buren is reported to contemplate a visit to Richmond, where he will, of course, see you....
I was happy to hear by Paul last night, that you had arrived with Mrs Madison, and that your...
My situation requires that I should do something more than I am doing for the benefit of my...
Divn. of powers to weaken each br. & to balance the whole [ ] Hence Leg. Ex. & Judy. The 2...
The plan proposed by the gentleman from Northampton, freed as it has been from one of its...
Yours of Augst. 21. came duly to hand, but I have delayed troubling you with the answer, till you...
I have the pleasure to introduce to you the bearer Mr Ogg of this City, who visits Richmond for...
Agreeably to my promise, I herewith enclose two bundles containing a breif and a Condensed Sketch...
At the place & in the circle where I accidentally am, a strong inclination prevails that Mr...
Your letter, directed to me at Baltimore was duly received, as well as that it referred to,...
The youth John Chapman nearly related to our family, having become a Student of the University,...
I recd. yours of the 10th. with a full sense of your kindness in taking so much interest in my...
This will be handed to you by a particular young friend of mine Mr Robert. W. Scott a resident of...
I beg your forgiveness for the liberty I have taken of introducing to your acquaintance Mr Robs W...
J. Madison presents his friendly respects to Col. McKenney and thanks him for the interesting...
I am anxious to know the state of your health, & whether it is such, as will enable you to attend...
I recd. on the evening of friday your two letters of Augst. 30. & Sepr 1. with the Copy of the...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of Augst. 27 and thank you for the little pamphlet containing Mr....
The Bearer of this introductory note Mr William Emmons is an only Brother of Doct. Richard Emmons...
Allow me to offer for your acceptance a pamphlet containing the proceedings of a board recently...
The compound Govt. of U. S is without a model, and to be explained by itself; not by similitudes...
It is my intention some day or other to take up seriously the politics of this country. If a...
Anti Tariff Resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Virginia. At the Session of 1825.6. "1. Be...
I have duly received your communication notifying the honorary membership conferred on me by the...
I take the liberty of transmitting by mail, a copy of Mr. Jeffersons letters, on the subject of...
Your esteemed favor of the 17th instant was received yesterday morning. I thank you, sir, for the...
I have not heard from you since I was at your house. I should be glad to know for certain whether...
I have duly recd. your favour making known the accomodations in your House for members of the...
I have delayed sending you a copy of the proceedings of the Visitors at their last meeting, much...
J.M. recd. some time since the pamphlet politely forwarded to him by Mr. Lewis; but has been...
I have recd. yours of the 11th. inst: It was certainly not necessary to satisfy me that your...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Sergeant, with many thanks for the copy of his discourse...
Your letter of July 23. was duly recd. but at a time when I was under an indisposition, remains...
I have just received the enclosed letter from Mr. Morris, & as it relates altogether to the...
Your favor from Baltimore of May 16, was duly recd. In consequence of your friendly dispositions...
Your letter of the 5th found me under a return of indisposition which has not yet left me. To...
Mr & Mrs. M. have duly recd. Govr. Giles polite & kind invitation to make a part of his family...
Mrs Stanard’s respectful compliments to Mr Madison, and begs leave to inform him that she has...
I have the pleasure of informing you that you have been elected an Honorary Member of the...
I understand that you have been elected a Member of the Virginia Convention which is to meet in...
In presuming to address you I must plead that feeling for my Father which impells me to assure...
Permit me to assure you, I was very much gratified, that your District had honored the state so...
May I take the liberty to ask that you will be so good as to read the enclosed pamphlet, and to...
Annexed I send for your approval my check on the President & Directors of the Literary Fund, for...
As malignant feelings excited at elections disturb the harmony of Society, & as Bank Directors...
At the last fall term of the [F. B] Court I obtained Judgment against Bell & Tapscotts Exr in...
Waggons with six Hhds. of Tobo. set out this morning and will be in Richd. soon after this...
I learn from Dr. Dunglison, that you left the University, before a letter I wrote a few days ago...