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Results 13961-14010 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
J’ai reçu la lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré, Messieurs, en date du 26 de Mai, le 4 du mois courrant. Mes premiers soins ont été consacrés à faire soigner la traduction françoise du Traité annexe en langue angloise, et de la faire passer à ma Cour. Le Roi apprendra certainement avec beaucoup de satisfaction que la négociation qui a été confiée à nos soins communs, est avancée au point qu’il...
AD and copy : National Archives David Hartley met with the American commissioners on September 16 for what would be the last time. The purpose of his visit was to inform them of his recall and to reassure them that the British government remained eager to establish friendly trade relations. He left with the commissioners the present memorandum—passages excerpted from two letters he had...
In Consequence of Your desire, I Have Endeavoured to Collect informations, Relative to the presents which the African Powers Usually Receive from European Nations. By the inclosed Summary, You will get Every intelligences I Could obtain of what Has been done By Holland, Sweden, danmark, Venise, Spain, Portugal, and England. The Returns N õs 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, are Minuted Accounts of the...
Le projet du Traité, que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’adresser dans le mois de Decembre dernier, et que vous avés proposé à Son Altesse Royale Msgr. L’Archiduc Grand Duc de Toscane mon Maitre etoit trop conforme à Ses principes pourqu’il ne fût pas agrée. Ce Prince, après L’avoir pris en consideration est venu dans la determination d’y adherer, et c’est par son ordre, que j’ai L’honneur de...
I am at present waiting for a fair wind to embark for Ceuta to avoid the quaranteen in Spain, and I embrace the Delay occasion’d by the Strong Easterly Winds that have prevail’d for Sometime, to reply to the Queries with which you honour’d me at parting.— You put them respecting the Barbary States generally but as my business has been with the Emperor of Morocco only, I Shall confine myself to...
Je n’ai point différé de porter à la connoissance du Roi mon Maître les dispositions des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique pour la conclusion d’un Traité d’Amitié et de Commerce, que Vous m’avez fait connoître, Messieurs, par la lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré en date du 9. de Septembre dernier. Sa Majesté ayant jugé à propos de me munir des Pleinpouvoirs requis pour donner au dit Traité toute la...
After maney little Disapointments, I arrived at Algiers the 25th March and within the term of three or four Days I found that the whole amount of the money in my hands belonging to the publick would not purchas the people who are the unfortunate in consequence of which I Dispatchd Mr. Randall so that your Excellencyes might have the earlyest notice of our matter in that Quarter: in a short...
The day before yesterday Mr. Carmichael received letters from Algiers, from Mr. Lamb dated the 29th. of last month, and from Mr. Randal the 26th. which I think a wrong date with a postscript from on Board a Vessel in the Bay of Alicant of the 1st. Inst. after a Passage of 26 Hours. He Cannot Come on Shore without a permission from Court to shorten his Quarantine, which Mr. Carmichael has...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives; press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society The instructions that follow established a new diplomatic commission to negotiate and sign a total of twenty treaties of amity and commerce with European and North African powers. Their creation was a long and contentious process. On October 29, 1783, Congress authorized the peace...
LS and copy: National Archives; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society ⟨Paris, November 24, 1784: I transmitted copies of the two letters you sent me to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and am authorized to assure you of our ministers’ readiness to consider any proposals that will establish a system of mutual and permanent advantage to our two...
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨The Hague, February 11, 1785, in French: The letter that you wrote to me in January, without indication of a specific date, reached me a few days ago. I transmitted to the king the offer to establish the ports of Emden and Stettin as free ports, and I await His Majesty’s orders, which I will hasten to make known to you. You will have received by now the...
Les Ordres du Roi dont je me trouve actuellement muni, me mettent à même de répondre plus amplement à la lettre dont Vous m’avez. honoré, Messieurs, en dernier lieu, et dont je Vous ai accusé l’entrée par la mienne du 11. Fevrier. Sa Majesté Se persuade que l’établissement d’un ou de deux ports francs seroit absolument inutile, d’après la réflexion très juste que Messieurs les...
In Consequence of Your desire, I Have Endeavoured to Collect informations Relative to the presents which the African powers Usually Receive from European Nations. By the inclosed Summary, You will get Every intelligences I Could obtain of what Has been done by Holland, Sweden, danemark, Venise, Spain, Portugal, and England. The Returns Nos. 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, are Minuted Accounts of the...
In obedience to the order of the Committee of the States, I have the honor to send you copies of the papers relating to the brig L’Amiable Elizabeth a french vessel that was deserted by her Crew at Sea and was boarded and taken up by Citizens of the United States and carried into St. Johns in Newfoundland, where she was seized by a public Officer and her cargo disposed of; that you may require...
LS , translation, and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, [September 27, 1784], in Spanish: I received your letter of the 22nd by the hand of Mr. Humphreys, in which you communicate the intention of the United States of America to establish with his Catholic Majesty an agreement that may be advantageous to the two nations. Certainly such principles as communicated in your letter will be pleasing...
Whereas Instructions bearing date the 29 th. day of October 1783 were sent to the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of America at the Court of Versailles empowered to Negotiate A Peace or to any one or more of them for concerting Draughts or Propositions for Treaties of Amity and Commerce with the Commercial Powers of Europe Resolved That it will be advantageous to these United...
By the bearer Colonel Franks I do myself the honor to Send you in a Small Box the following articles. 1 st: A Book containing the original Treaty in Arabic between the Emperor of Morocco and the United States.— 2. Three translations of the Treaty in English, to each of which is added a translation of a Declaration made by Tahar Fennish by order of His Majesty in addition & explanation of the...
On the 4 th of December last M r Lamb delivered me the Letter which your Excellencies did me the honor to address me dated from London the 1 st. & from Paris the 11 th of October. At the Same time that Gentleman communicated to me his Instructions & I all the Intelligence I had been able to procure relative to the negociation between this Country & the Regency of Algiers. The C t. D Expilly...
I am at present waiting for a fair wind to embark for Ceuta to avoid the quaranteen in Spain, and I embrace the Delay occasion’d by the Strong Easterly Winds that have prevail’d for some time, to reply to the Queries with which you honour’d me at parting. You put them respecting the Barbary States generally but as my business has been with the Emperor of Morocco only, I shall confine myself to...
I transmitted without loss of time to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Copies of the two Letters which you had done me the honor of addressing to me; and am in consequence authorized to assure you, on the part of His Majesty’s Ministers, of their readiness to take into consideration any proposals coming from the United States that can tend to the...
J’ai rendu compte à ma Cour de l’ouverture contenue dans La Lettre que Vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. de Septembre dernier. Sa Sainteté faisant non moins attention à la convenance de Votre proposition, qu’ayant égard à ce que les prérogatives des Catholiques Romains habitans et Sujets des Etats Unis d’Amerique, y sont constamment conservées, m’ordonne de Vous déclarer que tous...
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, December 15, 1784, in French: I communicated to my court the overture contained in your letter of September 22. His Holiness orders me to tell you that all vessels flying the flag of the United States of America will be welcomed in the ports of Civitavecchia, on the Mediterranean, and Ancona, on the Adriatic, with the reciprocal understanding that ships...
I arrived here after an agreeable Passage of Five days and was very well received by the Governor, & by the People who seem pleased to see Persons from a Country at so great a distance come to compliment their Sovereign; As the Governor had no orders concerning our going forward, I was obliged to send a Courier to Morocco to demand that Permission, and at the same time wrote to M r. Chiappi of...
Ayant donné connoissance dans son tems à ma Cour de la lettre, que vous m’avez, Messieurs, fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. 7bre de l’année passée, pour me notifier que Vous étiez autorisés par les Etats Unis d’Amerique de traiter avec Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne relativement à des Etablissements de commerce entre les deux Nations, j’aurai celui de vous dire, que le Roi verra avec grand...
Les Ordres du Roi dont je me trouve actuellement muni, me mettent à même de répondre plus amplement à la lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré, Messieurs, en dernier lieu, et dont je Vous ai accusé l’entrée par la mienne du 11. Février. Sa Majesté Se persuade que l’établissement d’un ou de deux ports francs seroit absolument inutile, d’après la réflexion très juste que Messieurs les Plénipotentiares...
On the 7 May 1784 Congress was pleased to Resolve “That Treaties of amity and Commerce be entered into with Morocco, and the Regencies of Algiers Tunis and Tripoly, to continue for the Term of ten Years or for a Term as much longer as can be procured.” They also resolved “That their Ministers to be commissioned for treating with foreign nations, make known to the Emperor of Morrocco the great...
J’ai reçu la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire avec le Plan de Traité que les Etats Unis de l’Amerique Septentrional proposent a la Reyne ma Souvraine, le quel je fis passer à la Cour de Lisbonne. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec une tres parfaite consideration Messieurs Votre très humble & tres obeissant Serviteur, RC ( DNA : PCC , No. 86); in a clerk’s hand, signed by De Souza;...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have the honor of forwarding three comm[issions] which were not prepared in time to go by Mr Jefferson, [and] a duplicate of the instructions he carried with him. I [also] enclose a copy of the Journal of the last session of Congress as far as printed and a news paper containing the Ordinance for putting the treasury into commission and an act...
Je n’ai point différé de porter à la connoissance du Roi mon Maître les dispositions des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique pour la conclusion d’un Traité d’Amitié et de Commerce, que Vous m’avez fait connoître, Messieurs, par la lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré en date du 9. de Septembre Dernier. Sa Majesté ayant jugé à propos de me munir des Pleinpouvoirs requis pour donner au dit Traité toute la...
Barcelona, 17 Feb. 1786 . Randall would have paid the highest respect to the injunction of writing by every safe opportunity, but such information as he could have sent hitherto “would have been only a reiteration of Mr. Carmichaels Letters” : Mr. Lamb does not write at present and has not directed Randall to do so, but he feels it his duty to “manifest an early Disposition of complying in...
Since my Arrival here from Carthagena I have been in constant Expectation of a secure Opportunity for forwarding the inclosed, being nearly the Copy of a Letter I wrote to my Father shortly after my landing in Spain. It contains all the Observations I have been enabled to make by Reason of the Obstacles which (in my Situation at Algiers) prevented particular Enquiry. Indeed I had not the most...
Finding my self unable to Imbark and Desiring to have my Decleration forwarded as soon as possible according to your Excellency orders; have sent the vessel to give the earlyst notice. She sailed the nineth of this Curt. with Every Transaction, together with my last orders from Your Excellencys. The vessel is insured and Doth not sail at publick expence. I should be glad if I could here if Mr....
J’ai recu la Lettre dont Vous m’avéz honoré le 22. d.c. et je n’ai pas manqué suivant vos desirs de la faire passer à ma Cour. Aussitot que j’aurai sa reponse, je me ferai un devoir de Vous la porter. J’ai l honneur d’etre avec un profond respect Messieurs Votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur, Chargé des affaires de la Cour de Saxe RC ( DNA : PCC , No. 86); without date, which has...
Count Montauto Governor of this City has informed me of the Commissioners having made propositions to the Court of Tuscany respecting a Treaty of Commerce between this Country and America. The Governor requests me to inform the Commissioners, that he has lately received instructions from the Grand Duke relative thereto, which leaves him no doubt but a commercial Treaty may be formed to the...
I wrote you from Morocco under date of the 16th. As I do not know when that Letter is likely to reach you, I trouble you now with a Copy of it, and as I shall set out in a few days for Tangiers, I defer until my arrival in Europe being particular. I am Gentlemen, Your most obedt. humble servt., RC ( DLC ); in Franks’ hand, signed and addressed to TJ at Paris in Barclay’s hand. Tr ( DNA : PCC ,...
I wrote you the 26th. of last Month and expected to have followed my Letter in a week, but several unforeseen Matters have hitherto detained us; however I expect we shall set out tomorrow or the day following. The 13th. Instt. the Treaty was sent to me by the Effendi, since which some important Alterations have been made, which the Villainy and carelessness of the Talbe Houdrani (to whom the...
ALS : National Archives; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania In obedience to the order of the Committee of the States, I have the honor to send you copies of the papers relating to the brig L’Amiable Elizabeth a french vessel that was deserted by her Crew at Sea and was boarded and taken up by citizens of the United States and carried into St Johns in Newfoundland, where she was seized by...
I have the honor of forwarding three comm[issions] which were not prepared in time to go by Mr. Jefferson, [and] a duplicate of the instructions he carried with him. I [also] enclose a copy of the Journal of the last session of Congr[ess] as far as printed and a news paper containing the ord[i]nance for putting the treasury into commission and an act defining the powers of the committee of the...
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, December 22, 1784, in French: I received your letter and the plan of a treaty it enclosed, which I will forward to the court at Lisbon. ⟩ Published in Jefferson Papers, VII , 580. The commissioners’ letter was dated Nov. 30 (above). The Portuguese court returned no answer until the fall of 1785, when it was prodded again by Sousa, himself responding to a...
I arrived here today and shall Continue my Journey to Tangiers Early in the morning. The Plague being at Constantina occasions a Rigorous Quaranteen of 40 days (from Barbary) in Spain.—I shall therefore Endeavor to get into Ceuta which being in the hands of the Spaniards is an Exception to the above remark and I think the Quaranteen from thence is only twelve days. The Treaty shall be...
Antes de ayer recibí la carta de Vuestras Señorías del 22 por mano del Sr. Humphreys, Secretario de la comissión, en la qual me comunican la intentión de los Estados Unidos de America de establecer con le Rey Católico una correspondencia conveniente a los dos Dominios, y fundada en los principios de igualdad, reciprocidad, y amistad, que mutuamente sea ventajosa a las dos Naciones. Que para...
Since I wrote to you from hence the 6th. of last month I have been much aflicted with the Rheumatism in my loins which confin’d me to my bed with pains great beyond Discription. I am now free of them, and shall leave this place in a few Days. Upon further reflection, I thought it best not to abandon the Idea of meeting Mr. Lamb, and therefore I wrote to him at Port Mahon that I wou’d go to...
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, January 22, 1785, in French: I gave the king your letter of September 27, 1784, offering to conclude a treaty of amity and commerce. He has authorized me to assure you that nothing would give him greater pleasure. His Majesty has lately opened and established a free port at Messina in Sicily, open to all nations, as the enclosed edict will show. Moreover,...
ALS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, November 16, 1784, in French: I sent to my court your letter of September 30. Your invitation was very agreeable to His Royal Highness, and he will receive with pleasure the communication of proposals.⟩ Published in Jefferson Papers, VII , 533, and, with an English translation, in Adams Papers, XVI , 430.
Since my Arrival here from Carthagena I have been in constant Expectation of a secure Opportunity for forwarding the enclosed, being nearly the Copy of a Letter I wrote to my Father shortly after my landing in Spain. It contains all the Observations I have been enabled to make by Reason of the Obstacles which (in my Situation at Algiers) prevented particular Enquiry. Indeed I had not the most...
La lettre dont Vous m’avez honoré, Messieurs, en date du 10 de Novembre ne m’est parvenue que le 26 du même mois, par la voye d’un courier Hollandois. J’ai transmis au Roi une traduction françoise du Projet d’un Traité de Commerce à conclure pour l’avantage réciproque des Sujets de Sa Majesté et des Citoyens des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique, auquel les instructions récentes du Congrès Vous ont...
I arrived here today, and shall Continue My Journey to Tangiers Early in the Morning,— The Plague being at Constantina occasions a Rigorous Quarranteen of 40 Days (from Barbary) in Spain— I shall therefore Endeavor to Get into Ceuta, which being in the hands of the Spaniards is an Exception to the Above remark, and I think the Quarranteen from thence is only [ ten ] Twelve Days— The Treaty...
In pursuance of the orders of the Com ee of the States I have the honor to transmit to you the Copy of a letter signed T. Gilfillan dated London the 19 feb y 1784 with the copy of an inspection roll of Negroes taken on board certain vessels at Anchor near Staten Island on the 30 Nov r 1783. to be made use of in any negotiations you may have with the Court of Great Britain agreeably to the...
Ayant donné connoissance dans son tems à ma Cour de la lettre, que vous m’avez, Messieurs, fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. 7.bre de l’année passée, pour me notifier que Vous étiez autorisés par les Etats Unis d’Amerique de traiter avec Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne relativement à des Etablissements de commerces entre les deux Nations, j’aurai celui de vous dire, que le Roi verra avec grand...
After many little disappointments I arrived at Algiers the 25 th. March and within the Term of three or four Days I found that the whole Amount of the Money in my Hand belonging to the public would not purchase the People who are the unfortunate in Consequence of which I despatched m r. Randall so that your Excellencies might have the earliest Notice of our matters in that quarter: in a short...