Adams Papers

Sarah Manning Vaughan to Abigail Adams, 22 September 1804

Sarah Manning Vaughan to Abigail Adams

Hallowell Septr: 22d: 1804

My dear Madam,

Permit me to introduce to your friendly notice our eldest Son & daughter who mean to stay a short time in Boston, and are desirous of paying their respects to you & Mr. Adams—1 I flatter myself they are virtuous & amiable & that you will not be displeased with them, they have had but few advantages of education beyond what they could find at home. They will not I fear notwithstanding their partiality to Kennebec induce you & Mr. Adams to pay us a visit though it would give us great pleasure to see you

Mr. V— says that the country is much less remarkable at present for its lumber, than for its soil, its farms & its orchards & that Europeans & Americans are equally struck as they pass through it— He desires to unite with me in respectful remembrances to yourself & Mr. Adams—

I remain Dear Madam, / your respectful hum Servt.

Sarah Vaughan

RC (Adams Papers).

1Vaughan’s eldest children were Harriet and William Oliver Vaughan (vol. 14:247–248).

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