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Results 13861-13890 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am obliged to borrow a hand to thank you for your favour of March 11th. and for introducing to me, Mr Binon—whom I find to be a Gentleman of Sense and Letters—as well as Taste and skill—in all the fine Arts—He has been an agreeable Companion—and we have been fortunate enough to procure the best Accommodations Accommodations for him— Excuse me for I can barely write the name of your Friend,...
M r Bankhead feels a delicacy in mentioning to you the subject on which M r Lighfoot has writen to us & I am very sorry to be obliged to give you the trouble of reading his letter . but he has always been so kind & attentive to me that I should like to perform his requests as far as it is in my power and conclude that the best way that I can serve him is by sending his letter to speak for...
I have for sometime past thought of writing to thee and now take the liberty to take up a little of thy attention to a subject that has interested me. The crouded situation of the Chinese and the plenty of room we have in this favoured land of America . Might not the Tea plant be cultivated to advantage in the Southern or Western States. I have understood that it now grows wild in the fields...
That I may prove to you and my Dear Mrs Adams, the high estimation of the value I attach to the picture you have confided to my care—I sent immediately for a blacksmith, and had an Iron fender made to go round the lower part, as a protection from the careless brush, of the House maid, or the incautious foot of those who might otherwise wish to come too near it—The room is every day aird, and...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to mr Baker , and asks the favor of him to send him a kental of good dumb fish and ½ doz. kegs of tongues and sounds, for which mr Gibson will be so kind as to make payment as before . the bearer mr Gilmore will bring them safely & immediately.
You will find enclosed a subscription paper which was put into my hands some time last Fall; As an appology for not returning it at an earlier day I must observe that I have detained it in the expectation of encreasing the amount. You will find the Names of M r Page & M r Skipwith erased in consequence of their having recieved subscription s papers. My affectionate regards to M rs Randolph ....
I have been recently informed that you have prepared for the press, a new and improved edition of your “Notes on Virginia .” This work s has always been in demand, and a correct edition would particularly command public attention. As I am yet young in the trade of publishing and selling books, the publication of this work would be of importance to me, and the more so, if I could obtain the...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Cap t Oldham and asks the favor of him to select for him 4. good mortise doorlocks, of brass & plain for doors 1 ⅜ & 1 16 thick, that is to say 1 ½ I. wanting 1 16 mr Gibson will be so kind as usual to pay for them, and the bearer mr Gilmore
According to your request, I return the plat, which you had the goodness to send me with many thanks.—Your letter of 6th. Feby. had remained unanswered, not only from the pressure of public business, but from an inability to answer specifically in the name of all Mr. Johnson’s heirs—His affairs were left at his decease in 1802 in a state of great embarrassment, chiefly owing to a suit in...
It has been much longer since I wrote to you than I intended. The opportunities by which I have sent letters to dear Susan have been unexpected and sometimes I have scarcely had time to write to her; and I know that she would always inform you and my other friends of my situation. I wrote to her the other day by a vessel going to the rock of Gibralter. My health has very much improved...
I take the liberty of forwarding to you for acceptance the 3 d of a sett of Exchange dated Leghorn November 11th 1817 @ 10 dsst for Six hundred and thirty five & 48 100 Dollars, drawn by Sig r Fancelli upon yourself in favour of Thomas Appleton Esq. and endorsed by him & myself, likewise, letter of advise received with same. Should the bill meet acceptance, I have to request of you to hold the...
I was favor’d this morning with your esteem d letter of the 20th: current & observe contents—    M r Johnston come down himself last friday & took your Wine from M r Gibson s on Saturday on board his Boat, I fear tho’ from the great rise in the River that it will be a considerable time before it reaches you.   I will attend to your instructions for the future on the subject of forwarding...
“Delightful praise, like summer rose, That brighter in the dew-drop glows.” They were sweet drops which flowed from the heart to the eyes both of your grandfather and grandmother, when I read to him the two letters you had transcribed to your uncle and to your father, in commendation of your brother. You could not have offered a sweeter incense to your grandfather; and flowing from the pen of...
Your two last Letters have come safely to hand and I am much pleased at your steadiness and punctuality in writing—I suppose that John’s approaching wedding takes so much of his time in necessary preparation, that he has not been able to pay due attention to his correspondents—Give my Love to him however and tell him I hope he is going to give me a dutiful and amiable Daughter who will make up...
I noticed with great disappointment in the Letters you honored me with the 12 of last month, that you had not then received the Letter which I had the pleasure to write to you at the same time that I sent you the address, which you received with so much kindness and indulgence. I could not help however feeling grateful for the Neglect of some of the Post Offices since it was the cause that...
I hope you will pardon my delay in answering your last letter, and ascribe it to any other cause than intentional neglect. I regret that my anticipation of the subscriptions in this County to the Central College of Va. has so far been realized: but I must in candor say that I have not had it in my power to apply to many Gentlemen on the subject. Perhaps I may yet be more successful. I have it...
I take the liberty of annexing a statement of your Account with the Mutual Assurance Society , And request that you will remit to me the amount thereof, by draft or otherwise, as early as may be convenient.— James Rawlings P Ag t M A Sy RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 2 Apr. 1818 and so recorded in SJL ; with MS of enclosure subjoined. RC (
Thomas Jefferson Esq r To The Mutual Assurance Society &c    D r To  Quotas of the years 1814. 1815 1816. 1817 & 1818 on Buildings in Albemarle Insured by Declaration N o 389 . $12 84 100 ea y r
A M. Jullien , one of the literati of France proposes to write the history of Gen l Kosciuzko , and requests me to obtain for him the materials for that part of it which he passed in the service of the US. of this I know nothing myself, for I believe I hardly knew Kosciuzko personally during the revolutionary war. our intimacy began on his last visit to America . I imagine you knew more of him...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 16 th and am thankful for your attention to my wants. I saw William Johnson the evening before his boat started last. he told me that he should not go down himself, but that his brother would, and he would be answerable for every thing trusted to him as if to himself. I was on horseback and at the river side, so could not give him a written order, but...
I received a note from M r Colclaser late this evening, giving me the first information of your intention to go to Bedford tomorrow morning, and expressing great apprehension that the extensive repairs which must unavoidably be done to the Mill will be deferr’d so late as to interfere very materially with the interest of the Tenant— It is all important that the Mill should be prepared to grind...
A few days before I recieved your favor of the 16 th I had recieved one from a friend in Massachusets , shewing their sensibility on the imputed claim of our having given the ‘first impulse to the ball of the revolution.’ I cannot better answer your letter than by sending you an extract from the answer I gave to that , which I now do. it does not however appear to me that this question is...
Whereas by the 8th section of an Act of the General Assembly, passed the 21st day of February, 1818, entitled “An Act appropriating part of the revenue of the Literary Fund and for other purposes,” the Executive are required to appoint twenty-four discreet and intelligent persons, who shall constitute a Board of Commissioners to aid the Legislature in ascertaining a permanent scite [ sic ] for...
I inclose this letter to Mr. Jefferson both because it is an injustice to Ticknor to deliver even a message from him in any other words than his own, and because I am sure it will give him pleasure to hear young Terril thus spoken of by such a man. In the ‘ darkness visible ’ of Richmond , it is a happiness, a privilege, to be illuminated by the radiance of such a mind. If the enemies of...
I received your Letter of March 2d which has increased my anxiety to hear again from you, for a series of misfortunes Seem to have clustered around you. pray inform me how mrs Frye her Husband and Children are? I scarcly expect to hear the last are living. what a Scene you had to pass through? I do not wonder you were Sick—That Erysipelas which has Several times troubled you, is a very...
At a late Meeting of the President & directors of the Steam boat Company I discovered your Stock had never been delivered but was in possession of the Secretary who delivered it to me and I now Send it under Cover five Shares; five perCent was the dividend for the last Six Months up to 1st Jany last is at Your Credit on the books. I am with much respect. Your mo Ob St RC and enclosure ( DLC )....
I acknowledge I have been remiss, in not writing but was betrayed in to the omission, by peculiar circumstances, which will I hope remove every impression of intentional delay. Yours, of Aug st never came to hand, for after, I was informed by Co lo Randlph that you had made such a proposition, I went repeatedly to the P. Ofice and made the strictest enquries. Soon after I took the lease from...
In behalf of a numerous body of Citizens of Boston, we request your consent, to set for a Bust , in Marble, to be executed by an eminent Artist, now resident in that Town, to be placed in Faneuil Hall.— In soliciting your assent, to this tribute of our high Respect & Veneration, we are particularly influenced, by a desire of transmitting to our Children, the Features of the Man, whose...
In behalf of a numerous body of Citizens of Boston, we request your consent; to set for a Bust , in Marble, to be executed by an eminent Artist, now resident in that Town, to be placed in Faneuil Hall.— In soliciting your assent, to this tribute of our high Respect & Veneration, we are particularly influenced by a desire of transmitting to our Children, the Features of the Man, whose patriotic...
I was then once more honoured with your affectionate favour of the 27th favour—from which I receive a fresh proof, that you do justice to my feelings, and perceive, how highly I value Such distinguished marks of your attention. I regard these indeed as one of the great blessings, which a kind Providence bestows on my chequered life, and for which I can never be too ardently thankful, could I...