James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Andrew Allen Jr., 15 November 1805 (Abstract)

To Andrew Allen Jr., 15 November 1805 (Abstract)

§ To Andrew Allen Jr. 15 November 1805, Department of State. “I have this day written to the Collector of the Customs at Boston to pay what he may deem reasonable for the passage of the American Seamen from Halifax to Boston as mentioned in your letter of the 28th. ultimo to the Secretary of the Treasury.”1

Letterbook copy (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 15). 1 p.

1For Allen’s letter to Albert Gallatin, see Gallatin to JM, 11 Nov. 1805, and n. 1. In his 15 Nov. 1805 letter to Benjamin Lincoln, JM stated: “I request you to be pleased to pay what you may deem reasonable for the passage of the American seamen from Halifax to Boston as mentioned in the enclosed document, taking a receipt from the British Captain or his Attorney for the same, and on transmitting it to this Department, you will be reimbursed the expence” (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 15; 1 p.).

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