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Results 1381-1390 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I recev’d Your Letter of the 28th Ult. and am very sorry at the cause of Your uneasiness from the Conduct of Yr Officers Sent to recruit; and chearfully approve your resolution to Convince them, that there is more, or at least ought to be, in an Officer than that of the Name, which Some of them Seem to acquiesce in, without assuming the Conduct or Activity which is absolutely necessary to...
By Captn Hog’s orders I came down here for Money to pay for Provisions Contracted for. I now return to Fort Dinwiddie with it, from which I hope you’ll be so good as to give orders for my being soon releas’d, that I may Join the Troop in which (I learn) you have been pleas’d to promise me an Appointment, the requesting this favour will I hope be the more readily forgiven as it proceeds from...
I have ordered all the Cattle that are fit for Slaughter to Fort Cumberland in two droves have bargained for wintering some and stall feeding some. Colo. Stephen has agreed with Lord Fairfax for ten. The other weak ones I have instructed Mr Andrew Shepherd to bargain in my behalf for the Wintering. I have offered fifteen Shilling Per hundred for Pork Delivered at Fort Cumberland and cannot...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of Nov. 25. and take this first Opportunity of acquainting you, that an Act is past granting £60,000 chiefly for the Defence of the Province, and is to be dispos’d of for that purpose by 7 Persons, viz. I. Norris, Ja. Hamilton, J. Mifflin, Jos. Fox, Evan Morgan, Jno. Hughes, and your old Friend. We meet every Day, Sundays not...
I have sent the Bearer Captain John Mercer (who has accompts to settle with the Committee) to the Treasurer for the balance of that ten thousand pounds; and to acquaint your Honour, that meeting with Letters at Fredericksburgh, as I returned from Williamsburgh; informing me that all was peaceable above, and that nothing was so immediately wanting as Salt. I got what I could at that place, and...
The Bearer, Captain John Mercer, having leave to go down and Settle his accompts with the Committee; is ordered to call upon you for the balance of the ten thousand pounds, which I believe we shall want before another opportunity may offer; this being the time when our Demands for money are greatest. When I left Williamsburgh, I intended to proceed to Winchester; but meeting with Letters at...
As a quantity of Salt is wanted at Fort Cumberland for curing the provisions, you must endeavour to purchase it upon the best terms you can; and I shall fulfil any contract you may enter into. What I have engaged here has been at 2s. per bushel. You may procure six or eight hundred bushels at that rate, and see that they are forwarded to Winchester as expeditiously as possible: in order to do...
I sent to the Fort for a Return of the Troop, and was informd that it was included in the General Return, which was regularly Transmitted You; however if you choose to have a seperate Return of the Troop including the small Detachmt at the Grass Guard, You’ll Please singifie it by Mr Boyd’s return hither, and I shall be particularly carefull in having it done exactly to your Orders. As Colo....
I have answerd the Contents of your acct to Mr Carlyle, who told me he had lodgd money in your ha⟨nds⟩ to discharge it. Mr Richard Washington has orders to call upon you for the small ball[anc]e in my favr £6.18s.1d. as per yr acct which please to pay & oblige Yr most Hble Servt LB , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . This letter to Bacon, and the one following addressed to Richard Washington, as printed...
Inclosd is a Bill of Laden for 3 hhds Tobo Shipd on board the Captn Merrie for London, which I beg the favour of you to make the most off in the Sale. I ought first Sir, to have apologizd for the abrupt manner in which I begin this corrispondance; but I hope to obtain an excuse when I say, I was induced to this by the good opinion I have conceivd of your merit—from the reports of Colo. Fairfax...